Or how about the place where you said works were needed in addition to faith...and you quoted James 2....I put it in its appropriate context and showed plainly that works have nothing to do with salvation...using multiple scriptures in context to drive this home....followed by a vague answer....this after you used James as a definite proof text.
Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?
by reniaa 407 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
hi all
I wondered whether to say more on this thread especially as it downgraded into a hate witness thread but I want to get back to the spirit of what I was thinking when I first wrote this unlike some think, I genuinely worry about faith and God. Now imagine yourselves in the 4th century you just been told you are all now to agree with the current governing bodies 'New light' some will agree, others won't and find themselves upset and unhappy, Others might be really hurt by the changes, others will just be undecided, what do you do?
1/ We can accept it and persuade ourselves they are right!
2/ We can disagree calling them all the names under the sun and spend the rest of our lifes trying to break and destroy them!
3/ We can use it as an excuse to leave the teachings of the bible completely and enjoy all that immorality has to offer.(this is a limited One lifetime only offer, enjoy it while you can! whether you believe in god or not)4/ We can remain deeply unhappy but do nothing accept suffer in silence allowing bitterness to eat us up!
5/We can accept the fault and the imperfection in the current doctrines but try and be possitive, working from within doing our best to change things by example and have a chance of getting our religion back on track, Letting our love of God gives us hope and courage.
6/ We can leave completely and join another faith reckoning by simple reasoning that since the other is wrong this one is right! there's just a chance this could be the case. some will check it's doctrines thoroughly to make sure or others will not look to closely not willing to let themselves be dissolutioned again.
7/ We can create a whole new faith, if we feel the old one is beyond repair, but this takes a lot of bravery and courage with the knowledge that failure is a great possibilty, you need a lot of faith in God to take this final step.
I personally think trinitarian faiths have lost their way completely beyond help if they no longer know God and beyond any major changes although the 'New light' on Hellfire was surprising lol 1600 years of books in their libriaries to be changed or ignored :sIf I apply the above to watchtower and the Jehovah's witnesses which is more applicable to me, then I am in the point 5 catagory and still willing to help the Jw's as much as I can, I did look at the alternatives but my search was in vain I found the same type of errors, I have not lost my faith in Jehovah and I have not the strength to start a new faith that is a more tolerate loving version of the Jehovah's witnesses.
If anyone thinks I've missed an option please feel free to add one, and or which catagory you would fall into indeed some might fall into more than one?
Eyes Open
How about living and believing what you think is right without being dependent on and controlled by any of the organised religions?
Who says your faith has to belong to "a faith"? -
You know Reniaa? I have been quite happy to leave you alone and let you dig your own grave, but you have really irked me with this comment:
We can use it as an excuse to leave the teachings of the bible completely and enjoy all that immorality has to offer.(this is a limited One lifetime only offer, enjoy it while you can! whether you believe in god or not)
Belief in your precious Bible does not equate with morality and I resent your insinuation that it does. Your claim of the moral high-ground is getting a little old, and probably all in your head. If you were so much holier than thou you would spend your spare time following in the path of Jesus and giving to or volunteering for the less fortunate. Oh wait, your precious WTS doesn't believe in charity, unless they are the recipients. Thus, you come onto this forum and make spurious, unsubstantiated claims that you can't support.
I wondered whether to say more on this thread especially as it downgraded into a hate witness thread
Straw man to avoid answering questions. Not entirely true.
Now imagine yourselves in the 4th century you just been told you are all now to agree with the current governing bodies 'New light'
More periods would help us distinguish where one sentence ends and the next begins (and a capital letter
to start a new sentence) but let me stay on topic before I change the goal posts.
Is this the years 300 C.E to 399 C.E or is it the 4th century of the WT's existence?
I must ask because there certainly was no Governing Body in the long-ago past. If you are referring to the
Catholic Church of back then, establishing Christianity for everyone else, following or not following was not
really an option. Force was used. You had to flee their jurisdiction to believe what you wanted.
And there won't be a 4th century of WT's existence. A new cult will have replaced them much sooner than
that.3/ We can use it as an excuse to leave the teachings of the bible completely and enjoy all that immorality has to offer
I like how you put all who aren't following the teachings of the Bible into the immoral status. I suppose
all those Chinese and Indians are just a bunch of fornicating, murdering, glass-clinking heathens.
You definitely know how the JW's set their own minds to win an argument.If I apply the above to watchtower and the Jehovah's witnesses which is more applicable to me, then I am in the point 5 catagory and still willing to help the Jw's as much as I can,
Don't forget to see how Jesus did exactly as you are saying with the Jews. He was a Jew, he saw
errors in the teachings of the Jews, he helped them to correct Judiasm, made the Jews what they
are today. OH WAIT. He didn't do that. Hmmmm.... Aren't you a follower of Christ? What would Jesus Do?
Forgive me for differing with you, but I say he would abandon the mind-control cult and it's manipulative
practices. Remember, when you go back- do not participate in the recruiting effort. Why make others as
miserable as you? -
Now imagine yourselves in the 4th century you just been told you are all now to agree with the current governing bodies 'New light' some will agree, others won't and find themselves upset and unhappy, Others might be really hurt by the changes, others will just be undecided, what do you do?
Problem from the get go Reniaa. Who has told you that you must agree with this 4th century governing body? That same 4th century governing body who has promoted itself to this position. Sorry, faulty premise on which to base the alternatives you mentioned.
Reniaa, how is your time coming along for this month? I am assuming you are pioneering and are almost at your 35 hours needed.
actually you have a point megs I forgot that,
0/ leave the bible but leading a morale life according to what we ourselves define by our own personal judgement! which can cover working without gain for charities, bringing up a family, or just simply living.
What would Jesus have done Reniaa? Answer Jerry in Chicago directly- not with another question.
Reniaa's entire above post sounds like a nice paraphrase of a WT article. No Megs, Reniaa did not forget to include:
0/ leave the bible but leading a morale life according to what we ourselves define by our own personal judgement! which can cover working without gain for charities, bringing up a family, or just simply living.
It simply was not in the WT she was taking her info from to post. The WT portrays anyone who leaves the org as one who leaves the Bible, and subsequently all morality.