California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen
    Religion does not have to be the issue here. This is how society accepts certain standards and this is how I feel. The voters will was thwarted, plain and simple.

    They already have civil unions, yet they want more more more.

    Oh the stories I could tell you about what I've seen. Standards and sexuality are two entirely seperate issues.

    What's wrong with a level playing field?

  • Indo_Dude
    Rabbit wrote:

    Why can't you 'see' positive gay people ? Is it possible you are not being the "positive" person, somewhere on that Kinsey Scale ?

    Why? Denial. It's easier to demonize an entire swath of people as being 'wrong' rather than looking honestly at oneself and realizing the problem isn't with anyone else, but rather, yourself. Denial is what made Larry Craig denounce gay marriages publically, yet seek toilet sex at the men's restroom at the airport. I learned that certain people were just virulent. By sticking around to try and figure out what made them so, only further poisons you. The JWs were poisonous to my health and well being, so removed myself from them. The same goes for similarly poisonous people you run across in daily life. You can only help people who are willing to help themselves.

  • Junction-Guy

    A level playing field would be great in many other areas too, but this is not the case. Life isn't fair, sometimes you just have to accept that.

  • IP_SEC
    The voters will was thwarted, plain and simple
    Life isn't fair, sometimes you just have to accept that


  • brinjen

    Well, I gotta run to work and get hit on and told what a b*tch I am at the same time. Luckily, they'll be straight people so their behaviour won't be an issue.

  • roybatty
    If you have such an issue with gay pride parades, why are you attending them? Funny why you would mention Gay Pride, yet not mention the drunken, 'dry humping' of straight people during the St. Patrick's Day parade / festival in Chicago. Why is that?

    Why would you assume that I don't have a problem with that? But be honest, can you recall seeing adults dressed in black leather with dog collers around there necks and carrying whips at a St. Patricks Day parade? I don't think so (and if they did I have a problem with it). What about a group of guys with only short-shorts on with dollar bills hanging on a float driving down State Street. I'd have the same issue if it were hetrosexual individuals doing this.

    Why the need to constantly bombard the public, not with logical or reasoning, but rather with over-the-top sexual themes? I don't seem to recall MLK dressed in a thong when he led the march in Washington D.C.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    One, here in Chicago there is the gay pride parade.... I am disgusted by these parades and shocked that policitians support them.... All the while Mayor Daley gives his hip-hip-horray for gay pride.

    When looking at Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois politics, and clout, it's easy to see that Mayor Dick, Governor Rod, and the rest of the pols are screwing every man and woman in Chicago. Consequently, it's only logical that they would support a gay pride parade.

    ...Not because they are gay pride parades but rather the whole sexuality displayed in public - during the day - for all to see. Here is a parade that features men in black leather, bare-ass showing and basically dry humping each other while on floats. And people wonder why this is issue pushes people buttons?

    Actually, I grew up on a farm. I saw the young bulls, stears, and occasionally a heifer dry humping in public, during the day. These cattle, too, were bare-assed, and in black leather (some white, some red leather). I was exposed to it at a young age, so were my siblings, including sisters. Sometimes we giggled, most of the time we ignored it and got on with our chores. True, the cattle weren't doing it on floats in downtown Chicago, but if they were, I wouldn't bother going to watch them getting busy... even if Mayor Daley was there cheering on the dry humping cattle.

    You don't have to be a fundy-Bible thumber to say "hey, i don't want my kids exposed to that."

    There are lot's of places in Chicago, private and public, that I wouldn't take my kids... if I had any.

    B the X

  • IP_SEC
    I'd have the same issue if it were hetrosexual individuals doing this.

    Yep!! MARTI GRAS!! Rox

    Billy, you forget that bulls and stuff were born that way... esp with the leather and all

  • roybatty
    I guess why end game argument is - at what point do we say that "yes" that is an individual's right but we as a society also have the right to say that it has a negative affect on out nation.

    Negative in what way? That everyone has the same level playing field?

    As already pointed out, straight people have a habit of behaving rather vulgar in front of kids. I work in a supermarket, I see that kind of behaviour every single day. What's the difference?

    Again, point to something else (like the St. Patricks Day Parade argument) doesn't mean you're right. Just because someone is straight doesn't mean they're a terrific parent and just because someone else is gay doesn't mean they're an awful parent. However, the basic unit of society is the family and the possibility of having a strong family is increased by having both a man and woman. Gay marriage is going to happen sooner or later. But just as we as a society have paid a heavy price for becoming more accepting of divorce and also of children being born out of wedlock, I believe that there will be a heavy toll for accepting gay marriage.

  • Indo_Dude


    Why would you assume that I don't have a problem with that? But be honest, can you recall seeing adults dressed in black leather with dog collers around there necks and carrying whips at a St. Patricks Day parade? I don't think so (and if they did I have a problem with it). What about a group of guys with only short-shorts on with dollar bills hanging on a float driving down State Street. I'd have the same issue if it were hetrosexual individuals doing this.

    Why the need to constantly bombard the public, not with logical or reasoning, but rather with over-the-top sexual themes? I don't seem to recall MLK dressed in a thong when he led the march in Washington D.C.

    Frankly, I think I look damn fine in a 'dog collar'. Why would someone wear such outrageous 'get ups'? Because it riles straight people all up, that why. LOL Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with you straight people. For decades gay people were shamed into the closet. They were told to 'just blend in', 'don't tell anyone', 'it's a dirty secret'. Pride Parades have loads of 'normal people' too. You just pay attention to things like my 'dog collar'. Pride is liberating. It's a celebration about being out, and as different as you want to be.


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