"It has down graded into hate a Witness thread".......More Bullsh*t!........The fact is..It has down graded into a "Reniaa,answer the f**king Questions already!" thread..LOL!!...................Reniaa`s back....Woop-De-Frigg`n-Do!!.........................
Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?
by reniaa 407 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Remember Outlaw, JWs thrive on perceived persectuion. They love to imagine they are being attacked and hated. It builds there percetion that they alone have the truth and helps to ease their cognitive dissonance. No one has attacked Reniaa, no one has attacked Witnesses in any way...we have simply knocked down the empty WT drivel she has tried to spread here.
I OTWO added a further catagory to cover those that can continue being morale without the bible there is a scripture that covers this, one that shows we as creations of God have it in us to be morale without the bible.
I will argue for my immorality point because to go against morality often hurts others, from the nastier end were we murder, rape, steal to just fornicating, lying, etc and end up hurting others without acknowledging it. So if something we do has unforseen bad consequences we can define that as immoral. The proof of this is easy to see but sometimes not till afterwards.
Reniaa, do you see us as "bird food" at Armageddon?
lol I answered your questions more than others outlaw and your wrong I do like 'Glory' can you find a dictionary or theasaurus that equates it to celebrate without resorting to changing it to rejoice first?
isaacaustin since i'm not a practising witness and feel free to check with blonde if I'm quoting from a watchtower, I cannot answer your question it doesn't apply to me and it fully as LOADED a question as Outlaws was lol (For the benefit of readers I reserve the right not to answer questions that are logical fallacies) All I stated was a simple example to show it isn't that easy just to leave a faith that we all have choices were to go from there!
OTWO the reason I didn't go into to much detail is I wanted to keep it deliberately just a faith issue rather than a specific event that might cloud my point.
Or are you saying that there are always extenuating circumstances to this sort of scenario?
isaacaustin, I don't understand ... reading Luke 21:12, I am certain that those preaching about Jesus are the ones being persecuted.
"But before all these things take place, people will arrest you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake."
I've never understood how JWs think this applies to them. Maybe you can help?
Reniaa..So lying is immoral?..You said lying is immoral your own post!...........You lied when you said I mislead you..And..Used Seven bibles to prove your point..Seven Bibles!!.....You were then very misleading and misdirecting when you used only part of a sentence from all of those bibles.The completion of that one sentence proved you to be wrong!..In all Seven Bibles!!.................You need some serious lessons in morality..Have you ever thought about becoming a Christian?..LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!...................
OTWO the reason I didn't go into to much detail is I wanted to keep it deliberately just a faith issue rather than a specific event that might cloud my point.
Forget all this other stuff, you are just creating new straw men. That makes you feel
like you addressed each person and still allows you to avoid the tough questions.Here's the point I would like you to address:
If I apply the above to watchtower and the Jehovah's witnesses which is more applicable to me, then I am in the point 5 catagory and still willing to help the Jw's as much as I can,
Don't forget to see how Jesus did exactly as you are saying with the Jews. He was a Jew, he saw
errors in the teachings of the Jews, he helped them to correct Judiasm, made the Jews what they
are today. OH WAIT. He didn't do that. Hmmmm.... Aren't you a follower of Christ? What would Jesus Do? -
Sacolton, you would think there should be some sort of disconnect in the Witnesses mind on 'persecution for the name of Jesus". It truly shows how the org sets itself up in the precise place of Jesus...and persecution for the sake of the orgs demands becomes equated to persection for the skae of Jesus. Sad indeed.
isaacaustin since i'm not a practising witness and feel free to check with blonde if I'm quoting from a watchtower,
I didn't say you were quoting from. I said you were getting your info from. Your posting has the general tone of a WT on the subject of the 'where else is there to go.."
I cannot answer your question it doesn't apply to me and it fully as LOADED a question as Outlaws was lol
You can not answer what you think Jesus would have done if he were in the scenario you presented? You have answered why you can't. It doesn't apply to you. You don't try to follow Jesus. Thank you Reniaa.
(For the benefit of readers I reserve the right not to answer questions that are logical fallacies)
What logical fallacy?
All I stated was a simple example to show it isn't that easy just to leave a faith that we all have choices were to go from there!
Difficult indeed due to the WT programmming. I agree.
It's just very clear in Luke 21:17 ... "You will be hated continuously by everyone because of my name." Who is speaking here? What is His name? I don't see Jehovah's Witnesses proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ of His Resurrection and Salvation? True Christians profess everything in Jesus's name.