Now Some Witnesses Are Buying Backpacks To Get Ready For The Great Tribulation!

by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    i remember wayyyy back in the 90s
    being told by a born-in that having a
    survivalist outlook of preparedness
    like food, water, etc, in anticipation
    of the BIG A showed a lack of faith
    in the ability and willingness of the
    great jah to preserve his people alive........

    s'cuse me.... i just threw up a little

  • leavingwt

    Does each backpack have an AFDB in it?

    An Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a type of headwear that can shield your brain from most electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers. AFDBs are inexpensive (even free if you don't mind scrounging for thrown-out aluminium foil) and can be constructed by anyone with at least the dexterity of a chimp (maybe bonobo). This cheap and unobtrusive form of mind control protection offers real security to the masses. Not only do they protect against incoming signals, but they also block most forms of brain scanning and mind reading, keeping the secrets in your head truly secret. AFDBs are safe and operate automatically. All you do is make it and wear it and you're good to go! Plus, AFDBs are stylish and comfortable.
  • minimus

    Do you suggest anything else for the backpack?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I won't need to stock up. I plan on feeding on all the fresh corpses.


    "Now Some Witnesses Are Buying Backpacks To Get Ready For The Great Tribulation" Thats the WBT$ BrainFart for this month.....Next month there will be something else..Like the "Big Announcement"!!.....But First..There will be an announcement about the "Big Announcement"......That will keep all the JW`s busy for another month..LOL!!

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    It's important to be ready "like the Israelites", as I was told.

  • Quirky1

    I'm getting ready to have another beer...Should I buy more?

  • minimus

    I think nips are more effective.


    "It's important to be ready "like the Israelites", as I was told."..................Israelite`s......Now there was a bunch of Genius`s..They followed a cloud around for years..And..Had rules about not taking a dump too close to camp.....Mean while other nations were building great citys......................"I want to be an Israelite!..I don`t know where to poop!"..LOL!!

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Finally-Free

    Soon we'll see Awake magazines with pictures of women hiking mountain trails with backpacks, complete with flowery dresses.

    Ok, nothing new there except for the backpacks.


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