Dear Rowan,
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by Gerard 79 Replies latest jw friends
Dear Rowan,
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((((Rowan)))) Check your inbox, too, chere!
((((((((((Rowan)))))))))) ((((((((((Gerard))))))))))
((((Rowan and Gerard))))
I am also diagnosed with PTSD. The trauma was not just from cult abuse but the cult abuse exacerbated the trauma I experienced. I am writing from the other side of meds and counseling sessions. They were able to pronounce me no longer in need of meds a mere 8 months after I checked myself in at a State Mental Health Clinic with "Suicidal ideation with plan." I received loads of help from people on this forum.
Not everyone can come off the meds, not everyone should. I experienced a huge change in my ability to process stress from the proper dosage of Cymbalta. Even while on the Cymbalta my normal daily interactions were not significantly impaired and the side effects were minimal compared to the benefits.
For right now please just resign yourself to putting one foot in front of the other, trusting that there is another side and that you can get there one step at a time. You are not what the cult labels you, you are what you make of yourself. I cannot imagine that someone could love you as much as Gerard plainly does if you are unlovable. Think on the sort of man that married you and think of the sort of person he'd marry. THAT is you.
You have done the right thing for yourself. Do yourself a huge favor: Live to regret not getting professional help sooner. Keep before you always that there is another side. If there is anything you feel you need to discuss by PM I am sure you have dozens of volunteers right here in this thread. [raises hand to volunteer]
Stay safe. And don't let shame or guilt stand in the way of getting the help you need. Where we are is where we are, and if we need help so be it. This too shall pass.
(( Rowan ))
My thoughts and hopes are with you. Leaving a cult is difficult beyond comprehension of most people. The emotional impact lingers longer than we want it to. I am so glad you are getting help.
PS-I second Hortense's suggestion. My experience in the cult was like having an extended family with no respect for interpersonal boundaries, very toxic relationships. Books that talk about toxic relationships like ACOA are great, even if they're not about cults.
Hi Gerard, I was sad to hear about the emotional storm that your wife is going through at present, leaving the WTS can be easy but the difficult part is for the WTS to leave one's mind. What "friend" could have gone and betrayed her to the elders to trigger off so much trouble in her life!
The vital point is to break down the spider web of deception, the group of insidious ideas, that this organisation has so craftily weaved together. Ideas that could still be playing at the back of the mind imperceptibly.
Is the WTS the organisation of God? Certainly not, their history shows that they were founded by Russell through the support of the Jewish Masons in the USA, the Bnai Brith, and they are absolutely not to be trusted being in essence a Jewish financed and backed organisation. If the Jews put their money into it that is bad enough given their hostility towards Christianity but if the Masons also got into it then we are in the realm of Satanism because as many high level Masons declared so shamelessly their organisation ie religion is blatantly and totally Satanic and it is pretty obvious that Russell himself was a high level free mason. With such influences in this org it is no wonder that there is a profound lack of love and why members as well as ex members suffer from serious psychological problems as if haunted by a destructive, mysterious and very persistent power. The WTS is a judeo masonic conspiracy after all. That's the crucial secret that the GB will never reveal to its victims.
So if the WTS is an efficient elaborate deception made possible by people that knew and know how to lie very convincingly in the midst of satanic witchcraft energies we then know that there is no armageddon soon and above all there is no salvation in it (ie the WTS)from an armageddon even if it were to arrive tomorrow.
The real true religion will come before the end but whether that will be soon or in the distant future who can tell at present? The only good is that the WTS being an impostor just like many others, that could be a sign that the true organisation and the end will come soon. Many false prophets were to appear at the time shortly before the second coming of the Christ who would after all be apparent from their evil and cruel works and lack of love.
If someone wants to associate with a christian religion there are many sincere mainstream non cultic groups large or small where one can experience real Christianty and not a watered down satan riddled masonic one.
Note: lower level masons ie most of the masons, just like the R&F dubs, are not aware as to what their organisation is really up to.
((((((((Rowan)))))))) We're all thinking about your family.
I am in a psychiatric ward right now. My parents don't know, they would get distressed and blame it on my "leaving the truth".
This is a typical reaction said by typical JWs who don't have the sense to know or to realize that it was BEING IN their religion that CAUSED this.
How wonderful it is to be part of an online, ongoing supporting community. I feel lucky that I live in these times and have all these resources that allow us to communicate. you are my friends now, and how amazing is the love that is freely given to another human being, just because.
When I left this cult, all I HAD was my online friendships----all the great, wonderful, kind, understanding and supportive former JWs I had been communicating with.
I kept waiting for the sadness to set in....knowing that I didn't have any friends other THAN these folks....but I felt bad because I didn't feel bad and I thought I should have! (I hope that made sense) I no longer worry about this....I have who and what I have and I am grateful FOR it!
As I grew stronger emotionally, I branched out and made new friends....some former JWs---some not. Online and otherwise. It takes time....and we all have to go at our own pace. will do just fine!
love and hugs,
Big ((((((HUGS))))) to you, Rowan. I'm so sorry you are dealing with such trauma. I am pretty certain I would be working with PTSD too, if I ever go thru what you did.
I hope you can soak in knowing you are lovable and well-loved, despite the intense message of rejection you had to endure. You're in my thoughts and prayers to heal in every direction. Thanks for writing and letting us know how you are doing. Please continue to do so!!
Gerard, what a lovely husband you are! A true example of devotion and sweetness.
I think I might look into them myself. Moist is a good thing.
By the time I got through some of my crying spells I sure felt pretty moist