A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too

by EndofMysteries 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    WHY did Jesus not give BLACK AND WHITE answers and explanations for everything, WHY did he speak in illustrations? Well he answers that himself, at Luke 8:9 - "to YOU is it granted to undertand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of God, but for the rest is it in illustrations, in order that, though looking, they may look in vain and, though hearing, they may not get the meaning.

    In other words, God is not an equal opportunity employer. He predetermines, or predestines, those whom he will accept. This would make the statement that Christ died for all men a lie.

    I really am curious, why many of you have just given up on Jehovah like that. There is MUCH wisdom in what is going on, and much regret on those who gave up on him. (not saying the organization but HIM, the bible, prayer)

    Why shouldn't we give up on him? You've already made it clear that we'll never "get it" because it hasn't been "granted" to us. Through no fault of our own I might add. So why should we waste our time?

    For that matter, why are you wasting your time? Since it has not been "granted" to us no amount of blathering on your part could ever make a difference.

    As for me, I have better things to do. Tangible things. Things that have nothing in common with someone who butchered millions in the past and threatens to butcher billions in the future. I'll start with some bacon, eggs, coffee, and whole wheat waffles.


  • jookbeard

    EndOf; Welcome and perhaps a bit more humility and less of a patronising style in your opening post would have been nicer.

    "What is in your heart?"

    What is meant by that question?,many thousands on this forum and else where, have good hearts who have researched and lovingly imparted their wisdom and help in aiding ones who have had hurt,pain, doubt's and fear instilled into them by the lies and dishonesty that the WTS. I like to think our "heart conditions" are perfectly tuned in helping like minded ones seeking help in releasing the shackles of the lies and dishonesty and murderous practices of the WTS. It's life saving work that is going on here, someone who maybe has young children and is released from the WTS will never have to have the terrible dilemma in with- holding life saving medical treatment to their loved ones, isn't that an amazing thought?

    "Did you ever read the Bible or get what Jesus was talking about?"

    Again what is meant by this? you seem to be making generalizations about the membership here in a disrespectful tone, it has often been quoted that a mere few years in the WTS can constitute a chance of being able to read the Bible from cover to cover , we have some very well qualified members here ,ex Gilead , ex elders, CO's, Pioneers, Bethelites with countless numbers of years of service to the WTS who certainly have read their Bibles and certainly understand the teachings of Jesus . Stick around and you will learn many life changing lessons from being on here. You will find that rather then giving up on Jerkhoobah(slang mine) many are closer to the Lord Jesus and your Hebrew God Yahweh then they ever were while in the WTS

  • mouthy

    Stick around and you will learn many life changing lessons from being on here. You will find that rather then giving up on Jerkhoobah(slang mine) many are closer to the Lord Jesus and your Hebrew God Yahweh then they ever were while in the WTS


  • cyberjesus



    First of all, in this place MOST of us have studied the bible. If we are DFd means we had to study we had faith, we preached we gave our lifes to the WT and were sincere, AMOF there are some ex-Gillead missionaries alot of Ex-Bethelites Tones of Ex-Elders, Ex-MS Ex-Pioneers etc.

    I know what you are going thru, you just need to understand is just a stage in your seach for truth. And that is a good thing. Continue reading and doing your research. Do not try to probe a point because most likely your point is gonna be your past believes. Rather study to find everything new. And you will. You might not like what you will find but is gonna be the truth.

    Crisis of Consciense is a must read by Ray Franz and Releasing the Bonds by Steven Hassan. Then The Bible Unearthed. Then come back on post your new perspectives.

    Have Fun,

  • HappyGuy

    Did you allow the discovery that their may not be a full truth, to become a cause for joy and excitement that perhaps your free to do all the immoral things and sinful things that displease him, because he will be 'understanding'? I can't believe how many seem to have just given up or wanted to give up. (not saying you should of stayed in the organization, but just how you have lived your life 'after' leaving')

    How DARE you try to judge me. A cause for joy? Like I was purposely looking for a technicality so I could "get out"? Like my faith meant nothing to me?

    "perhaps your free to do all the immoral things and sinful things that displease him"?

    How DARE you. Learning that the WTBTS are nothing but liars and that my "faith" was based on lies was EXTREMELY devestating. It was heart breaking. It is STILL heart breaking.

    "I can't believe how many seem to have just given up"

    Given up following a false god and his false prophet? Of course we gave up. You imply that there was some defect in us.

    ..."but just how you have lived your life 'after' leaving'"

    What do you know about how I have lived my life? You insinuate that I purposely had a shipwreck of faith so that I could go whore around. Who THE FUCK are you to make such accusations?

    Get off this board you sanctimonious, judgemental hypocrite. How DARE you say such things to us.

  • ldrnomo

    So, endo, end this mystery for me.

    If god is wise and intellectual, why would he create humans to have these same qualities and then hide secret meanings in writings that the very people he created would not be able to see them.

    Please explain this concept to me, maybe I'm too wise and intellectual to understand it.


  • jookbeard


    perhaps your heart condition needs looking at, and "sinful and immoral things" is something you are searching for. You certainly wont find the seedy nature of a comment like that on this forum

  • whoknows

    It was reading the Greek Scriptures (or New Testament) with an Interlinear translation, Wycliff Bible Commentary, bible dictionary and a few other translations of the Bible that caused me to come to the conclusion that what was taught as "true Christianity" at the Kingdom Hall had very little in common with what is taught in the Bible.

    Just a few thoughts:

    Jesus said:

    "call no man leader, for one is your leader"

    "No one can come to the father except through ME" (not a man made organization that claims that only through association with them can salvation be had)

    Jesus said (to paraphrase) "If they tell you I am in the mountains (invisible) DO NOT BELIEVE THEM". Jesus taught that when he returned EVERYONE would see it.

    The book of James that we were hit over the head with so often at meetings (faith without works is dead) is about CHARITY - material giving to those in need! What if Jesus really meant what he said when he said if you feed the hungry, take care of the sick, etc. you are doing so to me?? Those charitable works are the ones that the evil churches are accomplishing, not Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Consider that the whole tone of the NT is that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus, you can't earn it, it is a gift. Men cannot give it.

    By the way, I left two and one-half years ago after much study and contemplation, and I am still married to the same man for 36 years and I am basically the same person I always was - except that now I do not believe that the way to solve the earth's problems is to slaughter 6 BILLION men, women, children and babies.

  • chickpea

    what was the question?

  • willyloman

    If you'd really spent any time here, you'd know that many of us read the bible. We got what Jesus said.

    We paid close attention and in the end what we heard loud and clear was: Follow your conscience rather than the teachings of earthling man. My own conscience, coupled with the advice that "by their fruits you will know these men," made it clear to me that I had to stop supporting this scam. Many of us haven't turned to sin, as you put it. I know I lead a more righteous life now than I did as a dub, and much more quietly. From what I read in the Bible, my god prefers it this way.

    You can't be expected to understand any of this, however. You are still blinded by the god of this system of things, including the JW organization which demonstrates its allegiance to this "god" by its spirit of greed, fear, ego, guilt-inducing judgment, and torment. When you finally "get" what Jesus said, we can talk. Until then, you're not going to win any friends here.

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