California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Cool, I am on my way to bed. It's been real, it's been fun, but not really fun.

    take care IP-SEC

  • Junction-Guy

    Funny Brinjen, its the me me me me me crowd that want to thwart the voters wishes and will stop at nothing to flaunt it to the american people. Thank you

  • brinjen

    JG, that was in response to your statement that sounded very much like you were looking at the situation from your point of view only.

    I've been burnt by gay people. I'm on the tail end of a relationship that was broken up with heavy assitance of a gay man. But that's not a reflection of the gay community now is it? The man involved is an a$$, if he were straight, he'd still be an a$$.

    I also know some wonderful gay men and women that are like family to me. You can't compare an entire group based upon what a few do. That was my point, I apologise as it's obviously offended you.

  • Junction-Guy

    thank you, apology accepted.

    I am sure there are some good hearted gay people, but where are they? My whole experience has been sour. If I had met one positive gay person by now, just one, then it could have made a difference.

  • brinjen

    Maybe you do, but you just don't know it yet.

    I'm going to get some sleep, it's late here. Have a good one.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks, you too.

  • llbh
    My whole experience has been sour. If I had met one positive gay person by now, just one, then it could have made a difference.

    Fwiw one of my very best friends is gay. Very few people know that he is gay, he says it his business as his sexuality is not what defines him , and i have to agree.


  • Junction-Guy

    But if very few people know it then he is still in the closet.

    I had a good JW friend from childhood who turned out gay, during the whole time he was closeted he was the friendliest, most jovial person you could meet. Since he came out of the closet he is the most condesecending snot around.

  • brinjen
    But if very few people know it then he is still in the closet.

    Not necessarily. A close gay friend of mine, you wouldn't pick him to be gay. Most don't unless you know him very well. He's not at all ashamed of it, he doesn't try to hide the fact he's gay. He just doesn't see it as a big deal, he reasons straight people don't go around flaunting the fact they are straight, what's the difference? Sexuality just isn't an issue to him and shouldn't be seen as any part of his identity.

  • llbh
    Not necessarily. A close gay friend of mine, you wouldn't pick him to be gay. Most don't unless you know him very well. He's not at all ashamed of it, he doesn't try to hide the fact he's gay. He just doesn't see it as a big deal, he reasons straight people don't go around flaunting the fact they are straight, what's the difference? Sexuality just isn't an issue to him and shouldn't be seen as any part of his identity.

    That is precisely the argument of my friend and i agree


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