The Hope For Our Dying Home-Earth...An Inconvenient Truth

by justhuman 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    The Scotsman,

    : Clear cut proof is available from observations in the North and South pole where ice is melting that has been there for 10,000s of years.

    The only place where there has been "significant" melting in the Northern Hemisphere is Greenland from what I've read. I've also read that the Polar Bear population is stable and even increasing.

    The South Pole is getting colder, not warmer. The majar areas of temperature increase over the last few decades have been in CITIES which have grown substantially. Duh! More people = more energy use = more heat! Cities which have experienced little or no growth have experienced no increase in temperatures. I've seen the official government charts for dozens of US cities. They don't lie.

    Many of the temperature monitoring devices are in places where the environment has changed. Some of them were in fields thirty or forty years ago and because of urban development they are in the middle of commercial real estate developments and surrounded by asphalt, skewing the readings.

    Russia is about 4 times the size of the United States and has thousands of temperature monitors, including in Siberia. Given the fiscal crisis in Russia, does anyone really believe they are spending the money to calibrate and repair their many monitors?

    We just don't know enough to make major and very expensive decisions on this subject.


  • besty
    however poluttion is a problem that needs adressing but research shows it's not part of global warming. Check it out.

    Please help this undereducated European living in SoCal with some referenced source material. Proof please.

  • besty

    Presumably the posters on this thread that want less political capital made from 'natural' cooling/warming cycles will also support more personal generation of energy requirements? <exactly how much coal do you want to dig out for your family>

    After all, you can't support a decentralised model for policy and a centralised model for resources, can you?

  • uninformed

    A lot of people are looking for another religion with a "world saving cause" and they think they have found it in the mythology of mankind causing glogal warming.

    May Europe, please, run out of oxygen first.


  • besty

    A lot of people are looking for another religion with a "world saving cause" and they think they have found it in the mythology of mankind causing glogal warming.

    May Europe, please, run out of oxygen first.


    Straw man, red herring, generalization, loaded language, labelling.... I'm impressed, Brant.<uninformed, sorry>

  • Hope4Others

    I loved the movie total truth or just makes common sense not to trash our home...


  • Carlos_Helms

    ...but it is very plausible theory.

    There is evidence that the earth's climate has been far warmer than it is today...and for long periods of time. Will this be a benchmark epoch? Who knows? But the earth, circa 1000BC - 400BC, was much warmer. The same was true for the era 850CE - 1100CE. According to expert testimony, the average temperature of the earth in the late 1700s (the Little Ice Age) was the coldest it has been in last 3000 years...and has been in recovery since that time. In 2006, the earth's climate had adjusted to the average temperature for the last 3000 years.

    If you use colder-than-average epochs as your temperature benchmarks, there is little doubt that following epoch will APPEAR warmer. Al Gore's presentation to the UN certainly wowed the world's leaders. His pseudo-scientific "evidence" is junk science that is agenda-driven. But don't believe me...check out the "Petition" website I quoted in my previous post.

    Copy and paste into browser:


  • besty

    Sorry Carlos - Petition Project seems to be pseudo as well....

    Al Gore's presentation to the UN certainly wowed the world's leaders. His pseudo-scientific "evidence" is junk science that is agenda-driven. But don't believe me...check out the "Petition" website I quoted in my previous post.

    Copy and paste into browser:

    Myth 2

    American scientists don't buy it - 19 000 signed a petition against the IPCC's views and the need for the Kyoto Protocol

    The petition is a hoax. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists of the USA :

      In the spring of 1998, mailboxes of US scientists flooded with packet from the "Global Warming Petition Project," including a reprint of a Wall Street Journal op-ed "Science has spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth," a copy of a faux scientific article claiming that "increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have no deleterious effects upon global climate," a short letter signed by past-president National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Frederick Seitz, and a short petition calling for the rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on the grounds that a reduction in carbon dioxide "would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind."

      The sponsor, little-known Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, tried to beguile unsuspecting scientists into believing that this packet had originated from the National Academy of the Sciences, both by referencing Seitz's past involvement with the NAS and with an article formatted to look as if it was a published article in the Academy's Proceedings, which it was not.

      The NAS quickly distanced itself from the petition project, issuing a statement saying, "the petition does not reflect the conclusions of expert reports of the Academy."

      The petition project was a deliberate attempt to mislead scientists and to rally them in an attempt to undermine support for the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was not based on a review of the science of global climate change, nor were its signers experts in the field of climate science. In fact, the only criterion for signing the petition was a bachelor's degree in science. The petition resurfaced in early 2001 in a renewed attempt to undermine international climate treaty negotiations.

    In fact, American experts agree with the IPCC on its fundamental assertions:

      In the summer of 2001, George W. Bush asked for the assistance of the US National Academy of Sciences "in identifying the areas in the science of climate change where there are the greatest certainties and uncertainties," and for its "views on whether there are any substantive differences between the IPCC Reports and the IPCC summaries." The NAS was given only a month to respond but did so nonetheless:

      Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions

      Despite the fact that the committee producing this report includes a notable skeptic who allegedly colludes with industry* (Dr. Richard Lindzen of M.I.T.), the NAS report states:

        "The IPCC's conclusion that most of the observed warming of the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations accurately reflects the current thinking of the scientific community on this issue. … Despite the uncertainties, there is general agreement that the observed warming is real and particularly strong within the past 20 years" (p.3).

      For further publications of the NAS see:

      Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises (2002)

      Under the Weather: Climate, Ecosystems, and Infectious Disease (2001)

    The reader is invited to visit the Union of Concerned Scientists' website for an excellent summary of the skeptic organizations, their tactics, and other hoaxes such as the so-called Leipzig Declaration.

      * Lindzen calls himself an "independent scientist" and consults for the fossil fuel industry at a rate of US $2500 a day (Sharon Beder, Corporate Hijacking of the Greenhouse Debate, The Ecologist, March/April 1999, pp. 119-122.)

  • free2beme

    In the 1990's, BILLIONS!!! were made over a little scare called Y2K. Was this done as a way to warn people, or to make money? Can people actually use limited or edited information to make you believe something, to the point that you would be willing to die for it, invest large parts of your life or concern in to it, only to learn later that you did not get the full story.

    Global Warming, ................... the new Y2K and cult. Educate your mind with all sides, not just one.

  • Bring_the_Light

    I'm a Chemical Engineer and an Environmental Consultant so I speak with a little bit of authority on this.

    I work for the alternative energy industry (Ethanol) so the whole big picture issues are always hot topics. Let me illuminate on just a few points. Environmental issues are very similiar to religion with the people knowing the least preaching the loudest.

    First, you would all most likely be dead if not for the Oil and Gas industry, if you don't immediately know why I say that, please shut up long enough to learn about the pre-industrialized world.

    Second, making good environmental choices embracing better technologies, and protecting natural resources and limiting pollution has nothing to do with anybody being evil or greedy. Nothing at all. You don't like it, do something better, don't know what to do better? cool shut up and quit annoying the people who matter in the world and are keeping you alive.

    Third, Global Warming is nothing more than a religion at this point in time. We have Catholic Global Wamingists fighting with Protestant Global Wamingists, the people who pipe up about the topic are most frequently the least educated on the topic. Al Gore is a well intentioned moron. All the big points and most of the minor ones in his movie are either hyped, innacurate or just plain wrong. I feel embarassed for anyone referencing that piece of propoganda as some sort of authority. Not even the believers talk about the "hockey stick" anymore, its become 1914 of the religion of Global Warming. The concept of anthropogenic climate change is very important, however virtually nothing you'll hear about it is anything more than propoganda and religion. It is not the first time Scientific observation has been deemed "heresy" and won't be the last. As soon as you hear anyone demean, and declare heretical someone who "fails to believe" we (Ex-JWs) of all people should know there's something wrong.


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