California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Junction, I publicly dare you to go one week restraining any comments you make to positive ones. Tell us about a group of people that are good. Tell us how people have treated you well. Tell us what you're happy about. Not one negative post or comment, in person or on forums. Can you do it?

  • Mariusuk.

    So just so i have this correct Junction Guy................

    You don't believe that gay people should be able to get married because of your bad experience in the gay community, but if you so had a good experience you would be probably be all for it? Also if your church had treated you so bad you would have probably been an atheist?? That makes no sense, surely a belief in God is irrelevant of how people in a church/hall/community treat you?? You seem a little too concerned about HOW people treat you, I suppose if you were shot you would be on the gun abolition group. Does it really affect you in any way shape or form if two gay people minced down the aisle?

  • lonelysheep
    3. I have said this all along. This is a human issue I am dealing with. I too am human, I too expect to be treated like a human, but in the gay community I wasn't.

    If I had been treated as bad in the churches as I was in the gay community, I would be the first person here touting gay marriage, and probably would be an Atheist. But I wasn't and therefore the reason for my involvement in this issue.

    Dave, do you realize this very statement just spills of "I'm in the closet and gay. Kinsey scale 5 gay"??
    Being treated bad in church has nothing to do with what is or isn't at the core of why people go to church (the god that doesn't exist).

    Next, you sound soooo confused by being in denial of who you really are. You can't pick or choose who you are based off of how people have treated you and irregardless if you want to be a part of their community or not! That's like being biracial and picking one race to LABEL yourself as simply because one race has treated you better than the other. Eventually, you learn that they both contain plain and simple a$$holes and nice people. And please don't chime in again and say that race and sexuality are two different things when the only thing different about them is that 90% of the time, race is obvious to a person's eyes, ears, or attractiveness at first glance. It never changes the fact that a person is of both races the entire time, even if they don't want to accept who they really are without trying to change it, or change the label that IS them. That takes loving oneself and not caring what people think about the fact that you exist. No one owes you anything for being you.

    John Doe, the group of JG is probably good.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I will have to continue this conversation later, my mom,brother, and neice are coming down next weekend and I have alot to do before then.

  • roybatty
    Just a few days ago Mildred Loving died. She was the one responsible for getting the Supreme Court of the United States to strike down anti-mixed race marriage prohibitions. Yes, only 40 years ago getting married to someone of an opposite race meant you ran afoul of the law, and were not welcome in many states. Google Mildred Loving, and read her story. Then tell me that white and black people or mixed races shouldn't marry. Gay marriage is exactly, absolutely, 100%, identicaly to this ruling back in 1967. In 20 years time modern America will look back at this time frame and wonder what kind of uneducated, neanderthal, idiots, used to run the place.

    Personally, I don't care one way or the other on gay marriage, however, I do get tired of the above argument. Just because a past wrong was corrected doesn't automatically connect it to a current issue.

    To me gay marriage isn't a "religous" argument. Instead, it's one of "what does society accept" and hold as a standard that we as a people decide. In California, the voters decided that gay marriage wasn't for them. The voters spoke and it should be end of story. However, a small minority decided that THEY would decide what's best and voted to allow gay marriage. THAT'S the part that rubs me the wrong way.

    Two other issues i have with gay activists. One, here in Chicago there is the gay pride parade. I'm sure most big cities have them. While I'm very much a "live and let live" type of person, I am disgusted by these parades and shocked that policitians support them. Not because they are gay pride parades but rather the whole sexuality displayed in public - during the day - for all to see. Here is a parade that features men in black leather, bare-ass showing and basically dry humping each other while on floats. All the while Mayor Daley gives his hip-hip-horray for gay pride. And people wonder why this is issue pushes people buttons? You don't have to be a fundy-Bible thumber to say "hey, i don't want my kids exposed to that." Secondly, I do agree (somewhat) with the slippery-slope argument. Since it is a common argument that homosexuality and gay marriage is between two consenting adults, one could use this same argument about siblings getting married or for that matter a parent their child. If we as a society condone gay marriage, why not any marriage between consenting adults?

    I guess why end game argument is - at what point do we say that "yes" that is an individual's right but we as a society also have the right to say that it has a negative affect on out nation.

  • scotsman
    one could use this same argument about siblings getting married or for that matter a parent their child.

    Is this a problem in Illinois? Sheesh!

    Your abhorrence of seeing sexualised males would indicate that you are inured to the sexualised nature of regular TV/cinema and advertsing that kids are exposed to continually. But as it's heterosexual it's OK. Should it be? This absolute fear of sexuality that America has is somewhat negated by its huge porn industry, but confusing to us across the Pond nonetheless.

  • Indo_Dude

    Roybattery wrote:

    Two other issues i have with gay activists. One, here in Chicago there is the gay pride parade. I'm sure most big cities have them. While I'm very much a "live and let live" type of person, I am disgusted by these parades and shocked that policitians support them. Not because they are gay pride parades but rather the whole sexuality displayed in public - during the day - for all to see. Here is a parade that features men in black leather, bare-ass showing and basically dry humping each other while on floats. All the while Mayor Daley gives his hip-hip-horray for gay pride. And people wonder why this is issue pushes people buttons? You don't have to be a fundy-Bible thumber to say "hey, i don't want my kids exposed to that." Secondly, I do agree (somewhat) with the slippery-slope argument. Since it is a common argument that homosexuality and gay marriage is between two consenting adults, one could use this same argument about siblings getting married or for that matter a parent their child. If we as a society condone gay marriage, why not any marriage between consenting adults?

    It's simple really. Just because a majority of people think something is 'ok' doesn't give them the right to inflict that opinion on others. You cannot deprive me of life, liberty, nor the pursuit of happiness simply because you (straight people) are in the majority.

    I'm sure you rejoiced, and celebrated the Supreme Court's decision when you were a Witness for them upholding JWs rights to knock on doors and practice their religion with freedom. Towns and cities had voted to make door to door preaching illegal. And whether you 'get sick of it' or not, comparing racial inequalities of the past is exactly the same thing, and very much a part of the topical discussion. The vast majority of Americans thought the Iraq war was a good thing when it started. The same thing when the Japanese internment started in WWII. Just because a majority thinks something is 'ok' or even 'right' doesn't give them the right to trample other's freedoms. Period. End of story.

    If you have such an issue with gay pride parades, why are you attending them? Funny why you would mention Gay Pride, yet not mention the drunken, 'dry humping' of straight people during the St. Patrick's Day parade / festival in Chicago. Why is that?

  • brinjen
    I guess why end game argument is - at what point do we say that "yes" that is an individual's right but we as a society also have the right to say that it has a negative affect on out nation.

    Negative in what way? That everyone has the same level playing field?

    As already pointed out, straight people have a habit of behaving rather vulgar in front of kids. I work in a supermarket, I see that kind of behaviour every single day. What's the difference?

  • Rabbit


    If I had been treated as bad in the churches as I was in the gay community, I would be the first person here touting gay marriage, and probably would be an Atheist. But I wasn't and therefore the reason for my involvement in this issue.
    I am sure there are some good hearted gay people, but where are they? My whole experience has been sour. If I had met one positive gay person by now, just one, then it could have made a difference.

    What "difference" ? Maybe, ya' 'shoulda', woulda', coulda' been gay ?

    I think I can, I think I can...? You have said many times you, "...almost became gay."

    You can act on whatever you feel, anytime you want, if you want. There are several "positive gay" people on this board. I've met a lot of them at ApostaFests -- I like 'em! I don't judge them, because -- their sexual orientation does not affect me, my family ...or you.

    Why can't you 'see' positive gay people ? Is it possible you are not being the "positive" person, somewhere on that Kinsey Scale ?

    Your friend,


  • Junction-Guy

    I agree with roybatty, even if I was completely straight and no same gender issues and even if I was a secular person, I still would not agree with it. Religion does not have to be the issue here. This is how society accepts certain standards and this is how I feel. The voters will was thwarted, plain and simple.

    They already have civil unions, yet they want more more more.

    This is kind of my point that I was already stating.

    I already believed that homosexuality was not natural, I came to a point where I almost was supportive of their cause, but the way I was treated, and not just me mind you, but quite a bit of others too. I realized that this lifestyle was not for me and it was turning me into a negative self hating person. I removed myself from that mindset and that culture, and my outlook improved.

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