"Just as the days of Noah"

by sabastious 94 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento
    The text I quoted from you is the very premise of the Watchtower theology.

    Is it?

    Hmmm, never really paid that much attention to that to be honest, but liek I said, as I interpret what is written, it seems to mean just that:

    Judgment day will came, unannounced and no one knows when it will happen or can predict it ( As per Jesus saying just that), people will be judged, Christ will be made known to ALL, and the choice will be theirs.

    Of course this view can and should be debated as it leaves out the Book of life and the names therein.

  • PSacramento
    Yet again, why are they being held to any code?

    I don't think you need an established code to know the violence and mayhem are wrong.

    I know some people liek to debate that, but fact is, NO ONE wnats any of that done to THEM do they? so, even the most violent of societies KNOWS that violence and destruction is "wrong" because they don't think it is "right" for it to be done to them.

  • sabastious
    I'm glad. We don't have to take these discussions too seriously, you know.

    ^ Don't take my boyish laughter to kindly, this is STILL serious BIZ!

    I believe the thrust of Jesus' words is that people, although warned, would not take heed.

    When I read the scripture I quoted in my OP, I don't see any reason to think that it is ONLY mentioning those days because of the public's apathy alone. It also makes sure to mention mass killing of most of the human race, that wasn't put in there for nothin'.


  • PSacramento

    Of course those passages from Genesis do seem to imply that this corruption of man had an outside source, the sons of God and the Nephilim.

  • sabastious
    Judgment day will came, unannounced and no one knows when it will happen or can predict it

    This statement is just odd to me. "Just as the days of Noah" also means, to me, that there will be a warning taking place. Which contradicts the "a theif in the night" mentality.


  • sabastious
    I don't think you need an established code to know the violence and mayhem are wrong.

    Then why did God give Moses the 10 commandments?


  • sabastious
    Of course those passages from Genesis do seem to imply that this corruption of man had an outside source, the sons of God and the Nephilim.

    This is an interesting concept for me since I have not given it much thought.

    This would indicate that the Flood *could* have been necessary because of a contamination in the gene pool and the Flood was actually a "purge."


  • snowbird
    ^ Don't take my boyish laughter to kindly, this is STILL serious BIZ!

    Fiddlesticks! It has all been decided upon - our job is to keep awake and treat each other with kindness. No need to sweat the small stuff.

    When I read the scripture I quoted in my OP, I don't see any reason to think that it is ONLY mentioning those days because of the public's apathy alone. It also makes sure to mention mass killing of most of the human race, that wasn't put in there for nothin'.

    You got that right! Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild my foot!

    Seriously, those days of Noah were not good ones. The Book of Jasher -again - tells how God willed the death of some before the Flood so they wouldn't see the catastrophy He was bringing.

    I believe the "thief in the night" reference is to show the element of surprise to His coming - when we least expect it.


  • PSacramento
    This statement is just odd to me. "Just as the days of Noah" also means, to me, that there will be a warning taking place. Which contradicts the "a theif in the night" mentality.

    The day and time will come unannounced, we are aready getting the warnings.

    Then why did God give Moses the 10 commandments?

    Different motif, but it could be to make them more "solid", or because the hebrews had been in cpativity too long, or because it was the first step in writing them into our hearts... and remember, the commandments had many more than "thou shall not murder".

    This is an interesting concept for me since I have not given it much thought.
    This would indicate that the Flood *could* have been necessary because of a contamination in the gene pool and the Flood was actually a "purge."

    Indeed, a very distinct possiblity, a purge of a isolated and contaminated community.

  • sabastious
    The day and time will come unannounced, we are aready getting the warnings.

    Surely you are not speaking of Matthew 24?


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