Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Exactly ;)

    Actually... just think aliens from another planet who might communicate via emotion, rather than words. Not saying that's how God communicates, just trying to show an example you might be okay visualizing. If you didn't have their same range of emotions, then some things would be lost during communication. Its the same with languages between different parts of the world- some words don't translate at all into another language - there is no equivalent word - and you have to use your best guess, and that often fails to communicate the true meaning. Now advance that line of thinking to a spiritual being communicating to a physical being, and you might be able to get a sense of this.


  • Nickolas

    and it just gets more amazing as it goes on.

    good night.

  • whereami
    I have had, and keep getting, images in my head of events that later happen. Images that always, without fail, later turn out to be entirely accurate in all detail.
    Since this phenomena has left me utterly convinced of the reality of the Creator is this God's way of talking to me?

    Are you saying you can see the future? Ang god is giving you this insight? Just trying to make sure I'm reading this wright.

    And kind heart tells me that our Creator went through a great deal of trouble placing and sustaining this universe. It appears to me that God wants this universe, and man, to continue its' existance, despite our human nonsense and wild ideas. God clearly wants us to have peace and joy on this earth. Does He not say so via His scriptures?

    You do realize that our closest galaxy, Andromeda is in a collision course with the Milky Way don't you? And that our lovely sun will one day implode and take it's solar system along with it? Just thought you might want to know these little small issues. No biggie. Maybe god can give you some insight into what he plans on doing about this, and you can get back to us.

  • Nickolas

    The human brain is a wonderful thing. It is adept not only at analysing and interpreting the tangible world around us it also analyses and interprets those things which are not tangible, like the thoughts and emotions of others and notions about the supernatural. However, the brain doesn't always get it right, and sometimes, even frequently, it makes stuff up - the most common example being dreaming. Who amongst us has never experienced a dream that he/she thought was real even in the first few fleeting moments of waking? The brain is also adept at drawing conclusions - another intangible that it doesn't always get right.

    If Jesus and Yahweh talk to some Christians does Brahman and Vishnu talk to some Hindus? If so, do Brahman and Vishnu exist, or are they just figments of the listener's mind? Or are they demons masquerading as gods? And if they are demons how do you know that the God that is speaking to you is not a masquerading demon, too?

    Since there's never any physical evidence of God speaking to you, how do you know that it isn't your brain just making stuff up? I think it can be difficult to determine what is real and what is not real, especially if one already has an absolute belief in God and love for him. Presented by your brain's most wonderful fabrication you might be reluctant to consider that it isn't real and you may actually convince yourself beyond any doubt that it is real.

  • designs

    Halcyon may help......

  • AGuest

    I have to ask, dear Nick (peace to you!)... excluding those who use their beliefs to oppress and/or try to control others, what harm is there in one excepting one's own beliefs? If such beliefs causes one to be a better person, treat others better, do good in the world (perhaps not on a large philanthropic scale, but even street people need a sandwich and warm blanket now and then)... what is the HARM? I get it that those who claim
    "no fear" really DO have fear... of religion and its actions/consequences. And I get that there is the fear of the "slippery slope." But sometimes that is going backward, isn't it? Missing the point that SOME have realized that it is just as "natural" to believe in God... but WITHOUT any relation to religion (or its consequences), indeed even renouncing it?

    Folks talks about "balance" and "moderation" and things of that nature. Why utterly reject that there just may be a MIDDLE ground... simply because of what occurs by means of those at the remote pole? Aren't BOTH poles unreasonable... if we're talking true balance? One does NOT have to believe in, go along with, or accept religion... and its institutions and actions... to believe in God. In the same vein, one does not have to reject God utterly to be of sound mind.

    I still submit that both camps are "guilty" of the same thing: insisting that others completely and totally accept their beliefs (or lack thereof)... or be rejected as "inferior", even insane. I submit that there is absolutely NO difference, that BOTH camps are blind... to their own extremism and hypocrisy, if nothing else.

    I cannot fathom how a question gets asked... and rather than simply answer the question (i.e., "No, God doesn't speak to me, at least, not as far as I'm aware of," or something to that effect), it turns out, as it always does... to one particular camp insisting that the other is not sane. Certainly, everyone who DOES believe in religion is not considered insane. How then can those who DON'T believe in it, but still believe in God be considered so? The latter is, IMHO, merely an improvement in human "spirituality." It means accepting what is spiritual, literally, without tainting it with what is oh so very human.

    Anyway, that's my $0.02.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who has learned that "sanity" is really actually a balance between the extremes...

  • whereami

    What's the big deal you might ask oh my dear Shelby? Peace be onto you dear one.

    How's this for starters:

  • AGuest
    How's this for starters:

    I don't see how your video applies, dear WAI (the greatest of love and peace to you!), in light of my words that:

    If such beliefs causes one to be a better person, treat others better, do good in the world

    I did not hear one reference to my Lord from any of the video commentators. They all spoke of "God." Who is that "God"? Certainly not the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... or they would have named Him. Even if they had [mentioned Christ, and I would still have had concerns with "Jesus"], however, I believe my Lord's words "I never knew you!" would apply... simply for how such ones would be "using" him (to expound and expand their own patriotic agendas). Man's national and patriotic boundaries are not Christ's, however. He doesn't care whether one is Jew or Greek.

    Sorry, dear one, but I don't think you video applies. I really wish folks would allow themselves to consider that, while rare, there really are christians who are such, simply do to a union with Christ, and not because they call themselves so and use him to push their religious or political agendas. We really are out here. Small... tiny... even, as a group. But we are here.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, calling out from Whoville...

  • whereami
    while rare, there really are christians who are such, simply do to a union with Christ, and not because they call themselves so and use him to push their religious or political agendas. We really are out here. Small... tiny... even, as a group. But we are here.

    Shelby, I have no issue with that. The danger is, and I think you would agree, is when the hardcore fundies try to influence the simple minded rank and file christians into thinking that unless they become more hardcore and elect hardcore evangelical political figures that this country is doomed to hell. And if that's not what we're seeing in today's political environment in this country I don't know what is.

    This country is moving backwards fast. And it's not surprising that the movement to do that is the religious one. They hate the gays, hate science, hate any sort of people that don't agree with them ect. It's no difference then what's been going on in the middle east for centuries. Except in this part of the world they want to also turn this country into a fundamentalist christian theocracy.

    End of rant.

    Oh..I almost forgot. Peace to you my dear.

    Hope you're feeling better also.

  • AGuest

    Yes, I do agree, dear WAI! As an African American woman who recent ancestors were subject to the results of such movement and propaganda, I can MORE than see the "danger" that is looming as a result. Have we learned nothing? Apparently, not. Someone (lord knows who, but someone) WILL ultimately suffer and be victimized; we can be sure of it! And I HATE that that wil be the case. But... it's earthling man, after all.

    Othewise, though, thank you, truly, for your kind wish. I'm gettin' there, dear one.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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