If Armageddon came tomorrow, would Jehovah kill a billion children?

by just n from bethel 168 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    I like to know who thinks it might be Godly to strike a child.

    That's absolutely retarded. I don't advocate or practice spanking. Most of my friends don't either. JWs do...though.

    Why does it seem so hard to understand that I approve of whatever God decides to do? I don't give that same authority to humans. But whatever God does is completely "good". And that cannot be said about you or me or anyone else.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I know when I get super fed up, I finally have to move up from time-outs to the belt to the sword. Hey, I can only do so much, before they completely go wild. Gotta draw the line for their own good.

  • brotherdan

    You aren't god. May be hard to understand....I guess.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    But you understand, cause you're god???

  • brotherdan

    You don't have to be God to understand that God is all wise all powerful and all just.

  • brotherdan

    This thread is getting silly. Talk about bore. I think we both made our points and can move on, huh?

  • jay88

    I defend God because the Bible commands it. It allows us to question God (many of the ancient patriarchs and prophets did), and I never said we cannot question Him. But what I HAVE said is that it is God's right to do what God will do. It is his RIGHT. I said that in our limited understanding how can we presume to know exactly why God did what He did? We don't have all the facts. We don't know what He foresaw in the future that would happen if he did not give the commands that He gave.

    WTBTS and the JW use the same excuses for their beliefs, yet you oppose them. Interesting.

  • cofty

    Brotherdan can't you see what is actually going on here? Amos is just one of many pre-exile prophets who saw the world from a childish perspective. The assumption was that good things happened to good people and vice-versa. The books of Psalms and Proverbs was full of this sort of stupidity.

    So when bad things happened to the pious there had to be a reason and one of the OT answers was that they were being punished for not obeying god sufficiently. Its the same obnoxious attitude that Pat Robertson & his ilk resorted to at the times of the when the Asian Tsunami and the Haiti earthquake. Surely we are more intelligent than to view the world in such simplisitc terms?

    Sadly its also the inevitable position of millions of evangelical christians who daily pray for the immediate death of billions. "come lord Jesus"

    The god of the bible is a blood-thirsty monster and to say otherwise is an uphill strugggle for the believer's credulity

  • brotherdan

    The WTS is not wrong on EVERY issue. They have great articles on morals and values and staying close to God. They are fundamentally wrong in other things. But this is not a teaching unique to JWs. It is a teaching unique to Christians.

    I don't know what y ou are trying to say Jay... I do oppose the WT. But I DO NOT oppose God.

  • brotherdan
    Sadly its also the inevitable position of millions of evangelical christians who daily pray for the immediate death of billions. "come lord Jesus"

    Actually this is not the case. If you had a proper understanding of Revelation you would see that after Christ comes, there will be opportunity for people to put faith in Jesus Christ. Amazingly there will still be those that dont. But there will be a "Great Crowd" that will come to faith in Him. Maybe you will be among those, cofty...

    So by praying for Jesus to come we are not praying for the death of billions. We are praying for Him to begin his final judgement and plan of slavation for the Jews and the "Tribulation Saints". It will be after that time where people make their stand against Christ that they will have judged themselves.

    God's mercy does not last forever.

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