Staying a Christian Upon Leaving

by serotonin_wraith 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    If you were drowning in the ocean, and a russian ship saved you, would you be obliged to become a russian citizen and make their culture your own? What if it had been an oil tanker from djibuti, whose crew all worshipped allah? Many people who go through 12 step programs make that a sort of religion for themselves. Others, that go through the steps, take more steps, keep the good, and move on w their lives.


  • journey-on

    "In my father's house, there are many mansions."

    That's the beauty of being connected to the universe. You are free to experience it however it speaks to you. It's all good.

  • serotonin_wraith


    Love God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Doctrine is not important.

    Which God are you referring to? If doctrine isn't important, you can't mean the Biblical god, can you?


    After you have been deluded by JW's, do you think I'm going risk my future life because of your thoughts about Christianity? I don't think so!

    Of course you don't have to take my word for it. You should research these things yourself. Who knows- maybe your future life rests in the hands of another god- there are thousands on offer, and the real one may not like you worshipping the Biblical god.


    It would have been nice if you threw in a bit of substantiating evidence in your (thus far) opinion of Christianity or any other religion. What do YOU FEEL the "real truth" is, that you claim we do not see?

    Here's just one piece of evidence. According to the Bible, Adam was the first man on Earth and was created 6,000 years ago. If this isn't true, the genealogical line from Adam to Jesus falls apart. It isn't true, because we have bones and fossils of humans going back much further than 6,000 years.

    The real truth is that there have been many books written about many different gods, and there is no more reason to believe in one over the other. Take the Egyptian book of the dead- do you believe in those gods? I doubt it. So why believe in the Bible, just because it's the most popular right now?

    It ALL comes down to one's behavior and one's personal accountability before the One you choose to worship. Simply put---in the is all between you....and God.

    But if you believe in the Biblical god, all these people worshipping other gods are sinning, surely? They wouldn't have a personal connection with your god. You say you are more tolerant now- so do you tolerate homosexuals? If you do, you're going against the Bible.


    And there are things unknown about our existence.

    Absolutely. It's the religious who will say 'Oh, God did that' and leave it at that. There are so many things we thought were the work of supernatural entities, and we were proved wrong every time.


    One thing I love about not being a JW is that we're all allowed to have our own thoughts on subjects such as this. We're all allowed to believe what we want. I believe religion is holding us back, others believe Jesus is the way to salvation. We're all giving our different opinions, and it's great. This is true freedom. Freedom to be allowed to disagree with each other.

  • mouthy

    the only way you will remain Christian is if you want to believe in God. It's an extremely dishonest way to live. Well Join the dots. I can see your a very INTELLIGENT soul You have come to the conclusion I am a dishonest person have you? I really would like you to explain to this "nut" where did all the glorious things these old eyes has seen in 80 yearscome from please> Like flowers, animals, trees,babies,sunsets, I could go on & on as I am sure your intelligent eyes have seen..
    I have the feeling that you have been terribly hurt by life ((((HUG)) But so have we all. But I have a very dear FRIEND & he warned me before I got into any beliefs -that HE didnt come to make it easy.
    It is sorta like starting in school, it isnt easy!!We have to examine,learn,suffer work, etc THEN we ourselves come to a conclusion... You have come to yours I have come to mine. I KNOW I have a GOD!!!who has helped me through my life , even when I was wrong! living a debauched life, then getting into a religion where I sorta thought I had become pretty well perfect Even though I definatly HAD NOT!
    Now????? I was born again Oct /89 & I cannot tell you ----Your words sadden me -because I do believe the conclusion of the matter is >the way your judging is how you will be judged. Yes I am known as a MOUTHY/GRANNY!!!!! But I am gonna pray for you to make friends with MY friend. .

  • Awakened07
    Freedom to be allowed to disagree with each other.

    This is important. I'm an atheist, but I don't try to 'convert' people to my world view. That said, I will of course be colored by what I think, and will defend what I have found if I feel it necessary. Some of my posts I'm sure can come across as trying to 'convert'. But it's more about clarifying misconceptions, and/or getting answers from those who believe about what they believe and why. But the ultimate choice is up to each and every one of us. Which is a freedom everyone benefits from, atheist and believers alike. Glad I'm not living in Iran etc.

  • mouthy

    . But the ultimate choice is up to each and every one of us. Which is a freedom everyone benefits from
    A very big AMEN to that A o7

  • jgnat
    satanus: If you were drowning in the ocean, and a russian ship saved you, would you be obliged to become a russian citizen

    Perhaps not, but I would be forever grateful to the russians. I also could not doubt their existence.

  • Sunspot

    I was getting ready to reply to your post directed at me.....until I glanced over and saw your age. I remember how I thought I had it "all figured out and popped into a nutshell" at age 25.....and nobody could tell ME anything either. As you grow older, you begin to discover just how much you didn't know that you thought you had such a handle on.

    I will let you "be", thinking what you will.....and trust that while living your life, that MANY things will come as quite a surprise to you. I do wish you the best.



  • serotonin_wraith


    You don't seem to be dishonest now, because you think you have a good argument for God's existence. The argument from beauty. There are beautiful things in the world- therefore God made them. I'm unsure how the two fit together, there are some pretty ugly things in this world too. It's a mixture. We appreciate most of what we see because this is our home and it's what we're used to. These things developed naturally. Was the sunset created with us in mind, or is it the result of the light from our star travelling through our atmosphere and making the sky appear reddish- a completely natural event? Most of the time we can't even look directly at the sun, because it hurts our eyes. If we're not protected it can burn our skin. The work of a grand designer?

    There's nothing wrong with accepting we all make mistakes- you got my username wrong for one. If I'm proved wrong, I can admit that. But at the moment, all the proof shows that the Biblical god doesn't exist. Have you ever considered that had you been born to a Hindu family, you would now be telling me you're going to pray to Krishna for me? You probably would be, had you been raised Hindu.


    So are you ignoring my points because you find them hard to answer, or because you are agist? (ageist? sp?)

    I don't think I have it all figured out at all, this is just one subject. I have evidence to back me up, and you have none. Do I have it all figured out if I believe the Earth goes around the sun, or am I just using my brain and accepting the evidence?

    If there's any reason to believe in a god, show me. So far I see none at all, and plenty to disprove the Biblical god.

  • Twitch

    Prove to me that love exists, what it is and I will believe in it

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