"Just as the days of Noah"

by sabastious 94 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StoneWall
    The last part of your comment that I cited indicates that you think God will delay his mass execution if enough people ask him to do it.

    "Evidently" this was the case with Nineveh when Jonah was sent to that city to tell them it was going to be destroyed. They repented in sackcloth and ashes. And it was spared the foretold destruction. (That's why Jonah was mad because he told them God was going to destroy it)

    Also similar with Sodom if just 10 righteous people could be found he was not going to bring it to destruction.

    All I know is I'm keeping a sackcloth and plenty of ashes near me. Especially after I've been drinking, just in case.

  • moshe

    Try and find an educated Jew who believes in the literal Flood of Noah story. But does any Christian bother to do that? After all, it is their book.

  • tec

    God doesn't want anyone to die either, but all men to turn and be saved - not just because the bible says so, but because Christ says so, and because love and mercy say so. Tammy

    Geeesssh! Now you have God acting on the advice of His kid! Farkel

    You misunderstood or I was unclear, sorry. I only meant that is how I come to my faith that God doesn't want anyone to die - the bible says so, Christ (the reflection of his Father) says so, and love and mercy say so. (not in that order)

    Moshe - I don't really believe in a literal flood story ( at least not a worldwide flood that destroyed everything ), but that doesn't mean that I dismiss the possibility. Allegory or literal, we might learn more about it if we searched for meaning rather than arguing about whether or not it was allegory or literal. May I ask, if you know, when the Jewish people stopped thinking it was literal?


  • PSacramento
    Well my friend, if we want to be accurate, then I don't see how I was. You said they didn't get what he was teaching and we know that a lot of Jesus' moral teaching were at least 1800 years old and taught by Babylonians.

    Sometimes they didn't get what he said because he liked to speakin parables and such, but what I was referring to was differences in interpretation, for example Peter and Paul's argument about the gentiles.

    As for the Babylonian teachings, no one has ever said the Jesus brought NEW theachings, what he did was put a different spin on them, ex:

    Instead of forgive those that ask forgiveness, forgive even those that don't ask or want it.

  • PSacramento
    Try and find an educated Jew who believes in the literal Flood of Noah story. But does any Christian bother to do that? After all, it is their book.

    I guess that depends on what you mean by "literal flood of Noah story".

    I have a good friend that is part of the Jewish research center in Toronto and we dicuss things of the biblical nature qite a bit and of course, the flood came up more than once and we were both on the same page of " A story describing a massive local flood and those that survived it and their views on how they did it".

    A story that was probably embelshed over the centuries of re-teling but one that, at its core, is still quite plausable.

    He is quite educated, even on the council at the Royal Ontario Museum and was instrumental in getting the dead sea scrolls over here last year.

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