Mc Minn County Tennessee (the contemporary news of the day is facinating)
Now thats the Gun story ya didnt read this week! Thanks for that link.
Sad part is the Feds would have a C141 full of BATF agents to quell that rebellion if it happened today. I watched MSNBC Gun Documentary Sunday night with Al Roker ( his talent as a weather guy is his strength by the way) that ends up being a "happy ending" story about how the BATF waits out a guy hold up in a house. I fear that if something like that happened today we would see a wide spread revolt.
I guess they have just done Ruby Ridge to death.
It was kind of cool though...Big Al hits the street with BATF agents in Chicago to make a co-ordinated early morning sweep of "heavily armed" drug dealers. The Feds load up looks like D-Day Europe part 2... net results...the Feds seize a few pounds of dope, $40 grand and 2 ( yea, count em 2!) guns... not much of a gun story if you ask me.
Then we go to NOLA where they moan about some 20 folks ...all with drug and weapons priors who are still running the street. Convict the guys already... after all you have a camera pointed at the whole 'hood!