Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding what you've said in your previous 2 posts:
While I don't know the mind of God fully
God did give humans the ability to fully understand him
So, you have the ability, but just aren't using it? ???
And I don't understand this:
But, if you do not accept that he really exists, that he is the creator, that he can use his spirit to influence people, or that he has people on earth who do know and understand him - as apposed to just dellusional, misguided ones, then how do you suppose God can help you "see" he is real?
Let me restate this, to make sure I understand:
Are you saying that I have to "accept" that God exists, despite the logical inconsistencies that I (and others) have pointed out, and only then, will he reveal himself?
I don't get it - God gives man logical, rational thinking ability, enabling him to determine that which is real vs. that which is not, that which is true vs. that which is not - but then expects us to push that to one side and just "accept" him as real, before he starts giving us evidence?
What's the point of that?
I'm sure I'm missing something here, but I'm not sure what.