The Hope For Our Dying Home-Earth...An Inconvenient Truth

by justhuman 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    A little Google is in order here.

    google "great global warming swindle"

    It seems that the phony concept of global warming as a junk science environmental issue driving a political agenda was ORIGINATED by so-called 'educated Europeans'

    The whole thing is a fraud and a fake from the get-go!

    The computer models don't take into account the biggest factor, precipitation, and don't work in reverse, the so-called consensus is anything but, and I've seen more honest academic work from the WTS!

    Funny how all the stuff they want us to do to 'slow down' global warming is the same stuff pushed by marxist socialists for years.

    Maybe it's time for 'educated Europeans' the get THEIR heads out of the sand they have pounded where the sun don't shine, and stop using stupid terms like "pumping out crap" and "raping the earth."

    Solar activity is up, is the SUN "raping the earth" by "pumping out crap?"

    The only "Crap" being pumped out is the phony global warming Armageddon propaganda.


  • Dorktacular

    Ummmm..... America has the most strict and stringent environmental policies on the planet. You can't even fart around here without getting fined for polluting. Hell, you can't even light a cigarrette anymore, except if you're at home, at night, with the lights turned out, cowering in the corner, with a wet blanket taped around your head! I think America has done more to reduce polution than any industrialized nation. The other industrialized nations are still polluting like mad, and nobody cares! Has anyone ever been to China?? The sky is fucking green! The sun never shines! You have to wear a mask everywhere you go because of the pollution. How about Mexico City? You can taste the pollution in the air in that city.

    In America, everything we make costs more because companies here have to adhere to our very strict environmental stnadards. That's why China's getting rich; they don't care how much they pollute, and we don't care how much they pollute either because the stuff they make is cheaper. If you're really concerned about pollution, consider China the next time you buy some lead-laden toys for your toddler or some tainted toothpaste.

  • Warlock
    I wonder if Americans who stick their heads in the sand have any idea how educated Europeans view them?

    Quite frankly, this American never has, and never will, give a flying phuk.


  • Junction-Guy

    I don't give a pile of horse manure what educated europeans think of us

  • RollerDave


    ROCK ON!

    And it's true what Dorktacular say about how we are paying through the nose and still having no-nothing Europeans look down theirs at us.

    Pull your own butts out of the fire next time.


  • sammielee24

    There is an article in Fast Company - it's online in part and the last paragraph says it all - for anyone that wants to read a pretty interesting article go to their website. To me - it's much bigger than just saying the US is to blame. World population cannot sustain itself without major compromise and when one country stops, another picks up and that makes them the big, powerful boys on the block - negative global competition.

    We buy China's junk, they buy our bonds, our real estate, even our corporations; they expand into Africa with our money, enabling them to grow and sell us more junk. It's a spiderweb, a matrix -- and how it spins out is as scary as it is unclear. But one thing is certain: We're all part of the same ugly scramble. Eh?

    On the one hand we are aware and set to change our ways, but as we do so, other emerging countries will ultimately destroy the gains we make unless we all work as global partners. That will never happen. We cringe because we know the end result of massive consumerism, the destruction of our environment for cheap goods but given that, how do we stop other countries from aggressively taking a piece of that pie even if its at our enlightened expense? sammieswife.

    From Southeast Asia to Africa, the Chinese are farming oil palm, eucalyptus, teak, corn, cassava, sugar cane, rubber and other crops. As in Laos, the industrial-size farms are variously viewed as an ecological nightmare or a big step toward slashing poverty.

    In Congo, a Chinese telecommunications giant, ZTE International, has bought more than 7 million acres of forest to plant oil palms. In Zimbabwe, state-owned China International Water and Electric Corp. reportedly received rights from the government to farm 250,000 acres of corn in the south.

    Indonesia is moving to develop biofuel plantations with The China National Overseas Oil Corporation. The London-based Environmental Investigation Agency, an advocacy group, believes other deals are in the works, often through proxy companies because of long-running anti-Chinese sentiment in the country. The group says the project would destroy natural forest.

    In Myanmar, rubber concessions have gone to at least two Chinese companies, Ho Nan Ching and Yunnan Hongyu. Refugees fleeing Myanmar's military regime say troops are forcibly evicting farmers to make way for rubber plantations, including some run by Chinese enterprises.

    A Chinese-Cambodian joint venture, Pheapimex-Wuzhishan, converted land of the Phong tribal people into a tree plantation 20 times larger than allowed by law in Cambodia, according to the environmental group Global Witness. The group says the concession in Mondulkiri province encroached on grazing grounds, destroyed sacred sites and used toxic herbicides.

  • Fadeout
    Besides, this world is going to burn anyway.

    Technically, that's true... in a few billion years when the sun becomes a red giant and engulfs us. Sooner if we get hit by a GRB.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    I've just reread the original post in this topic...

    *sigh* God bless America.

  • Farkel

    :Al Gore's movie "An Incovenient Truth" pointed clearly that the Time for this plannet is running out.

    Once the USA signs on to a global warming treaty, there is BIG, BIG, BIG money to be made in the buying and selling energy credits. There are only 4 companies who are now set up to do that trading and charges fees for it. Al Gore has ownership and a management position in every one of them.

    That is why that hypocrite Al Gore can ride around in personal jets, own a home that consumes as much energy as 14 regular homes, and own SUVs. He justifies it by saying he buys energy credits. So the RICH can do whatever they want if they buy those credits. It's the poor and average people who are going to pay through the nose and get screwed once the US buys into this "global warming" crap.

    If the Earth's atmosphere was the length of a football field, i.e. 100 yards or 300 feet, 70 yards of that would be nitrogen, another 25 or so would be oxygen, a few more yards would be inert gases like helium. The last 9 inches would be carbon dioxide. Even if CO2 levels doubled, that would only represent 18" or a foot and a half out of 300 feet. That's next to nothing compared to the size of our atmosphere.

    We don't know enough yet to cry "wolf" about global warming OR the greenhouse effect. There are weather patterns that last thousands and thousands of years.


  • Carlos_Helms

    It would appear that the same political hacks that we call leaders have agendas that lie somewhere outside "for the good of the whole." Only a dumbed-down populace could ever enable such a fraud as "human responsibility for global-warming" to be perpetrated upon mankind.

    I haven't yet learned how to copy and paste an active you'll have to copy and paste to your browser. You'll be amazed.


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