WHY don't Americans realize GUNS are destroying their country?

by Witness 007 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek


    We should get rid of our guns. Our guns are mean. The guns in Switzerland, although much more prevalent on a per capita basis, are much less likely to be used in a crime. This is because Switzerland has nicer guns than the ones in the United States. Replacing our guns with the nice guns they use will solve our crime problem.

    Your point is well made. The problem isn't the guns, it's the people. The people of Switzerland have proved that they are responsible enough to own firearms. Perhaps you could ask them for advice on improving your people.

  • SixofNine

    In Switzerland, they own guns as part of a well regulated militia. It's a radical concept that would be foreign to Americans ;)


  • leavingwt
    Perhaps you could ask them for advice on improving your people.

    No thanks. If you'd like to improve our criminals, by all means, please knock yourself out.

  • BurnTheShips
    Perhaps you could ask them for advice on improving your people.

    People improve themselves. But, I challenge the premise.


  • hillbilly

    Mc Minn County Tennessee


    http://www.constitution.org/mil/tn/batathen.htm (the contemporary news of the day is facinating)

    Now thats the Gun story ya didnt read this week! Thanks for that link.

    Sad part is the Feds would have a C141 full of BATF agents to quell that rebellion if it happened today. I watched MSNBC Gun Documentary Sunday night with Al Roker ( his talent as a weather guy is his strength by the way) that ends up being a "happy ending" story about how the BATF waits out a guy hold up in a house. I fear that if something like that happened today we would see a wide spread revolt.

    I guess they have just done Ruby Ridge to death.

    It was kind of cool though...Big Al hits the street with BATF agents in Chicago to make a co-ordinated early morning sweep of "heavily armed" drug dealers. The Feds load up ...it looks like D-Day Europe part 2... net results...the Feds seize a few pounds of dope, $40 grand and 2 ( yea, count em 2!) guns... not much of a gun story if you ask me.

    Then we go to NOLA where they moan about some 20 folks ...all with drug and weapons priors who are still running the street. Convict the guys already... after all you have a camera pointed at the whole 'hood!


  • leavingwt

    ATF, Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms

    Down South, we think that should be the name of a corner store, not a government agency.

  • funkyderek


    People improve themselves.

    Swiss people seem to do it better than Americans, no? Or maybe they've found ways of helping others to improve that Americans have yet to discover.

    But, I challenge the premise.

    Which premise? That guns are the cause of your problems, or that people are the cause of your problems? Or was there another premise?

  • beksbks
    In Switzerland, they own guns as part of a well regulated militia. It's a radical concept that would be foreign to Americans ;)

    Where have I heard this............sounds soooo familiar, but....................

  • BurnTheShips
    Or was there another premise?

    That the Swiss model would improve things much over here. Very different circumstances.


  • funkyderek


    That the Swiss model would improve things much over here. Very different circumstances.

    Could it be modified in any way to fit your circumstances? What exactly are the circumstances? And if the Swiss can't help, what would you suggest?

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