A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too

by EndofMysteries 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    welcome to their forum.

    I don't understand why you feel that a lot of ex jws are leading bad/immoral lives - have you seen this for youself? are you speaking from firsthand knowledge or is it just heresay.....the jws' are like that - they tend to be very judgemental on the masses and yet there is no proof for such judgement or any evidence to back up that judgement - it's all hazey and grouped/lumped into ""them/they/the others"" etc.

    My life has improved in leaps and bounds since I left that dispicable faith. A faith that taught everyone else would die if they weren't a Jw, a faith that sweeps pedophilia under the carpet, a faith that doesn't understand god at all, a faith that proclaims to be the mouth of god and yet get it wrong on every single turn and do not take responsiblity for their words, a faith that encourages family break ups. No thank you - I do not want to part of any man made organisation/religion.

  • Newborn

    I still have not been able to figure out if you're still an active JW or not!!!???? (if you are - you should not be on this site at all, remember Jehovah will judge you!)

    It makes me very sad that you judge us and do not respect us for the persons and the faith we have now. As if WE were bad and uneducated people??

    I agree with Loubelle that all of us are much more happy since leaving the cult. We are free and deserve respect for what we've had to go thru
    leaving this cult.

    Be careful with your words please and I think you owe us all an apology.


  • DubR

    Oh man, I have been trying to hold back my laughter at work but its soo hard when I read your serious posts EndofMysteries. Brothers and sisters, this is what happens when you take a very uneducated person and throw in a bunch of "ancient secret holy" books at them and they try to put the ridiculous puzzle together!! You get a large helping of NONSENSE. EOM, I can't believe you have done soooo much studying through various books and have yet to find out the the name Jehovah is the mistransliterated word created when the tetragrammaton (YHWH) mixed with the vowel points Adonai (Lord). This was used because the Jewish people became superstitious about using God's name and didn't want people to say it! Actually you would be spitting in God's face using that name. That's like if your name was Sarah and people called you Seruhoy! So before you try to start judging people you don't even know and have never met a day in your life, get your God's name straight!! Oh yeah, NO ONE knows the bible God's true name, its all guesses. DO RESEARCH ON THAT FIRST!!! But hey, I guess its the thought that counts to God!

    Also, you asked why do ex-jehovah witnesses stop believing in the bible? Well I have an activity for you!

    All you have to do is tell me the story of Christ’s resurrection. Something any Christian will surely be able to do with ease AND you don't have to tell the entire story just start from just before the rising. Here are the verses so you don't have to search. Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21, Acts1:3-12 and 1Cor 15:3-8. Now, without leaving out any of the details from these accounts, write a step by step guide of the events that took place. What happened first, second, who said what, when, and where, how many people and angels were part of that wonderful event.

    Why would anyone in there right mind, after being mislead by a religion that was suppose to be from God himself ever believe in a book that can't even get this very important story straight?? And dont give me that, "you wouldn't even understand, you dont really care about the true story, it isn't for your understanding" bull... Oh yea, keep doing research and you will learn that NO GLOBAL FLOOD OCCURED A LITTLE OVER 4000 YEARS AGO!!! I could go on and on...

    PS. Jeremiahjs, Beksbks was being sarcastic when she said, "Bless your sweet soul Jeremiah." I think you guys were digitally sent out in two to preach. Im pretty sure you know each other lol.

  • EndofMysteries

    Okay, my last attempt to explain my position and who I was talking about.

    Many do no longer believe in God or the bible. Let's be honest, that being the case, while being 'good' people, in the aspect of what you do in your lives and how you treat others, there would be little reason to abstain from fornication, etc, premarital sex, etc. It's natural to want to do that, most of us abstain because of respect for Jehovah and how it's only for while in marriage. Many of us have no desire to steal, murder, etc, but that's one thing hard to control ourselves on. Then there are those too who for some reason love to use profanity, and even many 'worldly' people don't. Then the holidays, what bad is in them? Fun, yes, only reason not to is out of respect for Jehovah. So those who do not believe in God or the bible anymore, I understand that your happy as you are now, just doing what you believe is right.

    I still go to meetings, etc, the only reason, is I'm not being rash and waiting for Jehovah's direction. Based on my reading and studies, a huge list of things that no longer believe or agree with. I'm actually drawing more close to Jehovah, and my life is becoming even more strict lol. The reason I haven't left, is that trying to figure how Jehovah wants me to serve him. If I leave or get dfed, can't help any in the organization, as I very well know from being raised myself how dfed and or 'apostates' are treated.

    Are told how many want to do their own thing, not lead moral lives, etc, and thats why look for fault to twist their reasoning and leave. ANd be honest, SOME DO. Not saying everyone who reads this meets that. Raymond Franz, and many from the association who had left, were literally because of conscience or trying to really serve God and were going to obey him vs man. I always thought that finding fault w/ history, etc, didn't change that now was doing all God wants from the bible.

    Well, when on my own, never by words or sites from opposers. Started seeing how were going against the bible. Judging ones repentence, or how spiritual by 'works' of meeting, service. Not having the love Jesus taught, etc. Then the end times prophecies, and how many haven't happened yet, how many are talkinga bout today.

    Then I saw how many are having their lives at stake now. Leading super clean lives, but JUDGING and NOT SHOWING LOVE, the way Jesus and the early christians taught. And read the condition of Gods people right up to the great tribulation, and what he intends to do about it. (IT WAS DEAD ON RIGHT) And the REASON for the great tribulation, and what exactly will be happening.

    The bible started to really open up to me and I felt like being a JW was being fed milk, like your whole life all your taught can be done in 1 day, very very basic milk and never had whole food. I had awaken from a deep sleep and was starving for real spiritual food, and for months have been devouring it.

    All this insight really scared me, as I was very very concerned for friends and family. When trying to talk to family about it, it was like the ancient Israels, thinking maybe had a demon, being blind to what trying to show, accusations, etc.

    My insight brought to light so many things I had been lacking and not doing. Not showing true love, not supporting family, judging followers of God, not trusting in Jehovah for food/clothing, building up earthly treasures for myself as my thinking is based on USA thinking on riches, etc.

    I am still getting tons of insight, and dont' expect to get a clear picture of what Jehovah would will me to do until done showing all he wants to. Until then, trying to lead by example among the JW. For example, one didn't have any food, is loosing everything, his OWN FAMILY won't help him, has had to sell most his possessions, and his mom said well you shouldn't of missed the meeting. He can't even buy gas. His congregation and friends supposedly know and no help. I am in a tough situation, but sent him a gift card, and trying to encourage him to read the BIBLE.

    My own relatives, some also going through real hard time, and family isn't helping family. Or in the congregation love not being there, etc. So for the moment trying to lead by example, and if anybody asks anything or is really down or being treated bad, just really trying to get them to read the bible, go to Jehovah, and to understand he may have some insight for them in it.

    I came here, because of the road I've been on, and seeing if any others in this place too. Was hoping to find some who saw what's not being done according to Jehovah's word and been learning the real truth too. So my 'disappointment' was just in that looks like for the most part those who realize all being done isn't the truth threw in the towel and just doing what they feel is right and that even the bible isn't God's word or he exists.

    When getting the real light and Jehovah's direction in the bible, and how it works, you KNOW it's not man's word, how it is perfectly describing what's going on right now, and at the same time is unseen by most.

    The sad part, is that if you don't believe in it or God anymore, if your enjoying your life right now, what it's shown me is coming, is FAR WORSE then what is taught by JW's. What's taught is that just a great tribulation is coming, once it starts it should be fairly bad but quick, then armagedon. Only thing waiting for is religion being destroyed worldwide.

    What is going to happen, is MUCH MUCH more detailed, and much scarier. The scriptures even mention how people would be looking forward to Jehovah's day or wishing it would hurry up, but that those people are not even in the right spot in Jehovah's eyes and how dare they wish it would hurry up, they themselves would perish if so. So yes, when these things begin to happen, (most of the things are set in place to trigger it), gonna feel for those who have no hope at all. When they do though, many will still have a chance to repent and draw close to God during the great tribulation. (but there is a difference prior and after)

  • Walkin

    Ok I'm going to go easy on you. What everyone else said. The postives and the negatives =equal this about you, you have a belief system in which you are entitled to have. You want to share your belief system on this forum. Hopefully you will gain much from those who have tried to help you understand that you are not alone, nor, are you the first person to come here and try to set the record straight about what the truth is about the Bible, Jehovah and Jesus. I wish you all the best.


  • EndofMysteries

    Dubr, I'm well aware of YHWH and the Jehovah translation. I'm not trying to preach or teach the 'truth' here, get people to do it on their own. I'm using the language those here understand. If I talk to Muslims, I'll talk about Allah, etc.

    And you are 100% correct on the differences in the books of Matt, Mark, Luke, John. They are PURPOSELY there. There are very carefully hidden secrets, sacred secrets in the bible. Impossible to understand or discover without Jehovah opening your mind, and you seeking them out like treasure. What you pointed out is related to one of the many, and you will not find the answer online anywhere.

  • GromitSK

    All this energy wasted on someone who just needs their medication adjusting.

  • DubR

    EndofMysteries, exactly what I thought. Its no way you can reply to my previous post (just ignore it) because you cant defend the book you base your life on!! You came on this forum and asked a question directly to ex-jehovah witnesses about why they don't believe in the bible, they are immoral; want to live anyway they want to because through their bad lifestyle they choose not to live by bible standards. This statement is obviously coming from someone who is uneducated (I can tell in your writing) and ignorant to actual ex-jehovah witnesses lives. Most of the witnesses who get disfellowshipped because of immorality come back, its the ones who find out that that organization is bloodguilty, false prophets! Give Jesus a little more credit when he came down in 1917-1918 to pick his true religion. And yes if you are a JW you are expected to teach that false teaching to others! You would be suprised the number of babtised holy pure Jehovah Witnesses (especially young ones) who live a VERY immoral double life and they make every meeting and are regular pioneers! WAKE UP! Do you know how many religions (pagan) that have been persecuted through the years! You are nothing special.

    You asked a direct question to ex-jw's who no longer believe in the bible and I answered. Now reply to my previous post if you can. And to get personal from a ex-jw who no longer believes in the bible, I DO NOT commit adultery/fornication, I DO NOT celebrate pagan holidays and never will, I DO NOT salute the flag, I DO NOT vote, I DO NOT steal, kill, lie, (have a good job but not materialistic), I DO NOT believe in the pagan cross or trinity or everyone goin to heaven. Last and not least, I DO NOT teach false doctorines not found in the bible (Jesus 1918 return) and I am no part of a bloodguilty organization (GET OUT OF HER IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHARE IN HER SINS!)

    Walkin you said of EOM "The postives and the negatives =equal this about you, you have a belief system in which you are entitled to have. You want to share your belief system on this forum. " No, he/she wanted to come on this forum and damn all ex-jw who no longer believe in the bible because they live "unclean" lives and she wanted to attack active jws for being worldly. EOM is very self-righteous and very uneducated! lol

    And what is soo sad EOM is that for years I use to THINK JUST LIKE YOU!!

  • Twitch

    Dance to the tune of a world living on the edge,....

    Carpe diem

  • WuzLovesDubs

    What is this EOM?? Do you not see that your sweeping assessment of all EXJWs is the same crap the JWs do to the rest of humanity? Sweeping all nonJWs into a pile as being Under Satan? As Haters of God? And in doing so diverting attention away from the BILE that exists inside this "Christian" organization? Do you really not know how rancid this organization is from the inside? How they HIDE their drunks? Their molestors? Their wife beaters? Their fornicators? How ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE claim to "follow the Bible and serve Jehovah" in their little suits and their modest dresses and their oh-so-fucking-holy talks from the podium? How those SAME PEOPLE look down their noses at the people at the doors, judging them and slandering them even as they walk back down the sidewalk, as they return to their own double lives?

    How dare you judge us! How dare you come into our house and TELL us what we believe and TELL us how we live our lives and TELL us we no longer love God?

    God almighty....its people like you that I RAN OUT THE KINGDOM HALL DOOR to get away from. I hope your eyes get opened soon.

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