I would say with 104 responses and counting that these 2 JW's have made their point. Attention can only be given when we give it.
Again, I promise you most JW's who are ready to leave roll their eyes at the chipper/AE rhetoric. Maybe a nice giggle, followed by a snort.... Perhaps a 'guffaw'.....
Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to view disagreements toward their dogma and theology as persecution. At best, AE and Chipper must assume responsibility for what they choose to believe in and promote, as do all of us. So to that I say, I hope they enjoy being JW's.
...and I hope they realize that by posting here, they do more for those wanting to leave then they realize. If their goal is to draw some back to the borg, the toothpaste is already out of the tube on that one.
But, we can give them some more attention and feed the persecution complex. Or we can do what most people choose to do with JW's these days in the west: Tell them we are not interested, and close the door.