My wife "Rowan" needs of your support too.

by Gerard 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Rowan and Gerry, hugs to you both!

    You know I have been dfed two times now, and I know how hard it is. I lost my entire family (exeption of just a few) out of a very large and loving family. I know how hard it is and how depression can set in. I had to seperate myself from the whole thing, and say, not is it only their loss, but unfortunatly, they know no better...........most of us did the same thing.

    I went through depression, as well as my sister when she was dfed.......but sweety, it does get better, really it does. Stand above them, YOU are the one that knows the "truth".

    And Its so nice to see such a loving husband who cares so deeply for you, take advantage of that.

    With love!


  • nvrgnbk

    Just want to repeat what all the great, concerned, and loving people here have already conveyed.

    ((((((ROWAN))))) & (((((GERARD)))))


    Lots of love and respect,


  • Gerard

    You all are making a difference. Saying "thank you" can not even beguin to describe our gratitude for sharing your love, experiences and understanding.


  • BluesBrother
    am just beguining to understand what a chronic clinical depression does to people.

    It can be a horrible thing, and the worst can be that you may not look ill , and people do not understand.

    Many of us have been where you are, Rowan , if you can find it in yourself to share , we are here to listen . Anyway you are in our thoughts, and have our warm best wishes

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Gerard and Rowen, you both deserve the very best that life has to offer, ma cheres. I hope you get everything good in life.

    It's a rollercoaster ride, this life we live.....but at least there's some "ups" in it. I think it's yall's time for some "ups."

    Hugs 'n smoochies!


  • AuldSoul


    Was today a better day than two days ago? Even a little better?

    If so, that is progress. One step, as small as you can manage, toward the other side will eventually have you there beckoning others. It's no use feeling silly about letting yourself get happy about small progress. Any progress at all is so much better than the direction you were headed, right?

    It is okay to feel good about yourself for what you are capable of.

    Remember, inhale and exhale; as long as you keep doing that life can become better for you.


  • onlycurious

    Be a good listener and a place of refuge for her. She will need to know she has you as an anchor on the homefront.

    Depression is a long, hard road but she will pull through. Patience.

  • mouthy

    Hope this morning finds it a brighter day.Spring is here ....So warmer days are on the way...Rowan !!! your in all our thoughts & prayers.... Your going to be fine as long as you keep looking towards tomorrow..Let us know how it is going please we are all concerned having walked the walk & talked the talk.((((HUG)) Mouthy

    One special thing between Grace and I is that we were in the same congregation in Montreal and I can attest to her profound empathy for others.. God bless you Grace.
    Well thank you for those kind words Orangefat....I will open the window & do my usual thung with my head?chest? no it is still to big(((((HUG)))

  • nvrgnbk
    Hope this morning finds it a brighter day.Spring is here ....So warmer days are on the way...Rowan !!! your in all our thoughts & prayers.... Your going to be fine as long as you keep looking towards tomorrow..Let us know how it is going please we are all concerned having walked the walk & talked the talk.((((HUG)) Mouthy

    Ditto on mouthy's lovely words! All except for the prayer part, God's not talking to me right now.LOL!

    Gerard and Rowan, your courageous example has inspired us all. The love you share is a monument to the best in humanity.

    As you're very well aware. alot more love is flowing your way from some very compassionate individuals.

    Feel better!

  • mouthy

    God's not talking to me right now.LOL! Oh Pity!!!! Well He told me to tell you HE LOVES YOU ...Just remember that one day you may feel like giving him a call. He isnt far off And when I kick the bucket I will tell him to pop in & speak to you ...

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