Does God speak to you? HOW?

by Quentin 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whereami
    Dude, science tells us that yes, the sun will eventually implode and it tells us base don what we KNOW NOW and alsoleaves opne the option that it can happen sooner or later or even the slightest possibility that it may never happen since we do NOT know everything about how the universe works.

    Hey DUDE what are you talking about? We KNOW because we observe it happening EVERYDAY DUDE!!!! LOL

    but lets not make it sound like it is a 100% certain fact.

    Pscac...please stop the madness already. IT IS A 100% FACT. EVERY star has it's lifetime, depending on it's size. The total mass of a star is the principal determinant in it's evolution and eventual fate. Unless you're saying that our star is special because gawd dun this one better then the other stars I can assure you are precious little fireball in the sky will implode and take everything in it's solar system along with it.

    I repeat, a very well DESIGNED universe indeed.

    For your enjoyment:

  • Nickolas

    I haven't heard the name Uri Geller in years. He sort of fell off the radar when he was debunked on national television. The guy who debunked him, btw, has yet to see anyone claim the $1 million prize he put up for tabling any conclusive proof of the paranormal:

    Another observation. Physics is physics. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The sun is emitting oodles and oodles of energy and some day it is going to run out. Some things, outside of some divine intervention, are very, very predictable.

  • ziddina


    What a number of pages dedicated to the idea that a 3,500-to-4,000-year-old Middle-Eastern herdsmens' 'god' actually exists...

    So many people have conveniently forgotten - or never realized - that if certain historical events had not taken place, or had occurred in a slightly different way, most of you would never have heard of this Middle-Eastern regional 'god'...

    If you are of European descent, your ancestors were converted to Christianity by the Romans... By Roman swords, to be more accurate... The Gauls [France], Goths [Germanic], Vandals [Germanic], Britons [English], and more, were converted directly by the Romans. As the religion picked up speed, especially since certain scriptural supports for warfare conveniently ended up in the Christian Greek scriptures, other tribal groups were converted by the earlier converts - the Britons [as Christians...] conquered certain Norse groups, they conquered others and converted them to Christianity, and so on...

    Which means that most of your ancestors had never heard of that Middle-Eastern 'god' until they were invaded by the Romans...

    Obviously, if you are of African or Native-American ancestry, the records of your ancestors' forcible conversion to Christianity are much fresher, and that dismal record gives us a glimpse of the process that the Europeans were subjected to...


    If not for this chain of events, most of you would still be worshipping Thor... Danu.... Freya.... Gaia... Oya... Yemaya... And so on.

    The way that some of you attempt to co-opt the OLDER religions for your junior Middle-Eastern upstart is hilarious, too - to the point that some of you even claim that the 4.5-billion-year-old earth was somehow built by this 3,500-year-old 'god', whose name doesn't even exist prior to the last 3-4 millennia...

    If you only knew how you look to people who've read the scientific research available on the subjects of geology, paleontology, paleo-archaeology, anthropology, astronomy, and so on...

    Religion is founded on emotionalism; science is founded upon factual logic. But the attempts of religious people to fantasize some 'factual' basis for the fairy tales in the bible is also hilarious.

    To paraphrase a certain comic - how could I ever leave this board? You Christians just AMUSE me too much!!


  • Nickolas

    Well, Zid, I know what you're saying but I believed in that 3,500-to-4,000-year-old Middle-Eastern herdsmens' 'god' for a long, long time myself. Not so long ago I might have taken exception to someone who went out of his way to tell me that what I held to be true was hilarious. What that does, I suppose, is allow me to see both sides of the story. What is quite apparent from the dialogues I have exchanged with some of the Christians in here (you know who you are) is that faith and intellect are mutually exclusive. So is faith (or lack thereof) and respect.

  • PSacramento
    Pscac...please stop the madness already. IT IS A 100% FACT. EVERY star has it's lifetime, depending on it's size. The total mass of a star is the principal determinant in it's evolution and eventual fate. Unless you're saying that our star is special because gawd dun this one better then the other stars I can assure you are precious little fireball in the sky will implode and take everything in it's solar system along with it.

    As per NASA, our start will quite probably explode, not implode, as I linked above from Nasa's helios website.

    Unless of course you define "imploding" as collapsing into a white dwarf, do you?

    I repeat, a very well DESIGNED universe indeed.

    Yes, it was, aren't YOU glad that you are able to feel that way?


  • whereami

    ^^Sorry Psac for the confusion I might have caused you. The destruction of our sun, and any star for that matter starts within it. It destroys itself from the inside out, the core. That's what I was getting at.

    Yes it will EXPLODE and increase in size in such a way that it will engulf our lovely liitle marble in the sky.

    Yes, it was, aren't YOU glad that you are able to feel that way?

    I thank god everyday for the mess he made and for looking out for the survival of the human race.

    But why worry, we're all going to chill in heaven aren't we? Ah yes I forgot, only some of us. What was the purpose again of making this "perfect" earth and creating humans to be born, suffer for most of their existance watching their loved ones suffer and die also, just to maybe if they get choosen, send them to heaven?

    Why not just start off in heaven? Why the experiment?

    I already know the silly excuses, but go ahead and let us unworthy heathen apostates know again. We can never get enough of the browbeating.

  • PSacramento
    ^^Sorry Psac for the confusion I might have caused you. The destruction of our sun, and any star for that matter starts within it. It destroys itself from the inside out, the core. That's what I was getting at.

    Ah, understood.

    Yes it will EXPLODE and increase in size in such a way that it will engulf our lovely liitle marble in the sky.

    Is it big enough to explode? or just "fizzle out"?

    I thank god everyday for the mess he made and for looking out for the survival of the human race.

    Can you see a universe different that this one?

    But why worry, we're all going to chill in heaven aren't we? Ah yes I forgot, only some of us. What was the purpose again of making this "perfect" earth and creating humans to be born, suffer for most of their existance watching their loved ones suffer and die also, just to maybe if they get choosen, send them to heaven?

    If the theory of mulitple universe and dimensions is true, Heaven may indeed but just one of those....

    Why not just start off in heaven? Why the experiment?
    I already know the silly excuses, but go ahead and let us unworthy heathen apostates know again. We can never get enough of the browbeating.

    I would rather demonstrate this evidence for God:

  • whereami
    I would rather demonstrate this evidence for God:

    You got me there bud. Goodness gracious, IF there is a god, he's definitely male.

    By the way, it's nice to see you back to your old self and posting more often. Hope things are getting better for you and your family.

  • PSacramento
    By the way, it's nice to see you back to your old self and posting more often. Hope things are getting better for you and your family.

    Thanks for the kind sentiments my friend :)

  • Nickolas

    I would rather demonstrate this evidence for God:

    You're a smart guy, PSac, but there are times you bring to mind something my father said to me when I was a teenager. He said, "Sometimes, son, it is apparent that you think with your little head."

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