the Jews were opressed by the Romans and seeking a savior figure during the century+ long revolt against the Roman empire.
It's VERY important to take the Bible in it's HISTORICAL context.
by sabastious 94 Replies latest watchtower bible
the Jews were opressed by the Romans and seeking a savior figure during the century+ long revolt against the Roman empire.
It's VERY important to take the Bible in it's HISTORICAL context.
Take it or leave it.
Or point out the flaws in the internal consistency :)
Every belief system has its flaws.
It was the point behind most of Jesus teachinngs and sayings.
Why are so many "not getting the point"?
:I think it's apparent that Good and Evil are manufactured concepts, when really our conduct is always somewhere in between.
I agree. As I've mentioned before, "normal people" (whoever THEY are) think a man is better than the worst things he has ever done. The WT teaches that a man could do the "best things" for all of his life, and then be destroyed for one small "worst thing", namely disagreeing with a single WT teaching.
As Leolaia pointed out, that is Dualism at its acme.
It's VERY important to take the Bible in it's HISTORICAL context.
SO VERY true dude !
Why are so many "not getting the point"?
We all get it ( I hope), it's just that sometimes dogma and doctrine are just "louder".
People wonder or point out when christians have different views aboiut details or interpretations, as if that was anyhting NEW and they fail to realise that there is nothing wrong with that at all.
Bingo. People that were literally WITH Jesus couldn't figure out what the hell he meant or that he was just repeating 1800 year old Babylonian teachings about being nice. No need to worry about it now.
It was the point behind most of Jesus teachinngs and sayings.
Why are so many "not getting the point"?
It's because we want relief - and we want it now!
Bingo. People that were literally WITH Jesus couldn't figure out what the hell he meant or that he was just repeating 1800 year old Babylonian teachings about being nice. No need to worry about it now.
Well, that wasn't the point I was trying to make, but ok. :)
It was the point behind most of Jesus teachinngs and sayings.
Besides "I came to bring not peace, but a sword", "the end is coming", "you will be with me in heaven" and preaching against the current local Jewish government, sure.
Every belief system has its flaws.
Like thinking that's what dualism means :)
Well, that wasn't the point I was trying to make, but ok. :)
Well my friend, if we want to be accurate, then I don't see how I was. You said they didn't get what he was teaching and we know that a lot of Jesus' moral teaching were at least 1800 years old and taught by Babylonians.