See this is where people lose me in the discussion. Have you never hurt anyone, then? Been selfish? Ignored the homeless? Turned a blind eye to the starving people in the world because 'what can you do about it?' Lied, which caused someone hurt - even if it was somewhere down the line, and someone you didn't even know or care much about? Etc, etc, etc...
Tammy, I am extremely remorseful for those things. Every time I do something unhelpful to society by neglecting something or hurting someone I regognize it and make a serious attempt to remedy it.
And here come the Christian's telling me that it isn't enough. Not only do I need to repent and change course I also need to accept Jesus because without that action my actions to remedy are in vain. What a shitty concept.
I like myself, I think I am the best person I can be and I embrace growth and correction. Your telling me that's not enough? You are telling me that I am missing something? I don't buy it. If Jesus or God exists I think they tip their hats to me, because I try very hard to be the best person I can be.
Just because I don't have some mystical connection with Jesus because I "accepted him" is bunk. I did accept him by immitating his actions in the gospel.
Do I want to help the misfortuned? Yes I do, but I am pretty financially destitute as well. I havn't been in a position to help a homeless person in years, hell I should probably be homeless but I get help from my inlaws who believe in me, why? Because they see my actions, my drive, my will to be the best I can be as a person.
To hell with "deeds." Those arn't what quantify a person's integrity. Your will or drive to do good things is what quantifies integrity of which cannot be measured by anyone but yourself and your creator.
Again Tammy, I do not wish to single you out or attack you. I have deep respect for you and your beliefs but as you can see, I have some strong ones of my own :)