Isaacaustin..I don`t consider Reniaa a Christian..She rejects anything,a real Christian would embrace..That would include the Bible and Jesus............Take a look at one of the Real Christians on this Thread,"Jgnat"......Look at Jgnat`s response to questions,as opposed to Reniaa`s.....Jgnat has been honest through out this thread.....Reniaa,couldn`t be honest if you put a gun to her head..The truth just is not in her....Reniaa Spotlight`s herself as a Christian.....Jgnat just Naturally Shines as a Christian..She is truthful,honest and thoughtful about what she says.....The difference between the two,is there for anyone to see...........................OUTLAW
Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?
by reniaa 407 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mary, this reminds me of the libraries that Jehovahs Witnesses steal from. In the name of Jehovah they steal books that put the
Watchtower in any negative light. Jesus and bible condemns stealing, but these bozo's do it in the name of theocratic warfare.
Mary, this reminds me of the libraries that Jehovahs Witnesses steal from. In the name of Jehovah they steal books that put the Watchtower in any negative light.
OMG you're kidding??! I didn't know they did that........Gee---I hope they at least replace them with the Millions Now Living Will Never Die info. Or at the very least, the Photodrama of Creation.
Mary..You never heard of that??..LOL!!..It`s been happening since I can remember.."JW Library Thieves"....It sounds too stupid to be real,but it happens!..LOL!!..............
and you know what else..... the watchtower's greatest sin is making some people not only leaving them....but loosing faith in God.
and the reason is that they made him to be so strict and nitpicking on so much assenine stuff, that many say "why would I worship such a egomaniac?"
and yes I'm a foreigner with bad grammer, and I'm a foreigner that also lived in a foreign country born with another religion......
those people in my family that are not witnesses DO NOT SHUN ME.
witnesses and my wife would at a drop of a dime!
I can't believe this thread has gone this many pages ! Miracles never cease I guess
This has been a great thread.....from my small perspective, the problem I have with the WT and thier teachings is the intolerance of the organization to non-members. The Bible is a book of love (well at least the NT) and about accepting others. Jesus would fellowship with those who the WTS would consider as apostate and should be shunned. Even in some of the OT stories, Yahweh/Jehovah did not shun satan, who is most likely apostate #1 in anyones book. There are stories in the NT where someone is all but instantly baptized for saying they believe, they did not have to study two books then sit in front of a board of elders, answering a bunch of questions so they could pledge loyalty to a 'spirit driven organization'.
I have never been a JW, so I have never believed in them, but from the outside looking in, the organization seems to gloss over a lot of the good of the Bible to serve their own needs.
The more I think about it, the WTS lives by a more OT view of the Bible than the forgiveness and inclusiveness of the NT.
I realize this post is not directly on topic, but when I hear my wife and the sister she studies with refer to what they are doing as a Bible study, and the only book that they read in context is the one published by the WTS, I can not help but believe the sister and her husband do not know what the Bible really does teach, in fact due to the way they have been taught, they are not only incapable of, but all but afraid to read it for themselves and find out what it means to them. I asked my wife to just read the Bible for what it says to her, well that is when the Insight books, the Bible Teach book and the Bible, God's Word or Man's came out.......
If a JW wants to find out if they believe in the Bible, put the WTS literature away and pick up the Bible and read it like one would read a novel.......let it speak to you.
If a JW wants to find out if they believe in the Bible, put the WTS literature away and pick up the Bible and read it like one would read a novel.......let it speak to you.
So heartfelt, and true. Thank you for sharing, insearchoftruth.
insearchof truth,
Absolutely my sentiments exactly. When the hubby and I have argued over this topic, I always notice that the religion is more about policies, doctrines, and practices, not love. Love is not included. When they claim to do loving things, it seems to only be to hurt or inflict pain on another individual, just to "help" them along.
Very well put my friend. Going to have to plagerize this in arguments with the outlaws, I mean inlaws
Jgnat..There are more Scriptures in the Bible that use the word "Glory" in reference to Jesus?!..Don`t tell Reniaa!!..She doesn`t like that word!!..And..Don`t give her any Music with the name Jesus in it..That will set her off too!............You have to be careful around Reniaa..She dosen`t like whats written in the Bible or music with Jesus in it!!.....It interferes with her Beliefs as a Christian!!..