It is obvious that you are very serious about your belief in Adam and Eve.<<
>>I do not get involved with threads such as these because I know the are a waste of time and go nowhere.<<
they go nowhere for you. they go everywhere for me.
>>I am not the fool that I seem to be or as shallow as my posts may appear. I have studied volumes of religious and philosophical theory and I am quite secure with my thoughts on the whole issue.<<
So have I, and so am I.
>>Since I see that you are serious and that I was only playing I apologize if I had offended you in any way.<<
nada...you were quite respectful. funny actually. I don't take offense at this stuff...I just do it.
>>Even though I was board and wanted to play, I do not want to take this issue any farther than it has been taken. I don't think you would like what I had to say and the volumes of research that I would post in an attempt to make the story of Adam and Eve look more ridicules than It actually is.<<
Wow. Volumes upon volumes huh? So you think that's the key? Well, if that's your solstice, great.
>>It is your belief and your love for God in regard to your interpretation of the bible and it is not necessary for me to argue the point with you.<<
Well, I wasn't arguing. I was telling you I believe in reply to your questions mixed in with you faux sarcasm.
>>If you would like me to take the time to post similar stories about biblical myth that have been copied directly from stories made up five hundred years before the story of Christ that are identical and taken from both Hindu and Buddhist myths I will do that.<<
By what token do you know that anything from that far back is factual? Which really came first? Who story is true? You don't really know, the books you read saying so don't really know and neither do the men who wrote them. It's ALL man made specualtion becasue NONE of them were eye witnesses now were they? Men have a hard enough time writing the evening news accurately and you put your trust in Bozo's telling you the play by play from milleniums ago? Kewl!!!
>>If you know anything about the stores of both Krishna and Buddha you might have an idea of the amazing similarities and how the Jewish and Christian faiths adopted these stories on behalf of their own proclaimed saviors.<<
So friend, prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt who copied who. You can't and you know it. Your belief in those volumes you read are just as much an act of faith as mine being put in the Bible. You just put your trust in men. I in God.
>>Because of the fact, my taking the time to post such things would probably mean nothing to you and you will not have an open mind in reading them so I will not take the time to do it.<<
I studied Buddism and Hinduism. I was a practicing yogi freak. I've taken acid to get me even closer. I don't need the volumes. I know the volumes. I've seen the volumes. I lived the volumes.
>>If you have ever read the story of Buddha then you might want to check out the link below.<<
Been there, done that. I was on a course of persuing the Kundalini power...eye on the forehead and all. I lived it.
>>I am not a Buddhist nor a Hindu.<<
Nor I any more. I have been to both extremes. Cultish Christian and Pagan Eastern. Studied profusely mainstream Christian. I side with none.
>>I am very non religious.<<
Nor I. I am spiritual. I hate religion.
>>You will also find many adopted theories and myths that the Christians also borrowed from the Hindu and Buddhist religions by reading directly from their source in either the Vedas or the Upanishads. I also recommend Ernest Renan's "Life of Jesus" and S. Radhakrishnan 's : Religion and Culture.<<
It's all man made BS. I'll use those books as fire fuel. I have done my duty and looked under the rocks. The Bible stands on it's own. Men need their religious groups and cock-eyed doctrines. They can have them and their educated doctorate wisdom.
>>If you do decide to investigate these issues I must warn you, it might shake your faith up a little.<<
Ahh. Now that you know where I've been, suppose you teach me something I don't know??
>>Most Christians that said they have read these things have not, but only have read a Christian's interoperation of them.<<
I lived it.
>>It's like accepting the JW's word for what other religions teach. Iv yet to have one Christian that I recommended these books to actually read them. They tend to want to stay in their nice little cocoon and believe in talking snakes and bad fruit stories.<<
Why read the books when I lived the life? It's a lying fabrication just like "organized" Christianity, JW's and the other piles of dung men hold close to their bossoms.
>>Again, sorry I did not take you seriously. If you choose to find out for yourself about what I have stated above and not just take the word of Christian leaders then have fun reading. If not, then I understand, I did the same thing when I was a JW, now I know better.<<
I don't believe you do. I am not a JW. And my understanding of the Bible is not mainstream.