What I despise is anyone, of any persuasion, trying to shove their shit down the throats of others.
Now why do you suppose people do this kind of thing?
by serotonin_wraith 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What I despise is anyone, of any persuasion, trying to shove their shit down the throats of others.
Now why do you suppose people do this kind of thing?
Now why do you suppose people do this kind of thing?
Because quite a few of us take it upon ourselves to "enlighten" others. "Is it really so that ... Again, that sounds very familiar, doesn't it?
F-F, When it affects the suffering of humans, it becomes my business. When it could affect our very survival, it concerns all of us.
KKK members wanted blacks put to death. Well it's their beliefs, let's not knock that.
Nazis wanted Jews gassed. Ehh, why not let them? It's their beliefs.
Muslim extremists want the world converted to Islam, and will try to kill anyone who doesn't like that. Well we'd better not bitch about that, had we? Their beliefs should be respected.
Christians want to teach our children myths and lies and prevent life changing cures being developed. Let's allow that. Afterall, they believe.
I have to leave this topic. All I can say is I have FAITH!!! No you cant see it, feel it, convince anyone of it. You all have interesting points. But ME!!!I LOVE MY GOD>Jesus !!!!Sorry to offends you sweeties.
I wont come back to read your replies -----I have heard them all. Trying to prove there is not GOD is useless to me. HE LIVES IN MY HOUSE All this is becoming is the same old "crap" I have listened to from Atheist for years.
If you were drowning in the ocean, and a russian ship saved you, would you be obliged to become a russian citizen and make their culture your own? What if it had been an oil tanker from djibuti, whose crew all worshipped allah? Many people who go through 12 step programs make that a sort of religion for themselves. Others, that go through the steps, take more steps, keep the good, and move on w their lives.
Perhaps not, but I would be forever grateful to the russians. I also could not doubt their existence.
jgnat thats what I was thinking. Based on that analogy from the perspective of a believer in God one could ask, if you were drowning in the ocean, and a Russian ship saved you would you doubt the existence of the Russian ship? But if I used that to 'prove' the existence of God I would be laughed at.
Thanks for giving your side Mouthy, you don't offend me at all. It's just your religious beliefs I don't agree with.
Finally-Free, another one to consider.
What I despise is anyone, of any persuasion, trying to shove their shit down the throats of others.
So do you think schools should be shut down too? That's where I was given the evidence for evolution and learnt many other interesting facts. Teachers 'forced their shit' on me.
I'm off for a day now. Night!
beginnersmind: But if I used that to 'prove' the existence of God I would be laughed at.
I wasn't rescued by a Russian ship. I called a Christian help line based on divine direction. I could share dozens of other "coincidences" and mini-miracles that have confirmed for me that God does intervene in my life, but I won't share them here. I wouldn't want to be laughed at.
Now, my intent on this thread is not to try and convince anyone else of my experience. After all you weren't there, and you cannot confirm the facts. But I have plenty of evidence to maintain my faith.
serotonin: So do you think schools should be shut down too? That's where I was given the evidence for evolution and learnt many other interesting facts. Teachers 'forced their shit' on me.
So, if you were concerned about overpopulation and believed that anyone having more than one child is contributing to the world's demise, would you chastize mothers of more than one child? Why or why not?
There's a difference between education and opinion. Even education should not be forced on an adult. As a community, our society has agreed to educate our children with a basic set of information to help them through life. But I do think a teacher or a school can be taken to task by trying to force their personal opinions on their charges. I say, give the children the tools to evaluate information for themselves, and let them make their own way.
When it affects the suffering of humans, it becomes my business. When it could affect our very survival, it concerns all of us.
Serotonin, do you believe that all Christianity is a dangerous delusion? Or only those who attempt to follow the bible literally? Aside from it being "false" in your opinion, what else makes it dangerous? Do you think that Christianity threatens the very survival of the human race? Specifically, why?
"In my father's house, there are many mansions."
That's the beauty of being connected to the universe. You are free to experience it however it speaks to you. It's all good.
Well said, journey-on!!! If only more people lived by these words....it actually would be all good.
I wasn't rescued by a Russian ship. I called a Christian help line based on divine direction. I could share dozens of other "coincidences" and mini-miracles that have confirmed for me that God does intervene in my life, but I won't share them here. I wouldn't want to be laughed at.
I think youve misunderstood me. I was agreeing with your answer and then attempting to show 'S' how a person could basically use the same analogy in attempting to prove Gods existence but would be laughed at by non believers even though its as good a reasoning as the one it was originally meant to be used for. Do you understand what I mean? Its my fault for not making it clear. Just to make it absolutely clear I believe you 100% and would never laugh at you or the experiences youve had.
Thanks, beginnersmind, for clearing that up. It's no big deal, because I got to clarify my position on that point. ...and I wouldn't bring up my miracle stories to an athiest. Not unless they had known me for a long time and we were talking face to face in a coffee shop.