Could Watchtower Collapse Be Sooner Than You Think?
I certainly hope so, but realistically there seems to be growing and longing consciouses about the faith in general thats accumulated
over the years with many long time members in that how come the end hasn't arrived yet when there were so many promises laid
out that most JWS believed so much in and surrounded their lives with.
In another way to look at some folks spent years studying the Organizations literature only to realize most of it untrue and misinformative.
The writers of the WTS. have for over a century unscrupulously exploited the belief in the bible to help propagate their own literature.
People within the organization are starting to become aware of that ever more so, with the help of outside fractions like the inter-net and others.
I don't believe the WTS. will collapse abruptly but rather a slow decline , a reworking of the stated doctrines is probable in the future to
down play their apocalyptic ideological push from the past, call it JWS - lite if you will.
Easier to swallow and much lighter on the waste line.