Did the first Christians worship Jesus?

by slimboyfat 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    When I say, "Stop in the name of the law" what name am I referring to, Debator? Booyah! Name does not merely mean the literal title of a person. It represents their...wait for it....wait for it...


    This is what I mean when I say that the WTS DOES NOT know ANYTHING about hermeneutics.

  • debator

    Nice strawman away from worship does that mean you given up on the actual subject under discussion in the face of unequivical Bible proofs?

    Btw I appreciate the scriptures you use and am happy on other topics to discuss Jehovah's name. including ones like acts 4:12 refering to Jesus name being special from "among men" please note the qualification "among men"

  • donuthole


    When a man bows down before Jesus the NWT says he is doing "obeisance" when John bows down before an angel the NWT says he is "worshipping". It is the same act, same Greek word, what is the difference? Again back to my statement, why do the translators choose to render the same word/action in two different ways?

  • brotherdan

    Debator, you are not allowed to use the strawman argument. Your organization CREATED the concept! I moved to a different topic because I gave my proof from the Bible and you can take it or leave it. If you read my last post I said (to drive my point home):

    If God created the universe ALONE and then the NT says that Jesus created it...well if the Bible does NOT contradict iteself you have to conclude that Jesus is God. If God says HE ALONE is the savior and Jesus says HE is the savior...well...

    I have told you that Jesus is called God and the Holy Spirit is also called God in the Bible. But because you don't want to hear that I've laid it to rest. It sounds like YOU are the one that is afraid to argue the divine name point because you secretly deep down in the dark part of your heart know that I'm right.

  • debator

    The greek language often has multiple meanings for one word. More so than English although we have instances of this. Member of the Board or a board of wood?

    recognition of this helps with biblical understanding so we are not left with creating complex works of fiction or deciding the the Bible lies.

  • glenster
  • donuthole


    So if the word has multiple meanings why does the NWT choose to say that a man did obeisance to Jesus and that John worshipped the angel and not the other way around?

  • agonus

    I'll tell you why donuthole (mmm.... donut holes....). If you're a Jehovah's Witness and you're praying to ANYONE besides "Jehovah", you might as well be praying to Satan. That's right! Praying to Jesus is the same thing as praying to Satan. Witnesses are so afraid of this idea they don't even feel comfortable TALKING to Christ, much less "praying" to him. When was the last time you heard a dub say "Jesus, I love you" or "Help me Jesus" or even "What's up, J-Man?" Their "Lord and Saviour" and they can't pray to him, worship him, talk to him, or partake of communion with him.

    Antichrist horseshit.

  • debator

    moses is also called God, angels are called gods and so is Satan. Being called God is not proof that you are the one true God.

    1 Corinthians 8:5-6

    5 For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords,

    6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

    As Paul reiterates Jesus's words "for us" Christians we recognise only One God, the father! This is non-negotiable if you are a true Christian.

  • brotherdan

    Tell me Debator, is there ANY possibility in your mind that you are wrong? Any possibility at all?

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