I'm Starting To Understand Atheist and Evolution

by Philadelphia Ponos 106 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheClarinetist

    A Scientific Theory is "an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.". As such, a theory held by the majority of the scientific community can generally be thought of "truth as it is known now". Important scientific theories include the theories of relativity, gravity, and electromagnetism.

    I do not have the personal knowledge to prove evolution, and I do not claim to. Instead, I have read research, books, and articles on both sides of the question and come to what I believe to be the most logical conclusion. The argument you have is with these sources, not with me, as my knowledge and experience is not as robust as these peer reviewed studies. Arguing against me proves nothing except that I don't know everything.

    However, as a sign of good faith (otherwise known as feeding the trolls, which I am notoriously bad about doing) the reasons why I "believe" in evolution:

    1) There are a number of flaws in human and animal anatomy that are best explained by evolution, such as the appendix, or the plumbing design of women (such as problems of having their uterus fall out under certain circumstances)

    2) There is a MASSIVE amount of genetic evidence linking all known species of animal, including particular instances where we know how/when a particular gene or chromosome evolved. For example, monkeys have an extra chromosome when compared to humans, but the genetic markers for the beginning of the chromosome have been found in one of our (the human species') chromosomes.

    3) Radiometric dating and other dating methods have shown steady progress in complexity of life. Despite the occasional claims to the contrary, they have never found fossils of people hunting a T-Rex.

    4) The Universe is BIG. The chances of an earthlike planet existing is good, and given enough time abiogenisis and subsequent evolution (if even remotely possible) would inevitably happen.

    5) There have been actual experiments demonstrating the evolution of a trait through natural genetic variation (and some artificial selection to speed up the process a hair).

    6) Lots of other stuff I have yet to learn.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have class in the morning.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    FollowedMyHeart said . . .

    So I've started reading. There are a lot of good sources on this post that I am looking forward to examining! Thanks, everyone!

    What a refreshingly commendable attitude! . . . "Truth" not only survives scrutiny . . . it's validated by it!

    All credit to you FMH . . . be interested to hear your findings/conclusions.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • jaguarbass


    Heres evidence of people and dinosaurs living together.


    If God is a spirit as the bible says.

    We dont understand or comprehend the spirit world.

    The spirit God that we have of our world may be the ultimate God in our world but one of many in all eternity.

  • cantleave

    Jaguarbass - you are kidding right?

    You must be!

    If you are not my world has been rocked !

  • cofty

    I don't believe in evolution; I accept the overwhelming evidence that shows it to be a description of reality. On the other hand I see no evidence at all for an intelligent designer.

    If I had to choose just one of the many lines of evidence I would encourage you to consider the evidence from genetics. Even if Darwin had never existed and if a single fossil had never been discovered we would be compelled to see the common ancestry of all living things by decoding the genomes of humans and other species. If you can bothered have a read at the book by Sean Carroll.

  • wobble

    It is amusing to me that JW's and others use the expression "You believe in Evolution" or "You do not believe in God" as though it is simply a choice based on emotion.

    I do not "believe" in anything, using "belief" in the sense of : "seeing something as a truth , with no supporting evidence" .You could also use the word Faith for this affliction.

    I do not suffer from that affliction, so, with an open mind I consider evidence, and then conclude what is the most likely answer. If that answer is subsequently proved wrong, that would not be the end of my world, I would just happily accept the new evidence.

    But concepts for which there is no evidence, God, Intelligent Design, Alien seeding of this planet (more likely than the previous two), I do not waste my time on, anymore than seeking proof that Unicorns exist.

  • cofty

    Heres evidence of people and dinosaurs living together. - Jaguarbass

    You have a very strange definition of evidence. On the one hand you blithely reject the proof that the earth is billions of years old, a fact so well estalished that you may as well claim the earth is flat, and on the other hand you take the Acambaro figures as evidence of a young earth. wow

    For anybody who is interested Waldemar Julsrud claims to have stubbled on a little ceramic figure in Mexico and then paid a local farmer for every additional one he could find. Surprise, surprise he went on to "find" 32,000 of them. Good work if you can get it. Despite the assertion that these are 1500 years old they look like they were made 5 minutes ago. I wonder why?

    Jaguarbass why do hate scienctists so much?

  • jgnat

    Philadelphia Ponos, on the first page of this thread I posted proof that a literal interpretation of the creation of the earth and the universe based on the bible must be wrong. This is enough.

    I suggest rather, that your affection for Creationism has nothing to do with logic and everything with comfort with your existing world view.

    Caedes, I bow to your correction.

  • jgnat

    Dinosaurs and humans do live together. They're called birds. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/avians.html

  • Pika_Chu

    I would have to respectfully disagree. In fact, I'm currently working on a list of reasons why I am an atheist. I have 25+ reasons. None of them are emotional. If it was about feelings, I would rather believe in a God who would resurrect my dead loved ones. On the other hand, it seems you are so defensive of your belief in God because atheism and evolution seem to hurt your feelings. And why would evolution refute God's existance anyway? My lack of belief is based on much more than the mere theory of evolution. If you'd like to have a debate with me on another thread, you are welcome. I would like to have a debate; it's a certain hobby of mine, and hopefully we can have a positive interchange of knowledge. Perhaps you can see my reasons for being an atheist more clearly then.

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