The Hope For Our Dying Home-Earth...An Inconvenient Truth

by justhuman 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    That is why that hypocrite Al Gore can ride around in personal jets, own a home that consumes as much energy as 14 regular homes, and own SUVs. He justifies it by saying he buys energy credits. So the RICH can do whatever they want if they buy those credits. It's the poor and average people who are going to pay through the nose and get screwed once the US buys into this "global warming" crap.

    You make a good point!

    And it's not just Al (I invented the internet) Gore. Many of the Hollywood types, with there personal jets and the like, that are pushing this crap.

  • jaguarbass
  • jaguarbass

    Only a dumbed-down populace could ever enable such a fraud as "human responsibility for global-warming" to be perpetrated upon mankind.

    The dumb the people down by putting fluoride in the water.

    Rove forget to tell W not to drink the water.

    Ironically W. lives in a more enviromentally friendly house than Gore.

    Dumbocrat or repiglican the working man is going to get screwed.

    Were expendable consumer units.

    Especially from an evolutionary perspective.

    Survival of the fitest the working man is not the fitest.

  • Satanus

    The earth is dying?? Yah, and sky is falling. The earth is doing very well, thanks for asking. It is a few billion yrs old, and will likely go on for another few billion yrs. It hasn't even hit old age, yet. One could say that it's in it's prime. Not bad for having come through several meteoroid hits that scoured 98% of the life from it's surface.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Stop picking on Al Gore. After the press reports about his house he made some changes. Compact bulbs and a couple of solar panels and what not. More than enough to offset any damage his Gulfstream causes. And don't forget the numerous awards he has won. A Grammy, an Academy Award, and the big one - the Nobel. Take that skeptics!

    Have you heard that an opera based on Gore's documentary is being written? The opera will be staged at La Scala so you know it is a big deal. Here's a preview of the opera. Keep in mind this is just a rough draft:

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    Some strong opinions coming across on this thread.

    In my employment I am deeply involved with Environmental analysis and work alot with environmental scientists.

    So lets cut to the chase and deal with established fact -

    Is the climate changing? YES.

    Has the climate changed before? YES.

    Has the recent climate change accellerated since humans started burning fossil fuels? YES.

    Based on scientific evidence, is it going to get worse before it gets better? YES.

    Did the movie "An inconvenient Truth" have innaccuracies in it? YES.

    But was the basic message of "An Inconvenient Truth" correct? YES.

    The potential problem is that many people refer to the past and say that climate shifts are a natural occurance - and they are correct - to a point....

    The current climate shift is distinctly different from previous ones. Clear cut proof is available from observations in the North and South pole where ice is melting that has been there for 10,000s of years. The average atmospheric tempreture has went up and down for many millenium but current observations show a much higher jump, especially in the polar regions.

    So the end is simply this - the climate is changing and we are at the very least a contributing factor and the current climate shift is one of the most significant shifts in many 1000s of years . If we do not curtail the burning of fossil fuel it will get worse.

    To say that this subject is "hype" is a nonsense, and is generally reffered to in this way by people who simply do not know anything about the subject or cannot be bothered to check.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Al Gore {The new Charles Russell} Doco. was full of lies and SOME research and you will find we have ALWAYS had climate Change....there was an mini- ice age 300 years ago....there was global warming 1,000 years ago etc....many experts disagree with Al.....however poluttion is a problem that needs adressing but research shows it's not part of global warming. Check it out.

  • barry

    Here in Australia we are in a very long drought. Ten years ago the global warming people predicted with gobal warming the rainfall would increase which is in fact correct because everytime without exception when there is an increase in temperature there is also an increase in rainfall.

    So why are we now in a drought and the global warming people are telling us the drought is from global warming? It seems to me every arguement is an arguement for global warming in some peoples minds.

    What size is Al Gore,s carbon footprint? A big one I imagine.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Hmm, attacking the person rather than their data. Hands up anyone here who's experienced that...

  • JeffT
    Hmm, attacking the person rather than their data. Hands up anyone here who's experienced that...

    OK I get how this works now. For the record: I love small furry animals and green leafy things which are all about to be destroyed by evil Americans that don't care about anything but making money and bashing those nice educated Europeans. I promise to remember this and say it often. Now I'm going to get in my SUV, drive to the store and get some steaks to throw on the grill. All this working for the environment has made me hungry.

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