What is it with all the men waking up but the wives stay in? Why is it the opposite for me?

by Cadellin 80 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TD


    I don't buy into the "men think/women feel" thing because I don't think thoughts and emotions operate on such a strict binary..

    I agree. That old canard is very uncomplimentary to women and makes it sound like they think less then men when the exact opposite is probably closer to reality.

    I also would observe that the bare-knuckled church politics extend well past the closed doors of an elder's meeting.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Actually I know a few women who are itching to get out. The husbands are in it to win it.

  • tec
    I agree. That old canard is very uncomplimentary to women and makes it sound like they think less then men when the exact opposite is probably closer to reality.

    (TD responding to Cadellin)

    Thank goodness! I was wondering how this got to three pages without someone saying they didn't believe what was being said about women being more gullible, less capable of thinking, etc.

    I agree that the elders get exposed to more and so recognize the hypocrisy more. And there are quite a few women on this site who left, and whose husbands stayed.

    Plus, perhaps because of the 'headship' thing, its easier for a man to leave when he decides... not as easy for a woman to buck her family and assigned role in it.


  • punkofnice

    I know plenty of 'sisters' who have woken up. Not Mrs Punk sadly.

    Statistically are there more ladies 'in' in the first place?

  • Magwitch

    I wish my exhusband could have woken up, but he will be a die hard JW until he does die. He loved and continues to love the religion way more than he could ever love a wife and children. I find that the brothers that were raised by a strong JW mother and a nonbelieving father tend to stick it out in the religion. Seems to have something to do with mother worship (just a thought)

  • meangirl

    Wow to think one reason I left the org was the hurtful stereotyping of women and wow look what I see here...the same thing. So men think and women feel huh? Well I a mere female and I was the first one to leave. I am very analytical and that is why I had to get the hell out. Here's a shocker women are capable of thinking ability.... Leave the crap stereotyping where it belongs in the crap religion. I thought this was supposed to be an "enlightened" board.....guess not.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    On the flip side, I've known couples where the woman walked away from the religion (and the marriage) and the husband stayed in.

    I'm also a female who left. In my extended family, it's been an equal mix of those leaving, both males and females.

  • flipper

    I see a lot of women here on the board that have exited from the JW cult. To me- about equal to men exiting. However the one thing I notice is that if a JW woman is married and has JW family still in the Witnesses it's much harder for her to dissapoint her JW relatives and take that leap of faith into freedom of mind and become an ex-Witness. I feel women are more caring about HOW family perceives them including JW women. Men are a little more rogue and nomads when it comes to family ties perhaps. I don't know. It really varies from person to person, male OR female. Can't really pigeonhole people. Everybody is different

  • FlyingHighNow

    I think women are generally much worse at pretending they are happy, once they have left the org in their minds. I am not a good actress when it comes to this kind of thing. I can't be bothered.

  • wobble

    I agree with TD , Meangirl and others, stereotyping is nonsense.

    having said that, I think that women care more about things like a lack of love in the organization, which is easy for a man to dismiss, especially if he is an appointed man, he doesn't get the cold -shoulder etc. so that may be a reason why the Man stays in, when the wife already knows in her heart something is wrong.

    The man will only feel there is a problem if he is interested in doctrine, or if he does get dumped on in some way, he will then look for reasons to leave, his wife, if in a good social group at the K.H with no big problems will be reluctant to leave, perhaps.

    But all people are different, I think the old adage "He who generalise, generally lies" applies here.

    I just feel sorry for anyone with a partner stuck in, it must be so frustrating and saddening, the life you could be enjoying together is denied you by a cult.

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