by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • Casper

    Dear Journal,

    Spent the last two week-ends, helping to remodel my Mom and Dad's kitchen. From top to bottom, paint, paper, new cabinets and floor.. also we built a much needed pantry, and put in a new stove. My mother is elated...with her new kitchen.

    Thank Goodness, she never saw several mishaps that we had...!!! We chipped the stove, and had to glue a piece back on, and my "contribution"... I open a gallon of paint on her new counter top, lose my hold on it and spill at least a quart all over the counter and down the front of "said" new cabinets and on floor... She would have fainted if she had seen THAT.

    We got it cleaned up, in a rush....had to re-stain the cabinets. My sister will never let me live that down.

    All in all, it was great spending time together for a common goal...

    It brings such joy to my heart to see my Mom so happy.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    lol @ casper - you poor thing! I can' just imagine you spilling the paint, because that is something I'd do too! lol

    Started back at my other job today, and while it was nice catching up with my other co workers, I have to admit I was bored! lol At this job I don't deal with any customers/clients, and I do miss that interaction, you never know who is going to walk through the doors, and being downtown, we get some "colourful" people in lol.

    Tomorrow I take the dog in to get her tumor debulked again. I hope this will give her some relief - I think theres a bit of an infection in the tissue and have started her on antibiotics.


  • Casper

    lol @ casper - you poor thing! I can' just imagine you spilling the paint, because that is something I'd do too! lol

    BB, I was "Mortified" to say the least... we plan to tell her about it at Christmas dinner...

    Sending supporting thoughts for you and your dog...

    Dear Journal,

    Today has been so hard emotionally,

    On the one hand, I am so Proud I could pop, on the other, I am screaming inside.

    Today my baby Brother became a "Policeman".

    Mostly, he will be working to rid the seedy part of our city of drug dealers. I worry so much for his safety. Something I have done most of his life, he is real "go getter".

    First he became a dirt track race car driver. Not just a regular type of car, but one of the elite cars known as Late Models. He has raced against Tony Stewart at our local track. He as been in several major wrecks, broken bones, knocked out, etc.

    I watched, worried, and I prayed for his safety thru 20 years of racing.

    Then he became a Fireman. He is the type of person that the "Furies Of Hell" could not stop if a person or esp. a child were inside a raging inferno. He would be the first in no matter what.

    I hear the fire sirens and I worry and pray for his safety. (I have no idea whom I am praying to)

    Today, my heart is hurting. We have always been there for each other. He too, lost his first wife in death, a car accident. He was there for me when I was widowed twice. We have been thru it all together.

    I want to be happy for him... but today, all I do is cry.

    He tells me "Someone has to do it"... which is true. He says he is doing it for the children... which I believe.

    I know every Fireman and Policeman are some one's Son, Brother, Father or Husband...but dammit... He's mine.

    I wish I knew who to pray to, it just seems too much to bear without a higher power.


  • compound complex
    compound complex


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Dear Journal

    Haven't written for a while. I've been engrossed in an essay about a particular scriptural reference to apostasy. What I've learnt - most of the people labelled 'apostate' aren't! I suspect that apostasy is actually a very rare occurence.

    And today, having received two rejections following interviews so feeling a bit fed up, I've been given a job by an agency I registered with - I start tomorrow!! So excited It's probably not the greatest job on the planet but I really don't mind, who knows, I might like it!

  • Quirky1

    Well, I had a CT just got the reults back and everything is fine except the GB. May have to come out in the future.

    Very Happy to be here!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    End of first day at new job - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    I enjoyed it but its so warm and I'm on my feet all day - not a problem except that we have to wear safety boots too! All the other staff are Polish - a new experience for me

    I'm just relaxing now with my feet stuck in a warm peppermint foot soak. Bliss.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Thank you, my friends, for your daily entries; I enjoy hearing what's happenin' chez vous ...

    I'm walking again and it feels so good to be up and about!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Dear journal

    Finished my first two days and haven't been told not to go back yet! My arms and hands ache as the work involves quite heavy physical procedures - even my fingers are developing biceps lol! I'm looking forward to the weekend now!

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • Casper

    Good to hear you are feeling better CoCo...

    Dear Journal,

    The last few days have been non-stop sneezing for me... I have rampant "Hay Fever"... Will be over the 1st. week of June...!!

    Over the counter meds make my heart race, and I do NOT do needles, so shots at the doc's are out... ( I know I am a wimp).

    Looking forward to Mother's Day, all 22 of us are meeting for dinner, should be a "Great" time.


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