Reniaa, has the Watchtower ever prophecized about anything that didn't come true? If the answer is yes, then the bible is very clear on what to do. You have been warned.
Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?
by reniaa 407 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Has the Wt EVER prophecied something to happen, let's say call their interpretation "the Creator's promise" and this not occur? Has htis ever happened, even once?
What would Jesus do in your shoes?
Instead of creating more straw men, think about the answer. I don't care if you will
print an answer on this forum. Just think about it. I will give you my answer.In your shoes, Jesus would recognize that the WTS doesn't have everything right, and
more importantly, he (well, she in this case) would see the terrible treatment that the
WTS dishes out to it's members in the form of shunning, heavy burdens, judgmentalness,
using fear to motivate, insisting that they conform.Jesus would chastise them the same as he did to the money-changers in his father's
temple. Jesus would not peddle their literature, but would only carry a message of
truth in the ministry. That message would clearly differ from the WTS message, so
Jesus could not be one of them, but only preach the part that is accurate. People
would know that the message from Jesus was unique. If Jesus knew that there were
no accurate religion out there, Jesus would not join them. If Jesus were unable, as a
woman with limited means, to start an accurate church, Jesus would still proclaim the
truth without an organized religion.Jesus would not judge harshly, those that viewed things differently than (s)he does.
Jesus would help them to know the same God that she knows. If they differed on
opinion from Jesus, and she couldn't make them understand, she would not condemn
them to destruction and would understand that they won't change their minds because
some imperfect woman (that's what she is in this case) looks at it differently. She
would appreciate that people are good even when they don't believe or do believe in a
different way. She would wish peace toward them.I think you want to do all that, but you think you have to belong. I don't think you wish
destruction upon us "heathens" and "trinitarians" and "pagans." You would love to save
us from destruction, and you think the WTS is the closest thing to doing that. Look at
them again. What would Jesus do? Jesus died for his cause (according to your Bible).
The least you could do is not feel that you have to belong to the wrong cause because
it is as close a group to your cause as you can find. Jesus would willingly go it alone. -
"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." - Psalms 118:8
you can only hope you picked the right way. which is all any of us can do.
An episode of the television cartoon SOUTH PARK had devoted Christians and others
in Hell. They wondered why they were there since they were so devote. They asked
the guy in charge. He said they had it wrong, that as it turns out the correct religion
was Mormonism.The God you worship doesn't work that way? Does He? Get it wrong and zap!?
I wouldn't want to serve that God. It's not a lottery- pick the right one or else.There are good atheists and good Buddist monks out there. There are good Hindus and
Muslims. There are good Christians. Most of them are wrong. I do believe that there is
an absolute truth out there. I also know that nobody on earth knows what it is. Getting
closest- that's an understandable concept. JW's are not "closest" in my opinion. If you
think so, I wish you well.Soon you will see how, regardless of their beliefs, they are like whitewashed tombstones
or cups clean on the outside. You will be love bombed and enjoy a little while with them.
It will be short-lived. Come on back anytime.I really am done on this thread. I will read, but I won't respond on it. If you really erk me,
I might respond in PM's, but this is long enough. We can't win you over to the dark side or
you win us over to the angels of light of the WTS. You need to experience it yourself.
If you are sure, what's the delay? Have you been to the Kingdom Hall this week? Have you
arranged a study with two JW's to help you back? I haven't kept up as I was on another forum.
Anyway, we'll see you back here after they finally DF you when you realize what a crock they
are, or you disagree with a doctrine while commenting at the WT study. See ya. -
It got quiet all of the sudden.
hi sacolton, I had to go and make tea, again it looks like things got talked to a standstill, :) You and OTWO made really good points i'm just rereading to see if I missed any. you and isaacaustin make a similar question.
Reniaa, has the Watchtower ever prophecized about anything that didn't come true? If the answer is yes, then the bible is very clear on what to do. You have been warned.salcolton
Has the Wt EVER prophecied something to happen, let's say call their interpretation "the Creator's promise" and this not occur? Has htis ever happened, even once? isaacaustin
I have to agree they've been foolish on dates. so I guess I've been warned :)
But I do use this measure against other faiths and while we shouldn't prophesy, we also shouldn't be caught sleeping.
Hi OTWO you made your last comment more of a statement not seeming to want a reply saying you've said all you want to say but I appreciate your comments and will be reading it over tomorrow, i'm currently off to sleep so its a good place to finish.
Thank you
Reniaa said: But I do use this measure against other faiths and while we shouldn't prophesy, we also shouldn't be caught sleeping.
Sorry Reniaa, but one doesn't cancel the other one out. What does the bible say about false prophets? Hmmm.....let's take a look shall we?
How does the bible describe what constitutes a "false prophet"? It is described in Deuteronomy 18:20-22:
"...However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him…"
It’s really quite simple: If someone predicts an event and claims that they are speaking for God, either the event will come true (proving that they are a true prophet), or it will not come true (proving that they are a false prophet), end of story. There is no allowance in the scriptures for anything else, no matter how well meaning someone may be.
Yet this is exactly what the Watchtower Society has tried to do. While admitting that they have "made mistakes" regarding future events, they gloss over what turned out to be "false predictions" by claiming ‘well, we’ve never lost faith or ceased to be watchful’----as though that some how excuses them for "speaking presumptuously". This concept is completely foreign in the scriptures as Jehovah has never said: "well, as long as you don’t lose faith, I’ll overlook your false prophesying." No, it simply says that if a prediction does not come true, then whoever predicted it constitutes a "false prophet."
To try and further distance themselves from the accusations, the Reasoning book further tries to justify the Organization by saying:
"Matters on which corrections of viewpoint have been needed have been relatively minor when compared with the vital Bible truths that they have discerned and publicized....... Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets . They have made mistakes. Like the apostles of Jesus Christ, they have at times had some wrong expectations.—Luke 19:11; Acts 1:6.----Reasoning From the Scriptures (1985, 1989) p.136
"...There are some who make spectacular predictions of the world’s end to grab attention and a following, but others are sincerely convinced that their proclamations are true. They are voicing expectations based on their own interpretation of some scripture text or physical event..."---Awake! 1993 March 22 pp.3-4 Why So Many False Alarms?
Does "sincerity" alone count as the Organization tries to claim in justification for their numerous false predictions? Not according to their own publications:
"No matter how sincere a person may be, presumptuousness and disobedience never win God’s favor." ---December 15, 1983 Watchtower on page 6
"Hence, the courageous course is being adopted not in sincerity alone, but on the basis of reliable information, correct knowledge . And this under trustworthy guidance, better than the guidance of "valueless gods." The correctness of the course is proved by the fact that it was foretold in a prophecy that has turned out to be no lie but the truth ."---Watchtower December 15, 1972 p. 742 par. 5
"...In the all-important matter of worshiping God, it is likewise true that sincerity alone does not guarantee that God is pleased with our worship . We may conscientiously believe we are doing well in this regard, yet we may be deluding ourselves."---Watchtower January 1, 1964 p. 4 Will Sincerity Alone Please God?
"Since the Bible was completed and "inspiration" is no longer necessary, a true prophet is one who is faithfully proclaiming what is written in the Bible....... It matters not whether he proclaims his message with deliberate, willful and malicious intent to deceive, or whether he is the blinded and deluded dupe of Satan and hence unwittingly used of him. In either case, he is a false prophet and hence the agent of Satan". ---The Watchtower May 15, 1930, p
"...Merely sincerely accepting and following a religious organization will not guarantee God’s approval and protection through this world’s end. Sincerity, conviction, or intensity of devotion will not change falsehood into truth ..."-----Watchtower October 15, 1960 pp. 614-615
"...sincerity alone does not purify someone of wrong teachings..."---Awake! February 2006 p. 13
"For our worship to be acceptable to God, sincerity is not only desirable but also essential. Yet, note that sincerity alone is not enough. It must be complemented with truth........For us to be acceptable to God, our sincere beliefs must be based on accurate information." ----Watchtower February 1, 2003 p. 32
"The man who wants to please God must be sincere. But sincerity alone does not make one’s religion approved in God’s eyes." ---Watchtower March 15, 1969 p. 166
"A religion that teaches lies cannot be true."----Watchtower 1991 December 1, p. 7
The above is a very brief section of a project I'm putting together Reniaa that clearly outlines where the Organization has gone wrong. Perhaps you'd like me to send you a copy when its done?
"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an ‘end to the world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The ‘end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?.. Missing from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them." Awake, 10/8/68.
Read that carefully, Reniaa.
1. Predicted an 'end of the world'
2. announced specific date
3. end did NOT come
5. What was missing? God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them.
What more do you need? The Watchtower is guilty of being a false prophet.
You must be a JW, it's easy to worship Jehovah apart from being a JW mostly cause you can read the bible on your own or in groups with out having your butt kicked for it and being chased down by the elders.