If God exists and ordered a Purge how would you react?

by sabastious 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jaguarbass

    According to the Sumerian text which stories the old testament of the bible knocked off.

    We cant really know the real God, we know the demigod Jehovah who was an astronaut from Nibiru.

    Satin was the benevolent demigod and looking out for his geneticly enginered Adam and Eve and their decendants

    Noah and family.

    The Body of Gods was upset with many of Satins experiments centaurs, satyrs, etc and they were basically

    done with men as slaves, that when they knew of an earthly cataclysm in the middle east they decided

    to let mankind perish.

    But Satin wanted to preserve his creation hence Noah and the ark.

    Read Zechariah Sitchin if you want to know about mans beginings on earth and what happened with out the religious


    THe decendants of Noah are todays Illuminati, the richest families that rule the earth.

  • sabastious
    I was just trying to point out what seemed to be a double standard.

    I wasn't assuming what God feels. I am trying to figure out if God would feel at all based on the rules of logic. The Bible is the x factor here and says he is both the Alpha and Omega (the First Cause) and has human limitations, for example wrath. Wrath is never a good thing even in the Bible. When God gets Wrathful in the Bible he does irrational things. So God is irrational at times? Hogwash! Since the Bible can't have God empathize with humanity emotionally and be the First Cause (meaning he transcends our existence as in he is not part of it). I know you are going to challenge that statement, but I cannot explain it further. Maybe someone who understands what I am trying to say and can articulate it better will help.


  • sabastious

    Our leaders need to reside within our existence in order to empathize with us.


  • GOrwell

    Great thread. In Genesis, before the flood, YHWH "regretted" creating humans. Honestly, I can't really blame Him. I'd regret creating us too. Humans suck. But God regretting something? Come on. Of course, in WTS land, that's not REALLY what the scripture MEANS, even though thats what it SAYS (insert 246 other scriptures here in a similar vein).

    But anyways, Robert Heinlein's book - Job: A Comedy of Justice is a pretty ficitonal (maybe), but funny book looking into how YHWH and Satan really interact behind the scenes.. A must read..

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