Do all men cheat?

by Save My Soul 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Shawn, Men or Women, we all have different needs, desires, interests in a mate. I think it's just a matter of finding the few people in the world you really connect with.

    Personally, I have always been partial to bald, ageing, fat guys, but I already have one.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Q: Do all men cheat?

    A: Not this man.

    Never cheated, never cheated on.

    Dozens and dozens of relationships.

    BA- Answering the question.

    PS- To the poster that stated: "If you are a fat bald man at 38, your chances of getting .."

    I can only answer:

    What in the world would make anyone desire a fat, bald, anything?

    Try working out and dieting until you are fit and look attractive.

    I'm amazed at how many people don't get it.

    Fat, bald men- are you attracted to fat, bald women?

    Then why would you think that attractive women would be attracted to you? (other than gold-diggers)

    If you, as a single man or woman, are approached by two people (one unattractive, the other attractive) chatting you up- both intelligent, witty and charming, which one would would you exchange numbers with?

    Get it? Get fit.

    Being fit not only increases your attractiveness, it also increases performance and desire.

    Go ahead and flame away with the "BA is shallow" comments.

    I'm simply stating the truth, as usual- something generally not welcome in our politically correct era.

  • Finally-Free
    Personally, I have always been partial to bald, ageing, fat guys, but I already have one.

    I'm an aging fat guy, but I have a full head of hair. Two out of three ain't bad. Since you're taken, have you got any cute friends???


  • jaguarbass
  • minu

    I simply won't believe that all men cheat. But, in my experience, all the ones that I've been involved with do.

  • M.J.

    Well said Sweetstuff!

    Shawn, do a search of topics posted by nosferatu. He can help you out. Seriously.

  • misanthropic

    No, all men don't cheat, and not all women do either. I went through a phase after my first marriage where I thought all men were cheating dogs but I've since realized there are many wonderful, committed men out there and lots of meaningful marriages that prove it.

  • flipper

    No. Not all men. I love my wife and have never cheated on her or anybody before her. But I was cheated on once by a woman. It is a matter of character and faithfulness

  • kerj2leev

    Fat, bald men- are you attracted to fat, bald women?

    Only if they have a fat bank account!

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Nope. Not all men cheat.

    I have been faithful to my wife since the first day I met her many years ago.

    Many of my JW friends have not been, however. In fact, come to think of it I can tell you that out of the approx 30 men in the congo, I am aware of 5 of them who have cheated on their wives at some point. That is over 15%, and those are the only ones I am aware of... so the real percentage would be much higher.

    The Oracle

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