Why Evolution Should Be Taught

by hamilcarr 360 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissingLink


    I dont think its good for society

    this is what I was talking about on page 1. Some seem to reject the obious truth of evolution because they just don't like it. You're afraid of what it means for society (wrongly so), and this fear makes you reject it outright and grasp at any straw given you by like minded zealots who also wallow in their ignorance.

    The above page or so, just letting you guys rant, just shows the kind of intellect we're dealing with. Nice job guys. Nobody can make you look as dumb as you make yourselves look.

    BA - You should go up to Brooklyn and help the "brothers" put together a new set of lies for an updated edition of "Life How Did It Get Here." You're right in step.

  • hamilcarr

    Undoubtedly, this thread served its purpose by exposing the beastly sides of the anti-evolution movement.

  • hamilcarr
    You people who stayed in Europe are of the docile genetic pacifist gene pool.
    If you still don't get it, you are the first genius with an IQ below 70.
    Reading comprehension is required, and I know it will challenge those of you who think that reading and believing science papers supporting the wacked-out imaginary evolution theory makes you smart.

    Now that we've entered the expected stage of Europe bashing and ad honinem attacks re intelligence, reading comprehension, etc it's illuminating to consider the 2006 results of the OECD programme for international student assessment. The absence of one western country is directly related to the subject of this thread.

    Here is an overview of the 20 places with the highest scores in 2006:

    1.Flag of the Republic of China TaiwanFlag of Finland FinlandFlag of South Korea South Korea
    2.Flag of Finland FinlandFlag of Hong Kong Hong KongFlag of Finland Finland
    3.Flag of Hong Kong Hong KongFlag of Canada CanadaFlag of Hong Kong Hong Kong
    4.Flag of South Korea South KoreaFlag of the Republic of China TaiwanFlag of Canada Canada
    5.Flag of the Netherlands NetherlandsFlag of Estonia EstoniaFlag of New Zealand New Zealand
    6.Flag of Switzerland SwitzerlandFlag of Japan JapanFlag of Ireland Ireland
    7.Flag of Canada CanadaFlag of New Zealand New ZealandFlag of Australia Australia
    8.Flag of Macau MacauFlag of Australia AustraliaFlag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
    9.Flag of Liechtenstein LiechtensteinFlag of the Netherlands NetherlandsFlag of Poland Poland
    10.Flag of Japan JapanFlag of Liechtenstein LiechtensteinFlag of Sweden Sweden
    11.Flag of New Zealand New ZealandFlag of South Korea South KoreaFlag of the Netherlands Netherlands
    12.Flag of Belgium BelgiumFlag of Slovenia SloveniaFlag of Belgium Belgium
    13.Flag of Australia AustraliaFlag of Germany GermanyFlag of Estonia Estonia
    14.Flag of Estonia EstoniaFlag of the United Kingdom United KingdomFlag of Switzerland Switzerland
    15.Flag of Denmark DenmarkFlag of the Czech Republic Czech RepublicFlag of Japan Japan
    16.Flag of the Czech Republic Czech RepublicFlag of Switzerland SwitzerlandFlag of the Republic of China Taiwan
    17.Flag of Iceland IcelandFlag of Macau MacauFlag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
    18.Flag of Austria AustriaFlag of Austria AustriaFlag of Germany Germany
    19.Flag of Slovenia SloveniaFlag of Belgium BelgiumFlag of Denmark Denmark
    20.Flag of Germany GermanyFlag of Ireland IrelandFlag of Slovenia Slovenia

    US Students Fall Behind in International Education Study

    An ostrich policy won't work though:

    Regrettably, the US has elected to withdraw its participation in PISA for 2007. Perhaps this is because the US has grown tired of the hyper-focus on accountability and “skill and drill” that has been born of No Child Left Behind. Or perhaps the competition just feels too steep? Either way, closing our eyes to the problem won’t make it go away. This growing crisis needs to be addressed--our future counts on it.
  • Warlock

    Anyone with enough common sense to cross the intersection on a green light knows evolution is horse-shit.


  • PrimateDave

    Evolution should be taught in high school (aka secondary school) Biology classes. If you or your child do not "believe" in Evolution, that's fine. Take the classes anyway. Your faith in Creation or Intelligent Design should be strong enough to handle basic Evolutionary theory in a classroom setting. What are you afraid of, anyway?

    After all, growing up I had the best Creationist material available to me straight from the Watchtower Society. Since I could choose which science classes to take in high school, I took Chemistry and Physics instead of Biology. So, I didn't have to study Evolutionary theory at all. And, since the 'End' was so near, I didn't go to college either. The first time I actually looked into Evolutionary theory and understood it was 20 years after graduating from high school. (Dear reader, please note that this paragraph, while mostly factual and correct, may contain sarcasm.)

    Finally, I didn't need Evolutionary theory to lose my faith in God. No. The Bible itself and Fundamentalist Christianity made me lose my faith in God. So, if the Fundamentalists of this world are afraid that Evolutionary theory is a threat to them, frankly, they are looking in the wrong place. A divine force may exist and be the cause of our existence in one way or another, but Fundamentalists will never get me back into one of their churches. "By their fruits you will recognize them."

    jaguarass, you might enjoy reading Inside the Criminal Mind by Dr. Stanton Samenow. Criminal thought and action know no religious boundary.


  • mkr32208
    You Europeans have a lower crime rate because you cant defend yourself.

    New official dumbest statement in the topic...

    Ham- Yes the US wasn't on that list but it's because the officials were unfair and took off too many deductions on the dismount!

    The funny thing is that some of the things that jagwadbass said are in fact a type of evidence of evolution. Several scientist are beginning to discuss objectively the theory that the people who did leave Europe and come to America DID have a genetic difference with those that stayed home. Is there a gene that makes people likely to either 'settle down' or be 'restless?' The study I looked at seemed to draw a direct correlation between those that were restless and moved and those who stayed in old Europe. This correlation coincided with the much higher levels of aggression and ADHD in the US than in many other countries. They compared those rates in counties and continents that were voluntarily settled (America) and those that were forcibly settled (Australia) and levels of aggression in the voluntarily settled areas where much higher. Even now hundreds of years later. So clearly (if the study is correct) those 'aggression/restless' genes are being passed on. Evolution in progress?

  • funkyderek


    Anyone with enough common sense to cross the intersection on a green light knows evolution is horse-shit.

    This sort of response baffles me. I understand you don't believe evolution and that you don't know much about it - this thread after all is about the dearth of science education and the religious propaganda that allows such ignorance to thrive - but at the very very least you must be vaguely aware that hundreds of millions of people believe evolution, including Nobel prize winners, university professors, leading scientists in every field of science and even most theologians. Further, you should be aware that these people have almost no counterparts who do not believe evolution is a fact. So who's wrong? Everybody who's educated in the subject - or indeed in any subject - the people who have advanced science, technology and philosophy, all the truly great minds of the last century or so — or you?

  • mkr32208

    I have no problem with students being able to 'opt out' of science and math. I think however if they do that they should be issues a 'special' diploma that has a little stamp that says "dumbass" and they should only be allowed to work in the low end of the service and agricultural fields.

    See the evolution/creation argument solved in one fell swoop (and even the illegal immigrant thing! Who needs them we have a ton of 'dumbasses' right here! Heck 3 or 4 right in this thread!)

    Hey apostate dude go mow my yard...

  • MissingLink
    I have no problem with students being able to 'opt out' of science and math. I think however if they do that they should be issues a 'special' diploma that has a little stamp that says "dumbass" and they should only be allowed to work in the low end of the service and agricultural fields.

    Freakin' Brilliant!! I love it! Put 'em on the short bus!

  • Galileo
    In order to clarify the discussion for the easily riled, we are talking macro, not micro-evolution here.

    This is a very common statement amongst crationists. Macro-evolution is micro-evolution plus time. If any creationst wishes to assert that there is some boundary beyond which a "kind" cannot evolve, than it is up to them to propose what universal mechanism it is that stops evolution at that point. No such mechanism has ever been found, or to my knowledge, even seriously proposed.

    It is the equivalent of someone claiming that water cannot erode a rock. When a geologist takes him to a deep canyon eroded by a river, the erosion denier says "That isn't proof that the river created the valley. No one has been around for ten thousad years to observe the entire process, so therefore my claim is as valid as yours!"

    So the geologist sets up an experiment where a stream is diverted over a rock bed. After ten years, both return to see a six inch gully is cut where the stream has been flowing. "Ah," says the erosion denier "but that's MICRO erosion! I always believed that. But a river can never erode more than four feet total of rock! That would be MACRO erosion! Anyone that can cross the street at a green light can see that macro-erosion is impossible!"

    We have evidence of "macro" evolution in the fossil record. We have it in genes. We have it in DNA. We see evidence of it in vistigial legs on whale calfs, vistigial tails on humans, vistigial organs throughout the animal kingdom. If the creationists wish to assert that "micro" evolution happens but "macro" evolution doesn't, than it is up to them to counteract the mountains of evidence from all the earth sciences.

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