Now Some Witnesses Are Buying Backpacks To Get Ready For The Great Tribulation!

by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    It's all right for the Americans who can have guns in their back packs but we can't have anything to protect ourselves with in the UK.

    My parents....avid JWs have always had their Armageddon cupboard well stocked. My father has always kept survival gear and food in the boot of his car. They have always been ready to 'flee to the mountains' trouble being that there are no mountains any where near them.

    They even have had serious discussions about where to flee to.

    Funny thing is........we too have found ourselves discussing what we would do should communications network, distribution networks etc break down as there has been some discussion of this here and there on the media.

    May be they are not as nuts as they appear. And perhaps we should all prepare for the unexpected though NOT Armageddon.

    The world is a very odd place at the moment.

  • minimus

    Bendrr, THAT was quite funny! Good to see you posting here!!!!

  • skeeter1

    Benjamin Radford
    LiveScience's Bad Science Columnist benjamin Radford
    livescience's Bad Science Columnist – 46 mins ago

    According to the founding pastor of New York City 's Times Square Church , David Wilkerson , denizens of the Big Apple should stockpile survival gear and a month's supply of non-perishable food in preparation for an "earth-shattering calamity" that could happen at any moment. The threat is not from foreign terrorists this time, but instead from God.

    Wilkerson, claiming he was prompted by the Holy Spirit, recently wrote in his blog that "An earth-shattering calamity is about to happen... It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires... There will be looting - including Times Square, New York City." (Only a Manhattanite would assume that God's destruction of the world would begin with New York City).

    "What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God's wrath," Wilkerson wrote. "God is judging the raging sins of America and the nations...I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off." He suggested that those wishing to survive should gather supplies; apparently the wrath of the most powerful being in the universe can be thwarted by extra water, a flashlight, and a case of beans.

    Of course "about to happen" is pretty vague, and Christian leaders have long preached that the End Times are upon us. The Bible clearly states in several places (especially Matthew 16:28 and 24:34 KJV) that Jesus would return during the lifetime of his contemporaries, not any time soon: "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom," and "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." If the bible literalists are right, Jesus is running about two millennia late to bring Armageddon .

    This is far from Wilkerson's first prophecy; in fact he has made something of a cottage industry of cranking out bible-based predictions. In 1973, Wilkerson issued a nearly identical message in a book titled " The Vision ." He described the great tragedies that would befall the United States if Americans continued to pursue homosexuality, greed, and sin. Nearly 40 years later, the issues include gay marriage , abortion, and stem cell research .

    Most of his prophecy did not come to pass, but it is a common theme. Rev. Jerry Falwell infamously blamed pagans, abortionists, gays, lesbians, the American Civil Liberties Union and others for bringing about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. In Falwell's view, God had enlisted Muslim Saudi Arabians to punish Americans for their decadent ways. In 2005, Rev. Gerhard Wagner suggested that Hurricane Katrina was " divine retribution " for New Orleans' tolerance of homosexuals and sin.

    In the Middle Ages , when natural disasters occurred and personal tragedies struck, superstitious minds assumed that the gods were angry. Centuries later, stillborn children, floods, and crop failures were blamed on a witch's curse or a failure of piety. Today science has found natural causes for disasters, yet human superstition still seeks supernatural origins .

    Benjamin Radford is managing editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine. He is author of "Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers Mislead Us" (2003). This and other books are noted on his website.

  • skeeter1

    Does the backpack come with a bushel of "Miracle Wheat"?

  • VIII

    Funny stuff.

    I tried bringing up the point that since The Big Jah will be destroying all the man made things and all the materialistic things the JWs put down, why oh why would he leave up, cell phone towers? The electric grid? Nuclear power plants? All those man made things that make the world go around?

    Oh, lest I forget, the Internet? How will all of these things run during the Great Trib Mom? She has no answer except "Jehovah will provide" (JWP) and when pressed on what will happen in the aftermath, as in where will she and the others live, she said "JWP". Standard, canned response.

    I then asked what her cats will eat? They, being carnivores, need meat. Not vegetables. Meat. She said Jehovah will make animals all perfect like in the Garden of Eden and they (the cats) will know what to eat.

    So, the cats will make it through.

    I won't apparently.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Will animals survive the GT?....what criteria will be used to determine those that make it through?

    Will pets belonging to EX-JW's get destroyed together with their keepers?

    What about ants and coackraches living in EX-JW houses?

    Will EX-JW infants survive the GT?

    Is there gonna be enough highly skilled personnel (engineers) to carry out rebuilding work?( as far as I know JW's are NOT encouraged to aquire such skills,....Will Jehovah keep some of the WORLDLY engineers to help JW's rebuild? ( will he thereafter kill them and destroy them permanently?)

    african GB member

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I needed a backpack this morning so I got our stash down from on top of a cupboard, found a suitable one and was about to put the box back when I spotted another one under my wife's desk.

    "Pass it here and I'll get it out of your way."

    Her,"It's ok. I'm going to put first aid stuff in it. And sardines!"

    I thought I had better get around to having a look at this thread again.



  • WuzLovesDubs

    Im sure my mother still has canned goods in her basement from the Cuban Missile Crisis in like 1961 LOL. Id be happy to donate it to their cause.

  • minimus

    Yes, the backpacks should have miracle wheat.

  • sir82
    I then asked what her cats will eat? They, being carnivores, need meat. Not vegetables. Meat. She said Jehovah will make animals all perfect like in the Garden of Eden and they (the cats) will know what to eat.

    Hey, if Jehovah can keep the awkward, primitively-built ark from leaking or breaking apart for over a year, and keep freshwater fish from dying in saltwater (or vice versa), and cause a few hundred "kinds" of animals to split into millions of different species within a few hundred years of the flood (and miraculously stop that hyper-evolution so it does not continue now), and keep a year's worth of food from rotting without refrigeration, and preserve millions of species of plant life even after they have been buried under hundreds or thousands of feet of water for over a year....

    It's small potatoes to get Mittens to start eating hydrangeas instead of mice.

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