Referneces to serpents in the NT are all about SNAKES at any rate.
That's not accurate, dear WMF (peace to you!). Some... most... were about men. Such men were referred to as the "offspring" (Greek - gennema)... of "vipers." In the physical world "vipers" are poisonous "snakes." Yet, the word "snake" didn't even exist at the time the words were uttered... nor did "serpent." BOTH terms were mistransliterated... by those who didn't have a CLUE as to what the writings were speaking of. They were speaking of SARAPHS... or seraphs... which are "fiery flying serpents." Which is what ALL spirit beings are. They are fiery... they fly... and they are serpents... which are NOT snakes.
The reason my Lord referred to THESE as offspring of "vipers" however, is because of who THEIR "father" is: Beli-Jah-El, the Slanderer (Satan)... who is a DEATH-dealing seraph. A POISONOUS serpent. He is POISONOUS... because what came out of HIM... the LIE... opened the way for DEATH... to enter the physical world.
Especially large or poisonous snakes are commonly called serpents,
By earthling man, yes, dear Darth (peace to you, as well)...
and biblical tradition calls the shape Satan assumed to tempt Eve a serpent.
And "tradition" means... what? Since when has "tradition" been something we're supposed to put our faith in? Indeed, didn't that same book, the Bible... recorded Christ as chastising the religious know-it-alls of HIS day (in the flesh)... for their TRADITIONS? Which of them (the traditions) were correct? Accurate? Praised? KEPT????
The shape of this seraph (i.e., fiery, flying serpent)... at the time... was just as that of an able-bodied man, albeit, quite opulent... and with wings. He stood... and walked... upright. He was not entwined in a the tree. Afterward, he was cursed so that he can no longer stand upright; he must now crawl.
But technically speaking, all snakes can be called serpents, from the Latin derpere, meaning to creep.
The word didn't become used among man to describe what snakes ARE. It is used... to describe what snakes DO. Creep. As does this one, now. Unlike the other spirit beings who have the privilege of STANDING before the throne of God when they entered in before the Most Holy One of Israel... because STANDING before the throne is an HONOR... this one, when he was still allowed to enter... had to crawl. He couldn't stand up if he WANTED to. He was DISGRACED... because he failed to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Most Holy One Israel before earthling man (A&E) and conceded to THAT One's AUTHORITY to decide what was best for A&E. Because of this he HAD to bow... because he could no longer stand… and so he was cursed TO crawl… and keep HIS head BELOW the throne… literally.
However, scientists use the word snake to mean any member of the taxon Serpentes, generally considered a suborder of the order Squamata, although Serpentes actually sits closest to monitor lizards in the evolutionary tree of lizards. (Snakes, then, are really just one legless subset of lizards.)
And that is totally fine to define something of THIS world... but not of THAT one...
While the word serpent may be used as a synonym for any snake, a viper is any member of the solenoglyph snakes, including rattlesnakes, adders, water moccasins, and copperheads.
It's origin, however, which occurred LONG before earthling man even knew what a synonym was... or had books to explain it... had absolutely nothing to do with earthly animals. It meant a death-dealing seraph... which is what Satan was and is.
Generally, systematic herpetologists place vipers in two families. They are the Viperidae, or Old World vipers (adders, puff adders, etc.), which lack heat sensory pits on the face, and the Crotalidae (pit vipers), found in southeastern Asia and the Americas, which do have sensory pits on the face, including the rattlesnakes, bushmasters, fer-de-lance, cottonmouths, and tree vipers.
C'mon, people... supposedly Adham named the animals. Do you really think Eve was SO naive that she wouldn't have NOTICED that a snake... which is an animal that CAN'T talk... was talking to her? Don't you think the FIRST thing on her mind would be "HOW is this animal speaking to me??" Okay, Satan used "ventriloquism." Don't you think she would have ASKED... "HOW are you speaking to me??" Or ran. Or told Adham, "Hey, Adham, the snake talks!" Or, "Hey, Adham, "something is MAKING the snake talk!"
She KNEW who was speaking to her! He was SUPPOSED to be her protector!! Both she and Adham had SPOKEN with this seraph BEFORE. He (the seraph) didn't break in... or sneak... into the garden. He was PLACED there; it was his ASSIGNED TERRITORY... his "principality!" He was a PRINCE... indeed, the "Prince"... of "PERSIA"... where the garden WAS:
"'You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created tillwickednesswas foundin you. Through your widespread TRAFFIC (i.e., coming and going... between here and there!) you were filled with violence, andyou sinned. So I drove youin disgracefrom the mount of God, and I expelled you,O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, andyou corrupted your wisdombecause of your splendor.So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings."
Some of you will get this; some of you won't. Neither is my responsibility. It is the truth, however... whether you get THAT... or not.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,