To the ex jws who have asked for a question or exact one. I was giving some advice, and the question is, why have so many after learning there is more to the 'truth' then taught, seem to just conclude that there is none, and lead a life that is very obviously against bible principles. (JW's didn't invent fornication, thats in the bible, etc)
I guess there are two kinds of Ex jws. The kind who after leaving believe there is no God or true religion, and want to tell as many as possible, so they can join in on the fun of being able to do 'bad/immoral' things. Then you have those who see things being done and taught against the bible, and out of a true godly fear/conscience leave or are DFed for making public that stuff. They are trying to serve God truthfully, and willing to go through much persecution if they see they may be sinning against him.
The whole purpose of my post was for the ex jws 1. You may find that God is real, and you can get a lot of truth from the bible still.
for the jws 2. So much focus is on the preaching aspect, that most have forgot or don't do any of the commandments of love. That many are very very guilty of judging and how dangerous that is. Finally that even the WT articles if you do research have said you can only get full understanding through Jehovah and Jesus, and you must read the bible, and you can get understanding of prophesy's from the bible itself and the spirit.
(I also don't want to appear elevating myself or judgemental, I am guilty of judging myself, guilty of almost everything, then I was praying sincerely for Godly wisdom, and things started to fall into place and change. I feel a lot like the Apostle Paul in the sense of how undeserved he was of getting anything from Jehovah and Jesus, but it proved the undeserved kindness.
Off to bed for me now. Again if any on this site have done a lot of study, and think they had revealed to them through God's word, the future events and his divine plan, let me know. Currently I can't find any true christian congregation like the early christians, but if others really on the truth, would be great to talk and compare notes as we are getting this great insight.