Worst flatulence experience? Here is mine... Can you top it?

by What-A-Coincidence 72 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, here's mine...

    Back when I was in grade 10, me and a few of my classmates were walking down the hallway. Not sure where we were going, but anyway, I let off a silent but deadly in the stairwell. Everyone smelled it and blamed the fat, dirty, unpopular kid who was walking with us. Of course I joined in and blamed him too!

    As a side note, I usually make it a goal to fart when I'm in an empty elevator.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Thanks for making me laugh, I've had a rough couple of days!!!!!


  • seawolf

    sounds like WAC needs one of these. My guess is WAC would call back, too.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    seawofl!!! that youtube is hilarious!!!! thanks!

  • Jim_TX

    Well... there's a fella at work here that can let out some pretty smelly ones...

    My wife was telling me that the other day, he let one go, and she just about gagged - it was so powerful. He knows that he lets them go, too.

    Another time, she was sitting there, the boss was next to her, and this fella cut one. She hadn't caught wind of it yet, but the boss had - who jumped up and said, "I've got to go check on something." - and bolted from the room.

    About that time, it hit her, and she started to turn purple... another fella said "xxx, I need you to look at something over here.", and got her away from the immediate area.

    This fellas' flatulence goes waaaay back, too. One kid that works here said that he remembers his mom coming home from being in a meeting with this fella - and he would cut loose with one... that was over 10 years ago.

    I think that if _I_ had issues like this - for so long - I'd try to figure out what was causing it - and 'fix' it.


    Jim TX

  • ssrriotsquad

    I have a couple of stories.


    A brother always sat in the second row at the KH. He was a Maori.

    One night, he lent over to pick up his Bible (or si book) of the floor, and he let out the largest rip I have ever heard. The chair was plastic which amplified the noise even more.

    His young daughter which sat beside him turned back to see what everybody was doing, he without taking his eyes of the floor, put his hand on the top of his daughters' head and twisted it to face the front.

    A brother was sitting beside me in the sixth row (nobody was sitting in between us and the 2nd row) along with the rest of us boys, whispered out loud "He sihnged my hair!"

    The brother on the stage just stopped, looked up and smirked and then went on as nothing has happened.


    After a party at home, after everyone had left I let go a rip which was building up for sometime. The smell was that bad, it stunk out the backroom and the smell went through into the next two rooms. And I didn't even walked into them as yet!


    My father let rip one and it stunk that bad, everyone evacutated the room. Even the cat got up, looked at my father and shook it's head and walked out.

  • juni


    SBD's (Silent But Deadly) are the worst!

    BumbleBee said:

    My husband almost always has to "let one go" in the grocery store or department store. I'll be meandering down the aisle, and he'll come walking quickly by my saying "walk away NOW". I have to try and keep up with him - I don't want anybody thinking it was ME!

    So true BB!!

    German, you luv that Oust! stuff, hey? I'll have to follow the husband around w/it.

    WAC - perhaps you are lactate intolerant?

    Vitty - thought I was going to pee my pants!!

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Worst flatulence experience? Here is mine... Can you top it?

    it was after i was abducted by aliens. lol! out of this world!


  • DanTheMan

    I am lactose intolerant, and have been for many many years. However, it took many many years for me to figure out that I was lactose intolerant. Much to the olfactory misery of many a former coworker.

    One place I worked at in particular in my late 20's, when my lactose intolerance had became fully realized, I remember just stinking the place out, every day. God it was awful, and embarrassing. But I had no idea that it was the milk on my cereal in the morning that was causing it.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    u guys are hilarious!!!

    specially the cat who rolled his head and peaced out!!! instant classic!

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