"Just as the days of Noah"

by sabastious 94 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StoneWall

    I just want to know if I get any "brownie points" for trying to help fulfill some of the scriptures in the opening post?

    I've been eating, in just a few minutes I hope to be drinking....and heck I might even go buy and sell something if I can talk my wife into driving me to town after I get done drinking. (wouldn't want to drink and drive, might spill some. I'm a responsible drinker)

  • snowbird

    Every belief system has its flaws.

    Like thinking that's what dualism means :)

    Polarity or opposites, then.

    Smarty pants!


  • notverylikely

    Polarity or opposites, then.

    Smarty pants!

    Oh come one, as long as we have been talking, like THAT suprises you? You're smarter than that, my dear.

    Which is why I wonder why you think polarity covers "This shit don't make sense" :)

  • tec

    I can't remember after reading through this thread, who said it, but I think the answer to Sab's original question (JUST as in the days of Noah) meant that the people will be carrying on as they please without any thought to an end that might be coming, or a thought to change their behavior and repent, until the time is already here.

    Different motif, but it could be to make them more "solid", or because the hebrews had been in cpativity too long, or because it was the first step in writing them into our hearts... and remember, the commandments had many more than "thou shall not murder".

    I agree in thinking they didn't have the laws in their hearts, and so they needed something solid (the written law) to see and to follow.

    Hebrews 11 mentions Noah as a preacher of righteousness, but Noah didn't preach shit. Anyone can read the Genesis account and clearly see that God had already made up his mind to destroy everyone else. No preaching was therefore needed. No magazines to pass out. No return visits. The story is bullshit, and the mention of Noah actually preaching would be bullshit even if the story was true, based upon the actual account. That makes it double bullshit.

    Peter (or whoever wrote 2Peter) seems to believe that Noah did preach - and he probably had other writings or traditions or accounts to draw upon than we know about or read today. And just because God knew that no one would repent, doesn't mean that He would not have given them that chance.

    Who wants to worship a God who kills people for the following explicitly stated reasons?:1) They dared to eat food! They dared to drink! 2) They dared to marry! 3) They dared to plant! 4) They dared to build stuff! Why were these things mentioned several times in the scriptures, then? Did God want people to quit eating and do something else? Why did people EATING piss Him off so much? Even if they did have other important things to do, they still had to EAT! Why was it even mentioned?

    I'm not sure what you're referring to? Are you talking about the comparison that people would be marrying, drinking, etc... up until the day was upon them? Who was being punished for those things? As I said above, I think the point of that is: they were just carrying on, without taking heed or caring about what might be coming or repenting.

    As I said, it is all bullshit. Trying to make excuses like saying "they were too busy getting on with life to do good things, or they were immoral" is putting words in the scriptures that simply are not there.

    Genesis 6:5 "The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time."

    Those are words in the scriptures.

    God's gonna wait for us all to forget about the Bible and then...BAM! The ol' fork in the eye!

    Just a thought to consider here, but there are people praying for mercy and for time - for everyone. Maybe those pleas are louder than the pleas for Him to step in and bring the end - whatever the 'end' actually means.


  • Farkel


    :Genesis 6:5 "The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time."

    :Those are words in the scriptures.

    ::God's gonna wait for us all to forget about the Bible and then...BAM! The ol' fork in the eye!

    :Just a thought to consider here, but there are people praying for mercy and for time - for everyone. Maybe those pleas are louder than the pleas for Him to step in and bring the end - whatever the 'end' actually means.

    Well, there you have it: all you need to know, but I'll bet you missed it. Genesis 6:5 tells us how great man's wickedness on earth had become, and how all men only thought of evil, all the time. Not SOME of the time, not MOST of the time, but ALL of the time. I don't know how such a thing is possible with even one person, but we're talking about ALL persons. The problem is, God didn't tell us specifically WHAT exactly WAS that evil or evils.

    God left us guessing. God spends more time in that "lesson" telling us needlessly that people were marrying and eating and drinking and planting and building, blah, blah, blah, which basically tells us NOTHING, and THEN tells us they were EVIL, but EXACTLY what kind of evil was he talking about? Where is his list of evils?

    God gives us a "Holy" book, a guidebook to live our lives, if you will. However, the book is so cryptic and so ambiguous so as to be of little value. Somehow, people must decipher it, or guess at what it means, like you did in your comments above.

    If you had the insight and knowledge and your were given the chance to write a book which would explain what God expects of man, would you write a cryptic book, and make billions of people throughout thousands of years have to guess what it actually means? Moreover, would you make it so cryptic and so difficult to understand that millions of people would slaughter millions of people over what it actually means?

    That's what God did, and THAT is why I said the book was bullshit, or at least very dangerous for your health.

    The last part of your comment that I cited indicates that you think God will delay his mass execution if enough people ask him to do it.

    Well, if God can be persuaded to do that, why wasn't he nice enough to get it right the first time, and give us a book that clearly makes sense to everyone?


  • snowbird

    Polarity or opposites, then.

    Smarty pants!
    Oh come one, as long as we have been talking, like THAT suprises you? You're smarter than that, my dear.
    Which is why I wonder why you think polarity covers "This shit don't make sense" :)

    You know the saying, "One person's caca is another person's ... "

    Tee hee hee.

    Truly, sometimes I'm at opposite ends of the spectrum myself.

    Right now, there's no absolute certainty about anything, but I have faith that this will not always be the case.


  • snowbird

    Polarity or opposites, then.

    Smarty pants!
    Oh come one, as long as we have been talking, like THAT suprises you? You're smarter than that, my dear.
    Which is why I wonder why you think polarity covers "This shit don't make sense" :)

    You know the saying, "One person's caca is another person's ... "

    Tee hee hee.

    Truly, sometimes I'm at opposite ends of the spectrum myself.

    Right now, there's no absolute certainty about anything, but I have faith that this will not always be the case.


  • tec

    Well, if God can be persuaded to do that, why wasn't he nice enough to get it right the first time, and give us a book that clearly makes sense to everyone?

    Do you think that's even possible? That we would all agree on anything, no matter how clear cut? How clear cut is do not murder... and how many people do it? How clear cut is do not steal... and yet, how many people steal? How clear cut is forgive your brother as many times as he asks you to? And so on and so forth.

    People have never agreed upon the written word, the laws, the rules... because without love making those things a 'law on our consciences,' then we're going to disregard them. God gave us his Son, Christ. To show us that its what is inside that matters, and our deeds will reflect our hearts. He is the Word of God, not the bible. The bible tells us about Him and points us toward Him, but then we still have to go to Him.

    The last part of your comment that I cited indicates that you think God will delay his mass execution if enough people ask him to do it.

    If there is a mass execution - I'm not entirely sure the context of Armageddon - spiritual, physical, both? But yes, possibly... especially if it is not against His will. God doesn't want anyone to die either, but all men to turn and be saved - not just because the bible says so, but because Christ says so, and because love and mercy say so.


  • sabastious
    Moreover, would you make it so cryptic and so difficult to understand that millions of people would slaughter millions of people over what it actually means?

    I don't think difficult is the right word to use here. Difficulty implies a challenge and all Christains want to take that "challenge." The word impossible is more apt.

    The Bible doesn't give us the crimes of the men of the Flood and just refers to them as apathedic and evil. Therefore it is impossible to decipher what their crimes were.

    Many logical impossibilities are in the Bible and require "common sense" to bridge the gaps.

    Problem is common sense is subjective among cultures and lifestyles.

    Prognosis: Never take the Bible as inerrant or infallible or you will repeat history (which is well documented).


  • Farkel

    :If there is a mass execution - I'm not entirely sure the context of Armageddon - spiritual, physical, both? But yes, possibly... especially if it is not against His will. God doesn't want anyone to die either, but all men to turn and be saved - not just because the bible says so, but because Christ says so, and because love and mercy say so.

    Well, if the Noachian Flood actually did happen, you can pretty well make book that God ain't about no "spiritual" future Armageddon. And if he is about a "spiritual" Armageddon, then he either 1) is wishy-washy, or 2) Realized he screwed up the first time when he slaughtered the entire planet, and learned a lesson from it. Either way, I won't worship any God like that. I prefer my Gods to be consistent, so at least I know the consequences of pissing Him off. As I stated before, I also would prefer my Gods to be quite specific about what and what does not piss him off, with nothing left out, and no exceptions. The Bible doesn't do that, and believe me, I know the Bible quite well.

    :God doesn't want anyone to die either, but all men to turn and be saved - not just because the bible says so, but because Christ says so, and because love and mercy say so.

    Geeesssh! Now you have God acting on the advice of His kid!


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