Emo, can you send some of that rain my way please!! It's been so hot and dry here, my lawn is turning brown and my water barrels are getting dangerously low. No rain forcast for the upcoming week either.
I took the dogs to the river again. It's a good place to take them for some exercise in this heat, they get to frolick in the nice cool water! They love it and act like little kids when it's time to go! lol It's a good place for me as well, it recharges my batteries so to speak, instills an inner calm in me, brings me peace.
I like to look for any wild flowers I can spot. Nothing of the wild variety lately, but lots of morning glories and sweet williams, possibly from an old homestead many moons ago. Sometimes I'll spot a painted turtle or a snake sunning themselves.
Today I saw a Blue Heron in one of the ponds standing on a rock submerged just below the surface. I got the dogs to lay quietly in the tall grass. I had a perfect view of him through the trees. He knew we were there, but after being quiet for some time, he ignored us and got on with the business of fishing. I was rewarded with seeing him catch his brunch! Spectacular!
Have a good one everybody!