More thoughts on Satan the Devil

by lovelylil 82 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82
    sir82's called humility...


    "Humility" = "not allowed to ask sincere questions"?

    Glad I don't have that dictionary!

  • Fleshybirdfodder
    Fleshybirdfodder's called humility...

    Odd... something strangely familiar about that. Oh yes... it was consistently the final retort I heard from Witnesses when I pointed out glaring inconsistencies in their teachings. That simply is not a valid answer. I suppose we can throw logic and rationality out the window and humbly "wait on Jehovah" in this case. Were I to tell you that I have a magical elf that lives in my bedroom, would it be acceptable for you to ask me for "proof"? If you asked to see him and I said, "you can't because he is invisible" would you be a little skeptical? If you asked to see his footprints and I told you you can't because, "he hovers above the ground", might you start to question my line of reasoning? I could tell you I loved this elf more than anything, but would that make him real? If you asked for legitimate proof and I simply retorted with the accusation that you lacked humility, would that end the argument and conclusively prove that my magic elf was real?


  • acadian

    1 Corinthians 2:10-15 (New Living Translation) 10 But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.

    11 No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.
    13 When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.

    14 But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
    15 Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others.

    Looking good Lovelylil

    Lovelylil you might find studying the story/parable of the prodigal son and relating it to the genesis account enlightening.
    As you study the prodigal son, think of the story of Adam & Eve, put in a garden then removed from a garden to live a hard life
    outside the garden and then they die.

    Learn how the story of Adam & Eve and the history of mankind, all relate to the story of the prodigal son.

    The story of the prodigal son has clues to our condition before being kicked out of the garden.
    (where were from and where were going...)

    When you understand the prodigal son you'll understand why suffering is not God's fault and why all suffering is allowed.

    Remember Lovelylil... people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. And that's why Jesus said not to cast your pearls before swine, they get trampled. just as is being done to you.

    Many Blessings

  • lovelylil

    Hey, I am back. I had to take a break, my head was spinning. I have a nuerological condition and can only look at the computer screen so much and then I get sick. It also affects me in other ways, I cannot drive but a short distance. That is why I stated before on the forum that my husband drives me everywhere. I am sort of at his mercy in that way.


    Acadian, I agree with the prodigal son. We believers already understand this, as you said, it is a spiritual truth. I get that, but I did feel compelled for Sir, to try to explain things in a way he could understand where I am coming from.


    Because I don't believe he is acting like a "swine", like you said. some who name call and insinuate that we are stupid, dellusional, etc. you may consider to be acting like swine, meaning they really do not want an anwer but want to argue. I do not get that impression from Sir. I beleive that he, like many who leave cults like the Witnesses are struggling to make sense of God. And that his experience with them unfortunatley has colored his view of all people who speak about God. I don't blame anyone for feeling this way. I think their feelings are totally legitimate and understandable. And Sir has asked legitimate questions.


    That being said, I simply cannot give you the answer you are seeking. You want physical proof of God and not spiritual proof, because you cannot touch and feel or "see" with your physical eyes the spiritual things. At least not at this time. Those who can are no better than you are, and in fact, were once just like you. It was by God's grace that he opened up our eyes first. Will he open the eyes of understanding to the rest of mankind. Yes, I believe he will. Because he wants to reconcile everyone back to him. The church (believers) first and then the rest of the world. Why he chooses whom he does at this time, I don't know. But I am deeply humbled and in awe every day that he has revealed himself to me. And believe me when I tell you this for it is the truth - I pray daily for the time to come quickly for all of mankind to understand the debth and rices of God's love in the same way I do now. And this inciudes my husband, who although believes in God in his head, does not in his heart. And my children who do not believe in God at all anymore.

    So,, I have gone over this again and again, explaining myself, and trying to give adequate answers, even with my own husband and children. And they also think I am foolish for believing what I do. Please do not lump me in with other belivers. I am not trying to force God on you, I am simply trying to explain to you why I believe what I do and trying to answer some of your objections to God. But you want me to answer in a way I can't, because I am a believer, I can only answer from my perspective. Hopefully you understand, because I think we should just let it be at the moment. Not because I do not want to try to answer you but because I am afraid I cannot give you the answer you seek and I do not want you to get frustrated by me. Peace, Lilly

  • myelaine

    dear sir82...

    sometimes ,"be still and know that I am the LORD" is called for...this may be what God would like you to do

    Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still, offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD (Psalm 4:4-5)

    the point of throwing so called "logic and reason" out the window and grasping hold of something invisible is.....all observers would get a showing of your humility before God...

    love michelle

    p.s. I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking your search for answers, if that was the impression that you got from my brief post.

  • acadian
    Because I don't believe he is acting like a "swine", like you said. some who name call and insinuate that we are stupid, dellusional, etc. you may consider to be acting like swine, meaning they really do not want an anwer but want to argue. I do not get that impression from Sir. I beleive that he, like many who leave cults like the Witnesses are struggling to make sense of God. And that his experience with them unfortunatley has colored his view of all people who speak about God. I don't blame anyone for feeling this way. I think their feelings are totally legitimate and understandable. And Sir has asked legitimate questions.

    Now I didn't name name's...and like you said not my word's or something like that... And I agree with what you said above. I was speaking more the point of argueing, watching you all going back and forth ect. Spiritual matters can't be understood by looking at them at face value. It takes prayer and meditation. It's like I tell my kid's "you know what's right, do it" and that's treating other's like you want to be treated and don't mess with their stuff/property. And be responsible for your actions. So it doesen't matter who you are, or what you are, for us all to get along. Whether were right or wrong in our individual beliefs, one day, we will know...or not. I believe you're on the right path Lovelylil. Acadian

  • bebu
    What I do not like, because I cannot understand it, is why He can't be held responsible for any it? He made everything, including good and evil ('cause either he is the creator or he isn't, right?), so why do the rest of us, through NO FAULT of our own pay the consequences for something WE DID NOT DO?

    It seems to me that God did pick up all the slack in a sense, for ALL of it--the stuff we could control and the stuff we couldn't. Jesus was innocent of sin, but took responsibility for the sins of the world.

    The NT says that "Christ was chosen before the creation of the world" (1 Pet 1:18-20)--so it appears that God absolutely knew that the gift of free will, the ability to choose against God, would be exercised. He knew before the creation of mankind that a cross was ahead for Christ... and yet, still went forward. Why?? On our earthly plane, it will never make sense. But love is not bound by logic.

    He knows something that we don't. And part of the necessary process for that something is our need to bridge the gaps with faith--faith that comes from the times we have seen and known Him clearly.


  • lovelylil


    great points.


    sorry I musunderstood you. But I understand exactly what you are saying.


    excellent post! Thank you all for your input. Lilly

  • Highlander
    You want physical proof of God and not spiritual proof,

    I'll take any 'proof', physical or spiritual that god exists. However despite the passing of billions of years, there is no such evidence. Just give me one tiny piece of evidence, anything!

  • lovelylil


    When I said "physical" proof of God, I meant some want to meet him in person. This is impossible, no one has ever seen God and he is not made of flesh, he is spirit. These ones also do not believe in the testimony of Jesus because they were not there when he was on earth. But yet, even when he was on earth, many still did not believe him. Jesus said about our "generation", this wicked generation is always looking for a sign, but they will not get a sign except the sign of Jonah", this was referring to Christ's death/resurrection.

    For believers like myself, there IS physical proof of God's existence and that proof is all around us, in all of creation. Lilly

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