You have some valid concerns there College girl. I'm all for practical, reasonable compromises. If you are already there half the night, it is unreasonable, in my opinion, to expect you to get up in the middle of the night and drive all the way home especially if you are just coming back the next day after breakfast. I for one am cranky if I have to get up in the middle of sleeping and drive anywhere. If my man wears me out with hot sex all night, I expect coffee and breakfast in bed the next day and usually get it! Obviously, though, your guy doesn't feel the same way.
This is a great opportunity for you to begin to set a healthy boundary as to what you will accept in a relationship. For instance, you could tell him calmly and respectfully (not while fighting or angry) that you no longer want to get up in the middle of the night and drive home. It is inconvenient and impractical and makes you feel cranky or used and then rejected (if it does, it would to me). Tell him that you respect his wishes if he does not want you to stay over, you will not ask him again. But you will be leaving his place at a time where you can get a good night's sleep, whether that is 9 or 10 or 11 or midnight. The time is not that important. It is whatever time you would normally go to bed at your own place. The important thing is that after you make this boundary you must stick to it! No caving after a few times or in a moment of weakness. You could even invite him to spend the entire night at your place if you like. Then he has to be the one to find a sitter for the night, if the kids live with him, or he has to be the one to get up in the middle of the night and drive home half asleep. Put the onus on him to do some of the work!
The problem with setting such a firm boundary like this, is you have to be prepared for the consequences, possibly NOT getting what you want. He may be fine with you going home early and spending less time with you even if it curtails your sex life somewhat. You have to be prepared for that possibility. Or he may realize, if has to choose between you going home really early or not at all, he might decide he would prefer you to stay over. Either way, it will make it really clear to you where you stand in the relationship. Are you ready to find that out?
Let us know what happens!