If Armageddon came tomorrow, would Jehovah kill a billion children?

by just n from bethel 168 Replies latest jw friends

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I know - having the plethora of pickings of judgemental scriptures at one's disposal is great. You can call people pigs and feel you're justified in doing so. Then you can say, but I'm not judging. Oh Christianty - I miss it so.

  • brotherdan

    When did I ever call anyone a pig? Matthew 7:6 is speaking about giving a sacred message to those that do not have any respect for it and do not want to hear it. It says not to give this sacred message out that they may trample it under their feet.

    It seems to me that that is just what's happened on this thread.

  • jay88

    BrotherD you just explained to us that god is judge, not matter our human thinking.

    Have you not judged us according to the Scriptures? Mat 7:6

  • tec

    I had to look that up - after I finished dealing with the phone call and the failing music grade of my stubborn son who doesn't like the instrument he is 'forced to play, lol.


    Anyway, I think that passage applies sometimes. But I rarely ever heed it... in the hopes that someone might understand what I'm saying, if not accept it. I haven't been here all day defending, as Dan has, which I know can get tiring. So I don't feel the need to use it. I also haven't read this whole thread besides the first page and the last couple pages.


  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Hey if I'm being accused of trampling the message that Jesus/God/Whatever will be killing millions of children - that's fine with me. I plead guilty.

  • cofty

    Yes its difficult to equate that particular message with a pearl don't you think?

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    BTW I meant the "proverbial" you - like anyone who uses scriptures to pass judgement. If you're not doing that, then it doesn't apply to you specifically. But it is what many many Xtians do - and I've personally done it when I was one, and I 've seen it done many times by so-called other Xtians.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    At least pearls can be seen, felt, and tested as to whether or not they really exist.

  • brotherdan
    Have you not judged us according to the Scriptures? Mat 7:6

    Nope, I just judged the responses. Like I've said, you all may one day be my brothers in Christ.And even if not, I consider you all friends. Debates should remain in the debate attitude. I haven't taken anything personal on this thread, and I don't think just n from bethel or cofty has either.

    But for now the message that I've shown from the Bible has been trampled on. Matthew 7:6 is to be discerned by those attempting to give out the message of Christ through God's Word. But when the general consensus is that God is a monster and people can be a better moral "god" than He is, then it's time to pack up and go. No offense to any of you. There just comes a point where it's pointless to continue the argument. I haven't stuck my tail between my legs and run away. I've given a thorough reason for why I believe the way I do, and others have disagreed with it, and that is fine. They have given the way that they feel and I disagree with it. That's fine.

    Maybe they shouldn't toss me their pearls anymore on this thread either.

  • tec
    Have you not judged us according to the Scriptures? Mat 7:6

    Well, if your 'pearls' (whatever they might be) really are being trampled, then its really just an observation, isn't it?


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