A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too

by EndofMysteries 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • EndofMysteries

    To the ex jws who have asked for a question or exact one. I was giving some advice, and the question is, why have so many after learning there is more to the 'truth' then taught, seem to just conclude that there is none, and lead a life that is very obviously against bible principles. (JW's didn't invent fornication, thats in the bible, etc)

    I guess there are two kinds of Ex jws. The kind who after leaving believe there is no God or true religion, and want to tell as many as possible, so they can join in on the fun of being able to do 'bad/immoral' things. Then you have those who see things being done and taught against the bible, and out of a true godly fear/conscience leave or are DFed for making public that stuff. They are trying to serve God truthfully, and willing to go through much persecution if they see they may be sinning against him.

    The whole purpose of my post was for the ex jws 1. You may find that God is real, and you can get a lot of truth from the bible still.

    for the jws 2. So much focus is on the preaching aspect, that most have forgot or don't do any of the commandments of love. That many are very very guilty of judging and how dangerous that is. Finally that even the WT articles if you do research have said you can only get full understanding through Jehovah and Jesus, and you must read the bible, and you can get understanding of prophesy's from the bible itself and the spirit.

    (I also don't want to appear elevating myself or judgemental, I am guilty of judging myself, guilty of almost everything, then I was praying sincerely for Godly wisdom, and things started to fall into place and change. I feel a lot like the Apostle Paul in the sense of how undeserved he was of getting anything from Jehovah and Jesus, but it proved the undeserved kindness.

    Off to bed for me now. Again if any on this site have done a lot of study, and think they had revealed to them through God's word, the future events and his divine plan, let me know. Currently I can't find any true christian congregation like the early christians, but if others really on the truth, would be great to talk and compare notes as we are getting this great insight.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum

    Did it not occur that perhaps the bible and Jehovah are still real

    Yes it did.

    So I went back and re-read the first chapters of Genesis using good English grammar. Trying to believe that these writings were true had given me brain damage as a child. Revisiting them wasn't any better. I can not live with the internal dishonesty required to believe the creation accounts.

    Then I tried reading the Gospels. I got to the part where our illustrious leader vandalised a fig tree for no better reason than to show off to his mates and that was enough for me.

    I came to the conclusion that all religious writings are man's thoughts about god. None of them are God's thoughts about man.



  • JezebelGirl


    Just 2 types of exJw's? What planet are you from? Denial is not just a river in Babylon. Bible bashers and fornicating evil doers??? Puhlease! There are lots of us who have been set free from "the truth". We don't need to shout from the rooftops that JW's are brainwashed, or evil. We don't need to join another cult or religion to tell us how to live our lives or take the responsibility from making our own life decisions.. We are not evil fornicating, adultering, drug taking alcoholic nasties. We just get a job, meet nice normal folk who don't judge us, form real relationships with people who have no agenda for loving us and we get married, buy a house, travel and have beautiful innocent normal kids. Get with the program - it's pretty easy and contrary to the JW agenda, SATAN is not out to get us. From my viewpoint, the closest I got to Satan was being enmeshed in the trip that was the Watchtower society and it's evil brainwashing ways. The nightstalker in the UK and the Garrido chap in the US felt right at home with them.

    The truth WILL set you free!!

  • highdose

    atta girl jezebel! you said it for all of us!

  • trueblue




    1 Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days proceed to come, or the years have arrived when you will say: “I have no delight in them”; 2 before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds have returned, afterward the downpour; 3 in the day when the keepers of the house tremble, and the men of vital energy have bent themselves, and the grinding women have quit working because they have become few, and the ladies seeing at the windows have found it dark; 4 and the doors onto the street have been closed, when the sound of the grinding mill becomes low, and one gets up at the sound of a bird, and all the daughters of song sound low. 5 Also, they have become afraid merely at what is high, and there are terrors in the way. And the almond tree carries blossoms, and the grasshopper drags itself along, and the caper berry bursts, because man is walking to his long-lasting house and the wailers have marched around in the street; 6 before the silver cord is removed, and the golden bowl gets crushed, and the jar at the spring is broken, and the waterwheel for the cistern has been crushed. 7 Then the dust returns to the earth just as it happened to be and the spirit itself returns to the [true] God who gave it.

    8 “The greatest vanity!” said the congregator, “Everything is vanity.”

    9 And besides the fact that the congregator had become wise, he also taught the people knowledge continually, and he pondered and made a thorough search, that he might arrange many proverbs in order. 10 The congregator sought to find the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth.

    11 The words of the wise ones are like oxgoads, and just like nails driven in are those indulging in collections [of sentences]; they have been given from one shepherd. 12 As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.

    13 The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man. 14 For the [true] God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.


  • carla

    I think you fail to understand that many here HAVE read their bibles and if you had read your bible you would certainly understand that God would never have anything to do with the watchtower and the ungodly and downright evil message jw's feebly attempt to spread. Take your constant use of the word jehovah for one example, jw's teach you must use that as His name yet it wasn't even a word until around 1700 invented by a Catholic monk by the name of Martini! jw's insist you must use it to have any hope of surviving the big A even though there was a wt where they admitted it was probably wrong! How are jw's so unaware of their own literature?

    Yes, many here have read their bibles, have you read yours?

    You don't seem to have problem with using upper caps for many words in your writing yet you are unable to capitalize the word 'Christian' and you want to talk to us about respect? The reason jw's cannot 'draw closer' to jah is because the wt does not allow anybody to draw close to God! they are supposed to draw close to the man made org instead! You don't even see that you worship an organization and not God. Jesus is not for you unless you claim to be one of the anointed. There are so many things wrong and downright sinful about the jw's I could write from now until next year and still not be done!

    Take a look at the log in your own eye before you worry about the splinter in everybody elses.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Welcome to the forum EndofMysteries.

    You raise some interesting questions - but if you are completely honest with yourself, and carefully re-read your original post, and your subsequent posts, you will have to admit that the questions and advice you offer are somewhat judgmental and are laced with same kind of cultish language that the WT and other religious cults use.

    However, I can relate to where you are - because I was kind of where you were at one point. During the first stage of my awakening I realized that the WT was anything but the truth, I recognized them as more evil than good, and I still clung to the belief in the bible, Jehovah, Jesus, all the angels etc etc.

    I then began a fresh and fervent study of the scriptures - much like yourself. Carefully reading and re-reading the bible, researching deeply, praying earnestly, and honestly and candidly looking at all the available research that science and the secular authorities have to offer. This phase of study brought me to the next stage of my awakening.

    To my initial horror, which would later turn in to indescribable euphoric joy and bliss, I discovered that the bible itself and the entire religious movement of Christianity was in itself a complete and utter sham.

    Although I recognize that it is has some value for some types of people, I also recognized that following an invisible super being, described to us all by imperfect men, was not for me.

    As my studies deepened, I realized I could live a wonderful life, rejoin the human family as a euphorically happy and productive person, and gain some real meaning to my life.

    Perhaps you will continue on your journey and end up where I am now... but perhaps not. That will be your choice. In the meantime I only ask that you do not hurt or harm anyone in anyway with your teachings - neither physically or psychologically.

    I would also like to welcome jezebelgirl! I think we would like to see more of your posts! Excellent points!

  • AwSnap

    you dress worldly, party like worldly people, drink like them, because 'everyone' is doing it. Not sure if you are trying to speak the jw lingo or if you really haven't escaped the cult mentality. Personally, I do not use the word worldly unless I am speaking positively of someone who knows all about and travels the world.

    Oh, and check this out if you ever get the chance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNf-P_5u_Hw

  • designs


    Take your Meds, the voices will subcide.

    ............The Jerusalem effect.

  • mouthy

    Jezebelgirl..... Welcome I can tell I love you gal. You said it like it is.TRUTH!!!! they ruin lives

    Endofmysteries---- welcome to you too.But I suggest you get a life.
    Out of the organization,that tells you not to get educated,find a job
    I was a JW for 25 years,,, ruined my life!went through bashings to STOP
    being a witness ,,but like you I was convinced the WT was truth.
    I dedicated my life to a false prophet (WT) went through no blood
    operations, I made 10 people JW's .Then when I admitted I could
    not believe Jesus came INVISABLY in 1914 they kicked me out
    took my kids hostage,,,,GET A LIFE!!!!!

    If Jesus came in 1914....I wish he would go back...you are following a false prophet
    read Deut:18:20-22

    http://exjw.weebly.com/ Grace Gough

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