just today I was thinking, 'someone needs to start a potty thread' or maybe a worst bathroom story thread. Thanks guys!!! by the way, Beano actually works. My husband bought me some after I ate some hummus from Trader Joe's once - ever since then I take it when I eat something like that, as anything with veggies or beans or garlic can do me in.
now, about those bathrooms - the first time I went to China we took a train from Beijing to Xian, a 24 hour train ride if I remember right. We were all appalled when we found out that the bathroom was a small compartment with a hole in the floor and nothing to hang on to! Try going potty in a small room rattling down a train track without falling into the hole or the stuff surrounding the hole from people who missed because the train swerved. My friend who travels all over southeast Asia every year has quite a few potty stories - we can laugh our heads off talking about it.
yes, I admit it, very low class, but somehow funnier than a lot of other subjects.