I do think Perry stopped posting because of Vinny....
One day when I get caught up with other more important things, I will come back here to continue spanking the silly atheists. This is far too easy and far too much fun to just let go altogether. I have never lost one argument on this subject. NONE. ANYWHERE. ZERO.
This arrogant quote was posted by vinny, (if you couldn't have guessed. I am going to have to agree with the others.
At no point Vinny, did you spank anyone, you talked about a car, and copy and pasted your answers over and over again.
I asked you to prove god without the bible, you couldn't. You cited back to faith and brought up the bible again.
I asked you to prove someone elses god wrong, you couldn't. You cited the bible again and said you were 100 percent sure. I am POSSOTIVE that you don't know enough about any other religion to prove them wrong. You just have excepted this as your own, that's fine, just don't cast judgment on others. It isn't you place to cast judgment, I KNOW you have read that before.
Vinny, if you said, " I can and do believe that we were created by god and I do believe that god is the sole reason I am here" I like most, I assume, on this website would have said "OK vinny that is your conviction, good for you."
But you couldn't do that you assume that you "spanked" all of us....you didn't. You drove that corvette in a circle and somehow lost your dignity.
But I will say you HAVE changed the opinion on some on here.
We all seem to assume that you are the worst type of Christian, the kind that is so haughty and puffer up with pride, you can't read anything, with any form of objectivity. The type that has no respect for anyone else unless they agree with you.
You can't assume you "spanked" someone when so many have read your arguments, (over and over and over), and still disagree.
I haven't brought up any scientific facts to you about evolution, because there is no point. I would rather explain them to my cat. At least my cat doesn't know how to cut and paste. You are completely close minded to any objectivity. I think you actually are a JW still, sounds like it.
Remember NOBODY on hear asked you to stop believing in God. You just assume you are being attacked because that is the same dogma preached over and over