The whole thing is bullshit.
Torture is NEVER right NEVER NEVER NEVER. I don't care if they have the super secret key to the nuclear bomb hidden under NY. TORTURE IS STILL NOT RIGHT! And how the hell did a bomb get under NY? If the spooks were doing their jobs instead of trying to take over the rest of the planet then we wouldn't have to worry about that would we?!
You want to beat the terrorist bring our troops home from all over the world stop making people HATE us! Toppling their governments, putting foreign soldiers on their land TORTURING people why do you think they all want us dead?
As for terrorist having super secret information if we would spend HALF the money we spend f#cking up the world securing out borders AT HOME and making sure that the people who are in our country actually BELONG HERE then we wouldn't HAVE terrorist cells living within our borders!!!!! It boggles the MIND that we are worried about policing the borders in basfuckistan and will let any one who feels like it just stroll in here at home! That's like me building a huge fence and patrolling my neighbors house while I leave my front door standing wide open! IGNORANT!!!
If the US could become a good nation. Helping others, strong economy, safe cities, jobs, secure borders, honest government then most of these countries would WANT to be like us. You think that the terrorist could whip up a jihad mob if there were no soldiers housed within their countries? Do you think George Washington could have whipped up a revolution to go to britain and invade? Heck NO! But there were British soldiers HERE...