Isn't God Awesome?

by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • trevor


    You make a good point. It all comes down to ego. Once someone has a belief that they identify with, a threat to their belief becomes a threat to their ego which in the fickle human mind equates to a threat to their very life. Absolute defence is then called for.

    To lose a debate feels like death. The mind throws up every trick and diversion it can, like a mouse running from a cat, it become a life of death situation - in the mind of the believer.

    In all this mayhem the reality of our precarious existence and the search for understanding is lost and obscured by insults, counter moves and rhetoric.

    A sad waste of life itself...

  • poppers

    I totally agree with Trevor, which is the point that I've been trying to make. It matters not whether you are atheist or not, it's your BELIEF SYSTEM that must be defended because so much of one's identity is invested in it. When it's challenged the ego reacts in self-defense which then can escalade all the way up to war. Find out what you really are and belief systems of all kinds are seen for what they are: illusions of the mind that create separation and fear.

  • Warlock

    Beautiful pictures.

    The rest of you can resume your arguing now.


  • hillary_step


    You see, this is where you are wrong and confound your errors with supposition.

    Atheists say that there is no such thing as morality. Yet, they tell themselves (as do others for different reasons) that its wrong to lie, steal, commit adultery etc. They no doubt do this in part because of the knowledge that this is very damaging to relationships. I have no problem with a pragmatic approach to morality. But, who pays the piper? Why do we as humans violate the morality we've decided to adopt? Why do we just accept cliches like "that's just human nature". We're not talking about some standard in a holy book. We're talking about standards common to adherents of most world views. So, we'll all just judge others for the same crimes that we are guilty of? This is not acceptable to me. Does nobody pay the piper?

    Atheists accept that there is such a thing as morality, but that this morality was not a concept implanted by God, it was and is a learned concept. Our environment and experience define our morality. It is a socially conditioned concept. That is why I was and am trying to get you to research the experiments of Stanley Milgram, as these begin to signpost the road of an evolutionary concept to morality.

    We may pass onto our forebears our own inclinations where morality are concerned. We may merely emulate the morality of others. But we are all influenced by our peers and environment both as individuals and as a society. In the Western World Christianity has moulded what we now experience in this C21 call morality. As a Christian likely you would have been repulsed by the behavior of Christians in the Dark Ages and blame Satan for what was happened to the church. What was really happening was the social evolution of Christian Morality, nothing more or less.

    In other parts of the world other religions and philosophies also develop their own moral imperatives. Morality is not the preserve of Christians and is not an inbuilt thing. The apostle Paul was incorrect in assuming this.

    This is a complicated subject to discuss with someone, like yourself, who by virtue of his belief is forced to start the process of critical examination from a conclusion. Mircea Eliade in is book 'From PrimitivesTo Zen' researches exactly the theme of social morality and shows how a sense of morality was adopted and honed by the primitives as their world changed. I really recommend that you do some reading on the subject before you define your own thoughts.

    Cheers - HS

  • Ring Wielder
  • looseend


    That lost post was a good one. I do respect people's belief in god, which ever one it might be. Remember, I once believed in god myself.

    I personally don't believe that anyone pay's the piper. I feel human nature is exactly what it is, instinct. The majority don't wish harm on others, because we ourselves don't want to be harmed. Surviving together, is just that surviving. The reason there are law's is because a lot of time people would act against them because they want to, or can justify it somehow. Even in nature animals have the ability to be nurturing, obviously with humans as well. They also have the ability to be cruel, same as humans. Atrocities are committed everyday, because that unfortunatly is considered human nature also.

    I respect the believe in god. I just can't logically justify it with what I see and read.

    I also thought at one time I would never say that, but here I am, and I am saying that. At least on some level, I think you can and do, respect that.

  • Perry


    I didn't ask HOW morality came into existence. I asked the same question that you did years ago: Who Pays the Piper?

    Could you answer that question for me now as it pertains to your own moral lapses?

  • fifi40

    Perry can I just say for someone who openly condemns others for judging when they themselves are guilty of the same certainly seem to be doing a lot of judging yourself.

    When you are 'born again' maybe it is not a case of having an 'inflated' spirit but rather an 'inflated' the bible, if you choose to follow it clearly admonishes not to be judging others, to be humble and meek I think you should be very careful in your accusation toward others.


  • Perry


    Get a life. Answer the question. We've all spent way too much time on a nature thread already. I and most of my opponents are past personal insults.

  • fifi40

    Some christian..................and you wonder why you appeal so little

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