We've established that guns aren't the problem. Other countries have more guns and fewer problems. Something else must be to blame. But nobody seems to know exactly what. It can't be the government, as if it were, you and your buddies would have risen up against it. Is it the people themselves then? Or is it something about American culture? Is that the security you must lose in order to have the "essential liberty" of owning a gun?~FD
We've established that guns aren't the problem....Ok why did you write the rest of the paragraph. The Gun is not the Problem.
It can't be the government, as if it were, you and your buddies would have risen up against it. . I hope it never comes to that,,, we have a system that is wobbly but it works...kinda.
Are Americans inherently more violent than other people? ... You see the same old stats hauled around here that I do. The vast majority of Americans follow the law and just want to be left alone. Most Americans would like to see our "marginal" citizens take charge of the oppourtunity they have to make good and quit being force into crime to make ends meet. Whatever forces some people to be predators and others prey will never be totally changed by social programs. But those folks are there... we deal with it.
Or is it simply that in order to have the freedom to own guns in the peculiarly American way you so staunchly defend, you have to put up with a higher violent crime rate?
We defend something that many folks in Europe and the UK just dont understand.Yea we have a different culture...owning a gun... loosing the rights to keep a horse on 5 acres ... being told what kind of car to drive...it's all the same to me. Our guns dont drive the rate of crime... they are just a more efficient tool for those who would prey on us. If they take away guns and criminals turn to swords dont ya think we would be having the same arguments on our rights to bear steak knives to defend ourselfs?
We are allowed the essential right of self defense... Our governments founders allowed us to stay( gun) armed. We would prefer to keep it that way... we see what has happened in places where populations have been dis armed and we dont like the outcome... just call us crazy but we know history repeats itself.
Good day and God bless ya. I promise not to shoot ya while you are here unless you try to rape my wife or enter my house through the window.